300字范文 > 时文阅读第22期 丨中考完形填空: 5G世界——智慧校园来袭 未来的知识殿堂会是怎样的?

时文阅读第22期 丨中考完形填空: 5G世界——智慧校园来袭 未来的知识殿堂会是怎样的?

时间:2022-11-01 04:47:48


时文阅读第22期 丨中考完形填空: 5G世界——智慧校园来袭 未来的知识殿堂会是怎样的?


What will the schools of the future look like? Smart campuses are being built all over the world. Their high-tech features help students ____1___ more effectively, as well as bring convenience (便利) to ___2____.

The University of British Columbia has created Canada’s first 5G-powered smart campus, according to The Star, a local newspaper. The school worked with a tech company ____3___a 5G network across its campus. Their researchers can use the network to test 5G software (软件).

At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon and ___4____ it questions. Beacon is an AI chatbot (聊天机器人) that was developed by the university. It is like a personal assistant for students at the school. They can ask it questions, such as whether or not one of their classes is cancelled (取消).

Amazon also sells smart campus ____5____. Alexa, the company’s voice-activated (声控的) smart assistant, can be used to help teachers run their classes more efficiently. For example, Alexa can remember the teacher’s classroom preferences, such as how bright the lights should be, and change them accordingly, according to Amazon.

People often ____6____ universities as “mini-cities”. They often have their own transportation, roads, shops, and banks. Universities are seen as good ____7____ to test smart technology, because they have control over all of their buildings.

“Cities are so big, and there are so many players and stakeholders (利益相关者), it can be difficult. But universities have control over their estates (财产). They own all the buildings... so they can become like a living lab,” said Gemmy Ginty, a designer who is working on a smart campus development strategy for the University of Glasgow, in a report by the Guardian.

Long-distance learning

5G will be a big help for students who take online classes. Many people live in poor areas where there are no schools. But with 5G, this will change. With virtual reality systems (虚拟现实系统), students will be able to see places like the Great Wall without ___8____ their classrooms.

In Australia, for example, many students live far away from ____9____ They use webcams (网络摄像头) to talk to their teachers, but lag (滞后) and unstable connections (不稳定的连接) make it a poor experience.

With the speed and stability of 5G, their teachers will be able to teach without ___10_____ about their connection, according to Tech radar.

1.A. play B. workC. learn D. teach

2.A. teachers B. studentsC. friends D. classmates

3.A. building B.to buildC. built D. build

4.A. making B. givingC. asking D. receiving

5.A. books B. toolsC. toys D. products

6.A. describes B. callsC. imagines D. keeps

7.A. schools B. factoriesC. cities D. places

8.A. gettingB. arrivingC. leavingD. going

9.A. schoolsB. countrysideC. citiesD. towns

10.A. talking B. feelingC. worrying D. experiencing



6-10 ADCAC

