300字范文 > 区域联合防空预警 Early-warning of joint air defense英语短句 例句大全

区域联合防空预警 Early-warning of joint air defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-17 01:33:07


区域联合防空预警 Early-warning of joint air defense英语短句 例句大全

区域联合防空预警,Early-warning of joint air defense

1)Early-warning of joint air defense区域联合防空预警


1.Research on System Dynamics Model of Early-Warning of Joint Air Defense区域联合防空预警的系统动力学模型

2.Research on sensor Management Architecture and Method in Area Air Defense Early-warning Meshwork区域防空预警网传感器管理结构与方法研究

3.Efficiency Analysis of Detecting Cruise Missile in the Early-warning Joint Air-defense System联合防空预警体系探测巡航导弹效能分析

4.Evaluation of the joint air intelligence early warning and surveillance system"s integrated effectiveness联合空情预警监视系统综合效能评估

5.Precaution Index System for Regional Financial Stability;区域金融稳定预警指标体系与风险防范

6.In accordance with the study of the theory of the large area air defense, the position and function of the terminal defense in the system of the large area air defense in the future air defense were analyzed.结合大区域防空作战的理论研究,分析未来防空中末端防御在大区域防空体系中的地位和作用。

7.This team is learning combination defence but not zone defence.这个队正在学习混合防守,而不是学习区域联防。

8.United Nations Preventive Action Liaison Office联合国预防行动联络处

9.A Study on Military Use Models for Air Defense and Anti-missile Warning System Near Space临近空间防空反导预警军事模型研究

10.Causes Analysis and Prevention of Cracks in Compounding Method of Vacuum Drainage and Water Preloading真空排水联合覆水预压裂缝成因分析及防治

11.The Requirement and Application Analysis of Ground-based Air Defense to Early-waming Satellite of Near-earth Orbit;地面综合防空对中低轨道预警卫星的需求应用分析

12.Data fusion research on fire control network in area air defense and antimissile;区域防空反导火控网的数据融合问题研究

13.Researches on Operational Fffectiveness of Area Air Defence System Made of Composite Weapons;混合型区域防空体系的作战有效性评估

14.agreement on criminal police cooperation in the subregion分区域刑警合作协定

15.Research on Prediction of Settlement in Soft Soil Foundation in Engineering Strengthened by Vacuum Combined Surcharge Preloading;真空堆载联合预压加固堤防软土地基沉降预测研究

16.Regional Area Forecast Centre [RAFC]航空区域天气预报中心

17.United Nations Regional Conference on Space Technology for Sustainable Development in Africa联合国空间技术促进非洲可持续发展区域会议

18.Force de deploiement preventif des Nations Unies联合国预防性部署部队(联预部队)


area air defense early warning区域防空预警

1.This paper analyzes early warning mission characteristics of the integrated air and surfacearea air defense early warning system,purpose and principle of task decomposition,discusses the granularity control problem in mission decomposition by taking the searching mission task as an example and presents the specific steps for decomposing the searchi.任务的分解是任务规划和预警资源分配的前提,其结果对海空一体化区域防空预警体系的任务规划效果具有决定性的影响。

3)area air defense early-warning meshwork区域防空预警网

4)early-warning system for joint air-defense联合防空预警体系

1.According to the situation, theearly-warning system for joint air-defense is presented.针对一般地基雷达对巡航导弹发现距离近和预警时间短的问题,建立了联合防空预警体系。

5)joint air intelligence and early warning联合空情预警

6)regional alert区域预警

1.Secondly, according to the selection principles of pre-warning index and the impact of tailing disasters on downstream people and downstream property, theregional alert index system for tailing reservoir is established, which includes 9 indexes, such as the risk grade of tailing reservoir, topographical slope, geological s.从尾矿库本身安全、地质条件、气象条件、人为因素等4个方面分析了尾矿库灾害的影响因素;根据预警指标选取的原则,结合尾矿库事故对下游人员和财产的影响,建立了尾矿库区域预警指标体系;选取尾矿库危险等级、地形坡度、地质构造及条件、最新日雨量、5日累积雨量、采矿现象、爆破现象、下游人数、下游财产等9个指标作为尾矿库区域预警指标;根据尾矿库预警级别,确定了尾矿库预警指标的取值范围。


区域防空区域防空是按战区或统一划分的地域范围组织的防空。是国土防空的一种主要组织形式。在第一次世界大战中,防空的组织主要以分散的点、线形式出现。第二次世界大战期间,随着空袭兵器的发展和空袭范围的扩大,保卫目标相对增多,各要地间的防空作战分界线相互衔接,逐渐形成点、线、面相结合的区域防空。战后,一些幅员较大的国家或军事集团,大多以区域防空的形式来实施防空。防空的区域,通常由国家或军事领率机关根据敌情、军事战略意图,以及地理环境等条件统一划分;有的在防空区范围内,又划分若干防空分区。此外,一些跨国军事集团还组织了多国联合的区域防空体系,如北大西洋条约组织成员国在北美和欧洲部分地区,以及华沙条约组织成员国在东欧地区,均建立了大纵深、多层次的多国联合的区域防空体系。防空区的地域范围,与战区或军事集团成员国地区防御责任界大体一致。区域防空的基本要求和方法是:根据国家总的战略意图和防空整体规划, 对当前敌情、本区战略地位和地理特点,以及兵力、兵器等各种因素进行综合分析,将区域范围的防空纳入战区作战计划,统一规划,总体部署;建立适合本区特点的防空系统,并保持各系统的相对稳定;合理部署各种防空兵力、兵器,在全区范围内,形成有重点的、具有一定纵深和梯次的对空防御体系,构成高、中、低空和远、中、近程相结合的火力配系;充分发挥本区各种防空武器的作用,并与全国性防空措施和作战行动相协调,形成整体威力。区域范围内的防空,由战区指挥员通过战区空军或防空军统一组织,对各种防空系统实施集中指挥。
