300字范文 > 围堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全

围堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-19 01:59:35


围堤 embankment英语短句 例句大全



1.As a result of interaction of tectonic subsidence, silt sedimentation andembankment, the geo environmental system of Middle Reaches Basin of Yangtze River has been separated into two parts with different evolution tendencies:(1)the outside ofembankment is an artificial over fed basin; (2)the inside ofembankment is an artificial starved basin.在构造沉降、泥沙淤积及人工围堤的相互作用下,长江中游盆地地质环境系统分割为演变方向不同的两部分:堤外水域成为人工过饱盆地,堤内垸地成为人工饥饿盆地。

2.In this article, a new kind ofembankment technique of shell tubular pile of large-diameter placing-in-situ concrete is introduced.介绍了大直径现浇混凝土新型筒桩结构围堤 ,与目前常用的几种围堤方法相比 ,从设计计算理论、经济指标、施工特性、结构特性、使用功能、土地利用和环保及景观七个方面进行了比较 ,突出了该新型堤的优越性 ,并介绍了该围堤的施工工艺。

3.Theembankment along the main channel has quickly developed as a result of population moving from the North China to this area.在主泓南移、气候由湿变干、分汊淤浅的背景下,大量人口由北方迁入,促使沿长江主泓的围堤迅速发展。


1.Analysis on the Effect of a Polder Dike on the Span of a Bridge-Overpass某围堤对其上跨桥梁跨径的影响分析

2.Study on Some Key Techniques for the Forth Stage Retaining Dyke Project in Beilun of Ningbo Port;宁波港北仑四期围堤工程关键技术研究

3.Research on the Design Scheme of Hydraulic Sandfill Engineering of LongXue Shipbuilding Base;广州龙穴造船基地围堤吹填工程设计方案研究

4.Study on Issues of Shanghai Polder Dike Project Management;上海市围堤工程项目管理若干问题的研究

5.Hunan Water Conservation Water and Electricity Professional Technology Institute;浅谈围堤湖分洪闸工程原型观测施工技术

6.Analysis on the Influenc of Hydraulic Power Station and Around Land from Building the Embankment to the Environment;拦河水力电站及围堤造地对环境的影响分析

7.Hydrological Monitoring Technology of Phase I Project of North Coast of Chongming Island崇明北沿一期圈围工程围堤合龙期水文监测技术实践

8.Study on Optimization about Coffer-dyke Project Design Scheme of the New City Nearby Sea in Tianjin Seashore Holiday Resort天津海滨度假区临海新城围堤工程设计方案优选研究

9.To border or protect with a ridge or embankment.筑堤围栏,筑堤防护用小土丘或堤坝来分隔、保护

10.The standard embankment projects标准的堤围(路基)工程

11.They have laid siege to Antioch.他们包围了安堤阿。

12.The scope of control for any river course or lake with embankments shall include the water area, sandbanks, beaches, the flood passage area, the embankments and dyke protect ions between the embankments on both s ides.有堤防的河道、湖泊,其管理范围为两岸堤防之间的水域、沙洲、滩地、行洪区和堤防及护堤地;

13.poldered village protection scheme以土堤围绕乡村的防洪计划

14.Cofferdam: Watertight enclosure from which water is pumped to expose the Bed of a Body of water in order to permit the construction of a pier or other hydraulic work.围堰:防水围护堤,将堤内的水抽尽,露出水底以便建造桥墩或其它水工结构。

15.an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes.为达防卫目的而围绕一个地方建的堤防。

16.Numerical Modeling of Embankment Arrangment for Reclamation on Ecological Environmental围垦堤线布置生态影响的数值模拟分析

17.Dynamic response of the seabed around breakwaters to waves波浪作用下防波堤周围海床的动力响应

18.On the application of the cement-soil deep mixing pile in the embankment foundation水泥深层搅拌桩在堤围基础处理中的应用


retaining dike围堤

1.The general engineering situation,engineering condition,engineering design and construction,and engineering characteristics ofretaining dike reclamation project of Jiangsu Datang Lusi Power Plant are presented.介绍了江苏大唐吕四港电厂围堤吹填工程的工程概况、工程条件、工程设计及施工情况、工程建设特点。

2.The Pilot area for land reclamation and soil improvement for the container berths and multi-purpose berths in Phase III of Miaoling Port Complex of Lianyungang Port was dammed with aretaining dike which was built with three different structures,namely,riprapping to displace muck,riprapping by blasting to displace muck,and sand piles and sand quilts.连云港港庙岭三期集装箱和多用途泊位其陆域形成及地基处理试验区围堤采用抛石挤淤堤、抛石爆破挤淤堤和砂桩砂波堤三种结构形式。


1.Centrifuge modeling of seadike and pile groups in a habour;深水港码头围堤和群桩结构的离心模型试验


1.The measures for seepage control of adyke were analyzed.分析了实测数据,对围堤测压管实测值与计算值进行了比较。


1.Preliminary Prediction of Earthquake Hazard of Earth Dams and Embankments in Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲土坝和堤围震害初步预测

2.In recent years,the middle and lower reaches of the Xijiang River bed under the cut for variety of factors,the floods washed away theembankment caused by highly dangerous section to force the deep offshore,endangering the safety of theembankment.近年来,由于各种因素使西江中下游河床下切,洪水的冲刷极易造成堤围险段深槽迫岸、座湾顶冲,危及堤围安全。

6)batardeau on the sea海上围堤

1.Taking the engineering investigation of the front line port region at west passage of Shengzhen harbour as example, the paper introduces the application of georadar to the investigation of thebatardeau on the sea.该文以深港西部通道一线口岸区工程勘察为例,介绍了地质雷达在海上围堤勘察中的应用。


