300字范文 > 山水画创作 landscape painting creation英语短句 例句大全

山水画创作 landscape painting creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-03 05:02:21


山水画创作 landscape painting creation英语短句 例句大全

山水画创作,landscape painting creation

1)landscape painting creation山水画创作


1.after the age of 50, he retired in Hangzhou and concentrated on painting.50岁后隐居杭州,专心于山水画创作。

2.In the Discussion of the "Screenwriter", "Directing" and "Performance" in Chinese Traditional Painting of Mountains and Waters;试论山水画创作中的“编”“导”“演”

3."Back to Hearts"-Chinese Landscape Painting in Thinking;“回到原点”—中国山水画创作中的思考

4.The Momentum and the Quality of Chinese Landscape Painting s Creation;试论中国山水画创作中的“势”与“质”

5.The Six Requirements for Ink Painting by Jinghao and Modern Chinese Landscape Painting Creation;荆浩的“六要”论和现代山水画创作

6.Ink Performance and the Sublimation of Freehard Brushwork in Landscape Painting;山水画创作中的笔墨表现与写意升华

7.From Frontier Poetry to Frontier Paintings--A Discussion about Xinjiang Landscape Paintings从边塞诗到边塞画——对新疆山水画创作的探讨

8.Analyse the Regression of Tradition about Study Nature in Creation of Chinese Landscape Painting in 20~(th) Century;析20世纪中国山水画创作中师造化传统的回归

9.A Comment on the Cun Method of Chinese Landscape Paintings in the Period of Five Dynasties and Early North Song Dynasty;五代北宋初期中国山水画创作皴法简评

10.Traditional ideas and modern development of the production of mountains-waters painting;关于山水画创作观念的传统回顾与现代发展

11.Discussion on Chinese Landscape Painting Forms and Value Demands论当代中国山水画创作形态与价值诉求

12.He introduced innovations to Chinese landscape painting by using shadow portrayal techniques from Western paintings.他把西方绘画中表现光影的方法融入到山水画创作中,

13.Paintings should create big image and leave no traces of arrangement──An aesthetic concept about the creation of mountains - and - waterspainting put forward by Guoxi;画见大象,不为斩刻之形──郭熙关于山水画创作的一个美学命题

14.Learning from Environment--Relationship between North Region Characteristic and Northern Landscape Painting;外师造化——北方地域特征与北派山水画创作的关系

15.Value Orientation of the Creation of Contemporary Realistic Landscape Painting;当代山水画现实主义创作的价值取向

16.On the Appreciate Psychology Characteristic of Landscape Painting From its Subject Matter山水画的创作题材与其审美观的衍变

17.The Integral Merging of the Traditional and Modern Landscape Paintings--An Exploration into the Creating Techniques in Qinghai Landscape Painting传统与现代山水画的融合——青海山水题材画创作技法浅探

18.Innovation--the Vitality of the Development of the Landscape Painting,Talking about Self-Cultivation and Artistic Creation as well;创新,乃山水画家发展的生命力——兼谈画家的自我修养与艺术创作


artistic creation of MingZan"s landscape painting明瓒山水画创作

3)creation of watercolour水彩画创作

1.Flexibility and inspiration of trigger in thecreation of watercolour;水彩画创作中随机性与灵感触发

4)Ceramic mountain water splash creation technique and ideal condition陶瓷山水画的创作手法和意境

5)creation of landscape poems山水诗创作

1.The Jian-an literati had reached the early stage of thecreation of landscape poems.建安文人已经进入了初期山水诗创作的进程。

6)On Creating Water-Colour Paint水彩画创作探微


次韵子由书王晋卿画山水二首【诗文】:老去君空见画,梦中我亦曾游。桃花纵落谁见,水到人间伏流。山人昔与云俱出,俗驾今随水不回。赖我胸中有佳处,一樽时对画图开。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十九
