300字范文 > 行洪 Flood英语短句 例句大全

行洪 Flood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-13 09:55:45


行洪 Flood英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on Influence of Buliding of Shengmi Bridge in Gangjiang River on Navigation andFlood Control;赣江生米大桥建设对通航及行洪影响研究

2.Two main piers of the bridge located in Houhangdao river, which is the main flood and tide way of Guangzhou net river.新光大桥是广州市拟建新光快速路的控制性工程,该桥梁两座主桥墩位于广州片网河主要的行洪纳湖通道之一——后航道上。


1.The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;宁夏中宁电厂取水工程防洪及河道行洪评价

2.It is prohibited to plant trees or long-stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.禁止在行洪河道内种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物。

3.(3) Planting trees or long--stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.(三)在行洪河道内种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物的。

4.Study the Effect of Construction of Wharf at Shishou Reach of the Jingjiang River on Flood Defence;荆江石首段码头建设对行洪影响研究

5.Residents of the old flood-water discharge areas or flood-destroyed dyke-enclosed places are, in principle, not to move back.原来行洪区和蓄洪垸的破垸受灾人口,不再返回原地。

6.The bamboo and log rafting in river courses should not affect the safety of flood passage and flood control works.在河道中流放竹木,不得影响行洪和防洪工程设施的安全。

7.Research on the Character of Rainstorm and the Ability of Flood Routing about Main Haihe River in Tianjin;天津市海河干流暴雨洪水特征及行洪能力的研究

8.Construction of the ecological environment and water conservancy projects will also be carried out gradually after the floods, so as to enhance the flood- storage, discharge and control capacity.灾后生态环境建设和水利基础设施建设也将陆续展开,提高蓄洪、行洪、抗洪能力。

9.From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考

10.The Plan Deliberation of Nanning Flood-control Works Sand River Dike Section Flood Prevention and Drains Waterlogged Land;南宁防洪堤沙江堤段防洪排涝方案可行性研究

11.Real-time flood forecasting for complex watershed with flood diversion and flood retarding areas具有行蓄洪区的复杂水系实时洪水预报研究

12.Study on the feasibility of dam-break flood insurance in China中国实行溃坝洪水保险的可行性研究

13.This brings about floods and sandstorms.这种行为导致了洪水和沙尘暴的发生。

14.A cholera epidemic broke out after the flood .一场流行性霍乱在洪水过后就突发了。

15.We had to make a detour round the floods.我们为避开洪水得绕道而行.

prehensive Judgment to Project Designing of Flood Storage and Detention Area of Huaihe River s Main Stream;淮河干流行蓄洪区规划方案综合评价

17.Application of compensation methods in the flood district of Huaihe River basin;淮河流域行蓄洪区运用补偿方法探析

18.Strategic Thinking on the Sustainable Development of the Floodplains along Huaihe River;沿淮行蓄洪区可持续发展的战略思考


flood flowing in river河道行洪

3)flood prevention and drainage waterlogging行洪除涝

1.The reasonable water surface ratio in the plain river network area is analyzed according to the basic functions such asflood prevention and drainage waterlogging and water resources use factor born in the water basin.分析平原河网区合理水面率需要从水域承载的行洪除涝、水资源利用等基本功能出发来实现,而平原河网区行洪除涝和水资源供需平衡分析计算较复杂。

4)flood discharge opening行洪口门

1.Demonstration on width forflood discharge opening of Hutuo River Inverted Siphon;滹沱河倒虹吸行洪口门宽度的方案论证

5)flood detention area行蓄洪区

1.On construction and management offlood detention areas in Anhui Province;浅议安徽省行蓄洪区建设与管理

6)flood law行洪规律


