300字范文 > 高考英语语法练习模拟试题及答案:名词性从句


时间:2023-07-23 09:04:13





1. The question is ______ the film is worth seeing.

A. if B. whether C. what D. how

2. Please put the magazines ______.

A. in which they were B. as they were

C. here you were D. here it was

3. ______ cleans the blackboard is to be praised.

A. Anyone B. Those who C. However D. The one who

4. Do you doubt ________ I believe you ?

A. that B. which C. whether D. if

5. We were all very worried over the fact _____ you were ill.

A. that B. what C. which D. about which

6. The news ____ Lincoln was murdered filled the American people's hearts with deep sorrow.

A. which B. when C. that D. how

7. This is ______ .

A. how did they get to the city B. what did they get to the city

C. how they got to the city D. what they got to the city

8. It looks ______ it's going to rain.

A. that B. as C. as if D. that

9. The problem is not ___ we leave, but ____ we can get there.

A. when; how B. when; where C. how; which D. where; when

10.What I asked him is ____ the story happened.

A. when and what B. what and where

C. which and where D. when and where

11.The reason for his success is _______ he worked hard.

A. why B. that C. because D. for

12.The truth is ___ he doesn't work hard enough.

A. why B. what C. that D. which

13.The reason why he was late was ____ he had taken a wrong bus.

A. because B. whether C. because if D. that

14. Einstein's most famous theory is ____ we call the Theory of Relativity.

A. what B. that C. which D. /

15. To tell you the truth, this is _____ in the world.

A. which I have B. that I have C. what I have D. whether I have

16. China isn't _____she used to be.

A. that B. what C. where D. how

17. This museum is not ______ it was ten years ago.

A. that B. when C. which D. what

18. The nurse asked them not sit ______ they were.

A. down B. there C. where D. next to

19. Please find out when ____ get to Nanjing.

A. will the train B. would the train C. the train will D. the train would

20.I wonder how much ____ .

A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost

C. the watch costed D. the watch cost

21.Could you tell me ____ you have bought this fur coat?

A. by whom B. for whom C. through which D. in which

22. Can you tell me when _____back ?

A. will he be B. does he come C. he will be D. did he come

23. Nobody but Jim and his uncle _____.

A. know who is he B. know who he is

C. knows who is he D. knows who he is

24. I didn't know what _____.

A. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is

25. We have plenty of books here. You may take _____ you like most.

A. in which B. from which C. whichever D. that

26. It depends on ______ we have enough time.

A. if B. weather C. if or not D. whether

27. I am not quite sure ____ he will come or not ?

A. when B. what time C. weather D. whether

28. You have no idea_______ for her safety.

A. how anxious I have been B. so anxious I have been

C. how I have been anxious D. I have been so anxious

29. Now we can see _____ problem the population is .

A. a what serious B. such serious a

C. how serious a D. so a serious

30. Would you please tell me ______ to the railway station ?

A. how far is it B. how far it is

C. how far off is it D. how long it is

31. I want to buy some stamps. Can you tell me _____ near here ?

A. if there's a post office B. is there a post office

C. where is the post office D. whether is there a post office

32. What we have seen is different from _______.

A. we heard B. we have heard C. what we heard D. what we have heard

33. Why is Li Ming so late? I don't know ______.

A. can what the reason be B. what the reason can be

C. the reason what can be D. what can the reason be

34. I couldn't agree with _____ at the meeting.

A. that you said B. which you said

C. all what you said D. what you said

35. Can't you find out _______ wrong with the machine ?

A. which B. that's C. what's D. where is

36. Do you know _______.

A. who let out the dog B. who the dog let out

C. who did the dog let out D. whom the dog let out

37. ______ you go or stay at home won't make any difference.

A. If B. When C. That D. Whether

38. Is _____ you told me really true ?

A. what B. which C. that D. when

39. It's well known ______ the earth moves round the sun.

A. when B. why C. what D. that

40. ____he doesn't like them is very clear.

A. What B. That C. Which D. Where

41.—Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?

—Oh,that’s ________.

A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about

C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited

42. There’s a feeling in me________we’ll never know what a UFO is—not ever.

A.thatB.which C.of which D.what

43. Perseverance is a kind of quality—and that’s________it takes to do anything well.

A.what B.that C.which D.why

44.________ knowledge comes from practice is known to all.

A.What B.Where C.If D.That

45.____ is known to all that WTO stands for World Trade Organization.

A.Which B.What C.As D.It
