300字范文 > 英语初二暑假生活指导答案


时间:2021-02-07 11:33:35








what a melody(悦耳) song it is!

what a fast boy he is !

what a heavy girl she is !

what a beautiful school it is !

what a good boy he is !

what a beatific(幸福) boy he is!

is cleaned

were taken

is maken

was showed

are inviten

wasn"t gave

was slolen ; was found






sierra leone


better best havier heaviset

more most older oldest

bigger biggest more expensive most expensive

more smart most smart better known best known

more badly most badly less leas

more carefully most carefully fewer fewest

more slowy most slowy thinner thinnest

more healthy most healthy more easily most easily

hotter hoyyest oftener oftenest

farer farest larger largest


plan to do 计划做某事 He planned on taking his vacation in July.

hope to do 希望做某事 We hope to see you soon.

agree to do 同意做某事 No results found for agree to do.

refuse to do 拒绝做某事 She asked him for a loan, but he refused.

finish doing 完成某事(后面就不打某事..到时记得自己加上哈)Have you finished reading that magazine?

enjoy dong 擅长....I enjoyed reading these books very much.

practise doing 练习...I practise my swing.

suggest doing 建议..I suggest our going to the park on Sunday

admit doing.承认... I admitted breaking the window.

deny doing否认...He denied having seen these watches before.

arrange for 安排...I’ve arranged for a taxi.

offer to do 提供They offered to help me

like/love+doing喜欢.. She likes playing the piano

hate to do 遗憾...He hated to have quarrelled with her.

hate to do 讨厌 He hated to have quarrelled with her.

remember to do 记住去做某事 Do you remember her telephone number?

remember doing 记得做过某事 I remember telling you about it once.

forget to do 忘记去做某事 I forgot posting the letter.

forget doing 忘记做过某事 Don"t forget to post the letter.


动词 过去式 过去分词

be was been

cook cooked cooked

know knew known

swim swan swam

get got got

teach tought taught

leave left left

fell felt felt

smell smelt smelt

drive drove driven

run ran run

think thought thought

keep kept kept

buy bought bought

begin began began

do did done

cost cost cost

find found found

throw threw throw

stand stood stood

动词 过去式 过去分词

speak spoke spoken

come came come

give gave given

hear heard heard

send sent sent

hurt hurt hurt

see saw seen

steal stole stolen

take took taken

sleep slept slept

sit sat sat

meet met met

bring brought brought

fly flew flown

wake woke waken

choose chose chosen

lose lost lost

read read read

rise rose risen

wear wore worn


Early to bed

Get up early to exercise every day

To eat less fatty food and more milk.

Do not eat too many sweet can cause obesity.

In the case of hot weather drink plenty of water.

Can not drink beverages,drink plenty of water.

In the winter changes according to the right to add their own clothes to not cath a cold

The eyes will not watch TV much,so choose the appropriate time watching TV.

Playing games in not good for mental and physical,we need to less play
