300字范文 > 流域管理体制 the management system for river basins英语短句 例句大全

流域管理体制 the management system for river basins英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-05 12:57:43


流域管理体制 the management system for river basins英语短句 例句大全

流域管理体制,the management system for river basins

1)the management system for river basins流域管理体制

1.After analyzing the defects inthe management system for river basins in the newly promulgated 《Law of water》,it is suggested that we should build a management institution of river basins with definite obligation which can harmonize the relationship among departments and supervise provincial administration bodies of water.新《水法》流域管理体制存在着流域管理机构的协调职责、法律地位和职责权限不明确以及规划制订分工不合理和执行无保障等问题。


1.On the Defects and Perfection of the Management System for RiverBasins in the Newly Promulgated 《Law of Water》;论新《水法》流域管理体制的缺陷及完善

2.Water Construction in the 21st Century should Be Started with Strenthening River Basin Management Institution;21世纪的水利建设应从强化流域管理体制入手

3.Legal Drawbacks of Watershed Management System and Their Improvement我国流域管理体制的法律缺陷及其对策

4.Study on Water Resources Management System of Huaihe Basin in Shandong Province;山东省淮河流域水资源管理体制研究

5.Research on Establishing System of Water Resource Management with Priority of River-basin Management;建立流域为主的水资源管理体制研究

6.Research on the Combination Policy of Local Administrative Management and River Basin Management of Water Resources in China我国水资源流域管理与区域管理相结合体制研究

7.The System Research of Harmonious Construction and Management for Cross-basins Diversion Projects;跨流域调水工程和谐建设与管理体制研究

8.On the Comprehensive River Basin Administration Mechanism of Water Environment and Water Resource;水环境与水资源流域综合管理体制研究

9.Politic managerial system of Han ethnic society in the Huangshui watershed during early Ming dynasty;明初湟水流域汉族社会之政治管理体制

10.To Study of Construction Management System Model for An Inter-Basin Long Distance Water Transfer Projects;跨流域长距离调水工程建设管理体制模式研究

11.Consideration about China s Drainage Basin Environmental Policy and Management System;我国流域环境政策与管理体制变革研究

12.The Objective Management Model and System Innovation in the River Basin Development of China;我国流域开发管理的目标模式与体制创新

13.Make Reflection on Improving the Water Resources Management System of the Shiyanghe River Basin关于完善石羊河流域水资源管理体制的思考

14.Study on the Integrated Management System Reform of Drainage Area Based on Harmonious Development基于和谐发展的流域综合管理体制改革研究

15.Research on Water Quality Management System of River Basin Based on Pollution-Discharge Right Trade基于排污权交易制度的流域水质管理体系研究

16.The Evolution of the Water Resource Management System and Inspiration from "Drainage Basin Management"我国水资源管理体制的演变及对流域管理的启示

17.Water Law assigns that the State shall implement river basin management system in coordination with administrative region management.水法规定:国家对水资源实行流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的管理体制。

18.The implementing of the integrated development and management of international river basins;国际河流流域整体开发和管理的实施


basin management system流域管理体制

1.The key of basin legislation is to settle the problems such as the confusion ofbasin management system in existence.流域立法的关键在于解决流域管理体制混乱的问题,而在我国现行行政管理体制之下,包括流域管理在内的整个环境管理体制要实现根本性的改变较为困难。

3)Watershed management system流域管理体制

1.In order to reform present watershed management system and improve management institutions, it is necessary to make full use of the authority prescribed by the laws and regulations under the present administration system and win the recognition of the citizen and acquire relatively authority by own action.改革现行河流流域管理体制、进行管理制度的创新,就要尽量在现行行政体制下充分利用法律法规赋予的权威性,通过自身的行动获得人民的认同,获得相应的权力。

4)management system in river valley流域水事管理体制


6)sustainable basin management一体化流域管理


