300字范文 > 库车县 Kuqa County英语短句 例句大全

库车县 Kuqa County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 03:48:03


库车县 Kuqa County英语短句 例句大全

库车县,Kuqa County

1)Kuqa County库车县

1.Population Bearing Capacity Of Land inKuqa County of Xinjiang;新疆库车县耕地人口承载能力研究

2.The natural condition inKuqa County is relative suitable to develop agriculture, thus how to balance land, population growth and water resources, which influences directly the agricultural development and even the sustainable development of the whole socio economy, plays an important role.库车县具有发展农业的有利条件 ,而影响农业发展的主要因素是人口、耕地、水资源 ,它们之间关系的协调性 ,直接影响到库车县的整个农业和社会经济发展乃至绿洲生态环境的可持续发展。


1.Lin Jilu,the Mayor of Kuqa County in Xinjiang during Sino-Japanese War time;抗战时期新疆库车县县长共产党人林基路

2.Brief Analysis on Lin Jilu s Contribution to Culture and Education of Kuche County in Xinjiang;浅析林基路对新疆库车县文化教育的贡献


4.Practices of Main Mineable Coal Seam Roof Processing in Aai Mine Area, Kuqa County, Xinjiang新疆库车县阿艾矿区主采煤层顶板处理实践

5.Survey of Blindness and Causes among Uygur Peasants Aged 60 and over in Kuche Country of Xinjiang;新疆库车县60岁及以上维吾尔族农民盲及致盲原因调查

6.Investigation and Reflection on the Problem in Uygur Women Wearing Veils in Kuche County, XinJiang;对新疆库车县维吾尔族妇女戴面纱问题的调查和思考

7.Dynamic Analysis on The Relationship Among Population, Farmland Resources and Economic Development in Kuqa County;库车县经济发展、人口增长与耕地资源弹性关系的动态分析

8.A Tentative Analysis on the Child Bearing Choice of Rural Uygur Family--An Investigation in the Yaha Township of the County of Kuche;农村维吾尔族家庭生育选择成因试析——库车县牙哈乡调查

9.Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Land Salinization in the Kuqa County Irrigated Area in Xinjiang新疆库车县灌区土地盐渍化时空演变影响因子分析

10.Causes of Changes in Uighur Divorce Rate in Rural Areas:Based on the analysis of Yaha Town in Kuche County农村维吾尔族离婚率变动成因——以库车县牙哈镇为例

11.Case Analysis on the County Tourism Exploitation of Western China--Kuche County of Xinjiang;中国西部地区县域旅游开发实证分析——新疆库车县旅游开发的若干思考

12.Technological Measures of Safeguard about the Underground Garage in Residential District--Concurrent Analysis of Underground garage Design of the Credit Cooperative Residential District in Changsha County住宅小区地下汽车库技术保障措施——兼析长沙县联社住宅小区地下车库设计

13.The lives lost in Japan"s train derailment accident have risen to 104 as of Thursday.日本兵库县尼崎市火车脱轨事故的死亡人数已经升至104人。

14.To put or store in a garage.放入车库,存入车库

15.Code for fire protection design of garage, motor repair shop and parking area汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范

16.Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow往车库里倒车要小心,车库门很窄。

17.The car grazed the garage door.汽车擦磨了车库的门。

18.Just leave the car in the garage.“就把车停在车库里好了。”


Kuche county库车县

1.This article is based on the analyses of geography, enviroment, social economy con-ditions toKuche county, using the theory of Areal division of Labour and analytic method of pernicious circulation system to lag behind reality, to future economic devel-opment direction,estate structure adjustment,regional space arrangement and ect.本文在对库车县地理、环境、社会经济条件分析的基础上,应用地域分工理论和落后地区恶性循环机制分析方法,对库车县今后的经济发展方向、产业结构调整、地域空间安排等问题提出了可供进一步研究探讨的解决建议。

3)Kuqa county in Xinjiang新疆库车县

4)Guxian Reservoir故县水库

1.Research of Phased Design Floods of Luhun andGuxian Reservoirs;陆浑、故县水库分期设计洪水深讨

2.Dveelopment,Regulation and Operation ofGuxian Reservoir;故县水库的开发任务与调度运用

5)Zeku county泽库县

1.Strategy for grassland animal husbandry sustainable development inZeku county;青海省泽库县草地畜牧业可持续发展策略

2.Integrated management of "black soil beach" degraded grassland in Zeku County泽库县“黑土滩”退化草地综合治理

3.Grassland degradation ofZeku county was caused by natural factors and human factors together.在综述泽库县草地退化现状的基础上,综合分析了草地退化的原因,提出了畜牧业可持续发展的策略。

6)Faku County法库县

1.Analysis ofFaku County’s Present Drought Resistance and Countermeasures法库县抗旱工作现状分析及应对措施

2.Problems and Countermeasures of Draining Water Station inFaku County法库县排水站存在的问题及对策


