300字范文 > 英语基础口语练习:家务


时间:2022-10-09 12:31:13



以下是整理的《英语基础口语练习:家务》,希望大家喜欢!mess n.脏乱,杂乱的一团vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器scrub v.洗擦chore n.琐事,家务allowance n.零钱filthy a.肮脏的dessert n.饭后甜点


367.What a mess!真乱!368.Have the dinner ready by six.六点前把晚饭做好。369.Help me set the table.帮我摆餐具。370.I"II clear the table.我来清理桌子。371.Who"s washing the dishes?谁来洗碗?372.How do you use the vacuum cleaner?吸尘器怎么用?373.I didn"t do the rugs and floors.我没有清理地毯和地板。374.Ihave tO do the laundry.我要洗衣服。375.It"s your turn to scrub the bathroom.该你刷洗浴室了。376.It"s time to sweep up the basement.该打扫地下室了。377.Clean up the mess in your room.把你乱糟糟的房间清理干净。378.Y"ou forgot to make up your bed.你忘记整理床铺了。379.Don"t litter.不要乱丢东西。380. Keep your room clean and tidy.让你的房间保持干净整齐。381.NO chores,no allowance.不干家务,就不给零用钱。


Hi, kids,嗨,孩子们:

It"s Friday again, so I won"t be home from work until 9:15.又是星期五了;因此我要到九点十五分才会下班回家。

Dinner is in the refrigerator.Peggy, you can heat up the stew and make the salad. Suzy, you can set the table. Billy and Jack, I want you to clear the table,wash the dishes,and put them away.晚餐摆在冰箱里。佩吉,你可以把炖肉热一热,并做些沙拉。苏西,你可以摆餐具。比利和杰克,我希望你们清理餐桌,把盘碗洗衣干净收起来。

You can get started on the weekly chores.No chores,no allowance.Peggy. please scrub the bathroom.It"s filthy.还有每周一次的家务,也可以着手做,不做家务,就不给你们零用钱。佩吉,麻烦你把浴室洗刷一下,太脏了。

Jack,you know how to use the vacuum cleaner.Would you please do the rugs and the floors?杰克,你知道吸尘器怎么用,请你清理地毯和地板,好不好?

And you, Billy,please clean up the mess in the basement.I don"t know what you were doing down there, but you left tools all over the place. And Suzy, you can help Billy sweep up.还有你,比利,地下室又脏又乱,请你清理干净。我不知道你在那里干什么,工具散乱得到处都是。苏西,你要帮助比利打扫。

Dad will be home around 6:30.Why don"t you have dinner ready by then? OK, kids? Enjoy your dinner.Oh yes, for dessert, you can have the chocolate cake. But please leave a little piece for your hard-working mother.爸爸大概六点半回来。你们不防在那之前将晚餐准备好,可以吗,孩子们?希望你们吃得愉快。哦,对了,餐后甜点,你们可以把那个巧克力蛋糕拿出来吃。不过,拜托留下一小块给你们工作辛苦的妈妈。Love 爱你们的Mom 妈妈


Housework(家务活)与一homework(家庭作业)不要搞混,尽管两样有时都很烦人。现在的父母都太忙,孩子在做完homework之后都要帮忙做点Housework,否则父母就会叫到:Who"s washing the dishes?(谁来洗碗?),It"s your tum to scrub the bathroom.(该你刷洗浴室了),Clean up the mess in your room.(把你乱糟槽的房间清理干净)。更糟糕的是约法三章:No chored,no allowance.(不干家务,就不给零用钱)。真惨!年近岁晚,全家总动员准备进行一次大扫除,你分配给儿子的首要任务是收拾其乱糟糟的房间,并提醒不要忘了刷洗浴室,请用两句话表述。


参考句式:lt"s time to cjean up the mess in your room.Don"t forget to scrub the bathroom.
