300字范文 > 八年级上册期末英语考试试卷


时间:2024-07-06 17:29:47





(满分:140 分;考试时间:110 分钟)

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 80 分,答案填涂在答题卡上)

一、听力(共 20 题,每题 1 分)

A. 听对话,回答问题。

( ) 1. What sign is there?

A. B. C.

( ) 2. What’s the girl’s favourite bird?

A. B. C.

( ) 3. What’s Millie going to be when she grows up?

A. B. C.

( ) 4. What wild animal does kitty like best?

A. B. C.

( ) 5. How does the girl go to school every day?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike. ( ) 6. What is John’s telephone number?

A. 85,067,789. B. 85,066,789. C. 85,066,798.

( ) 7. What does the weather report say about the temperature?

A.22℃. B. -12℃. C.32℃.

( ) 8. Who runs the fastest?

A. Lucy. B. Tom. C. Kate. ( ) 9. What will Kate buy for Lisa’s birthday?

A. A birthday card. B. A book. C. A birthday cake. ( ) 10. What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn’t have enough pens.

B. She has enough pens for both of them.

C. She herself has no more pens. B 听对话和短文,回答问题

听第一段对话,回答 11-12 小题。

( ) 11.Where are they talking?

A. At home. B. In the kitchen. C. In the open air. ( ) 12. What would Amy like?

A. Coke. B. Coke and a tomato sandwich C. Coke and a chicken sandwich.

听第一篇短文,完成 13-15 小题。

( )13. A. short black B. long black C. long white

( )14. A. 15. B. 16. C. 17.

( )15. A. kind B. beautiful C. clever

听第二篇短文,回答 16-20 小题。

( ) 16. Where did Jack work?

A. On a farm. B. In an office. C. In a factory. ( ) 17. How often did he get his money?

A. Every month. B. Every week. C. Every half a month. ( ) 18. What happened this month?

A. Jack got more money. B. Jack got less money. C. Jack got enough money. ( ) 19. From this passage we know that .

A. the manager believed Jack. B. Jack wasn’t honest. C. Jack was honest. ( ) 20. Could Jack keep working there?

A. The story didn’t tell us. B. Yes, he could. C. No, he couldn’t.

二、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)

在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。

21. ---What fine weather it is! ---Yes. Why not play guitar in the garden?

A. a; the B. an; a C. \; the D. \; an

22. Luo Yixiao last month. Her made us sad.

A. died; dead B. died; death C. dead; die D. dying; death

23. Zhalong Nature Reserve much food red-crowned cranes.

A provided; with B provides; for C provides; with D provide; for

24. My cousin was born a cold winter morning the year 1996.

A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on

25. --- will the meeting start? --- everyone arrives.

A. How long; Until B. How long; Not Until C. How soon; Until D. How soon; Not until

26. We were swimming in the lake suddenly the storm started.

A. until B. while C. when D. before

27. ---Tom, why not answer me when I called your name in the street just now?

---Sorry, Jim. I to my wife on the phone.

A. was talking B. talked C. am talking D. had talked

28. ---I don’t know if they the Great Wall next Sunday.

---They won’t go there if it .

A visit; snows B visit; will snow C will visit; will snow D will visit; snows

29. The number of giant pandas is becoming because there are living areas for wildlife.

A. fewer and fewer; less and less B. smaller and smaller; less and less

C. fewer and fewer; smaller and smaller D. smaller and smaller; fewer and fewer

30. --Who is the boy standing over there? --Well, if you know, his name is Peter.

A. must B. may C. can D. shall

31. Choose the right sentence structure. ‘She saw a baby panda drink her mother’s milk.’ A.S+V+DO B.S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+P D. S+V+DO+OC

32. ---Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan?

--- of them. Lin Shuhao is my favorite.

A. Neither B. All C. Either D. None

33. All the changes stronger and powerful China.

A. lead in B. lead to C. cause of D. because of

34. ----I felt last night and then I fell quickly.

----I think you need more rest.

A. sleepy; asleep B. asleep; asleep C. sleepy; sleepy D. asleep; asleep

35. ----We are doing really well this term. We believe we will win!


A. Nice idea! B. Congratulations. C. I bet you do! D. Thank you.

三、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

Have you ever had a dream to make your home a happier place? Maybe there are some 36 you can follow.

Sometimes you don’t think your parents are fair to you. When you want to dress 37 a modern way, your mum doesn’t 38 you wearing a mini-skirt. When you are making phone calls to friends, they ask 39 you are speaking to a boy or a girl. Sometimes it seems that you’re not as close to your parents as you used to be. How can you 40 close again?

Closing the gap by American writer Jay McGraw gives advice on how to have a better relationship with your 41 . He gives ways to help you 42 your parents. When you think, “my parents don’t want me to have any fun,” that usually means your parents want you to be 43 . Both parents and children have 44 . They need to feel they are important and loved. You should 45 your parents your needs, and find out what their needs are. Then, you can think of a way to make all of you 46 . He gives you some ideas:

Make time to 47 . You could talk about your school life and your plans for the future.

48 a diary. This is to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. Show your parents you are growing up. Wash your 49 and help clean the house. Your parents will feel that you are no longer a little child. If you follow these, you will be able to break down the 50 between your parents and yourself.

36. A. way B. advices C. suggestion D. points

37. A. with B. in C. of D. by

38. A. hate B. mind C. like D. enjoy

39. A. whether B. what C. why D. how

40. A. go B. look C. become D. come

41. A. friends B. teachers C. children D. parents

42. A. listen to B. understand C. listen D. obey

43. A. safe B. dangerous C. angry D. sad

44. A. need B. needs C. needed D. loved

45. A. speak B. say C. tell D. told

46. A. nervous B. joyless C. excited D. happy

47. A. talk B. tell C. smile D. learn

48. A. Write B. Have C. Keep D. Read

49. A. hands B. face C. socks D. clothes

50. A. doors B. walls C. windows D. floors

四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。


The Museum of London opened in 1976. It shows the history of London. If you want to discover how the city has changed, come here.

Opening Times:

Open: 10:00 to 18:00 daily; last admission (入馆): 17:30p.m Closed: On Sundays

Ticket Price: Free

Address: 150 London Wall London EC2Y 5HN

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7001 9844

Email: [email protected]

Website: .uk

Public transport: By tube (地下铁道): Barbican, St. Paul’s By bus: 4, 8, 25, 56, 100, 172, 242, 521

Museum of London shop: The shop at the Museum of London offers gifts and books about London. We also sell postcards and posters about London.

51. How many hours a week is the Museum of London open?

A. 8 B. 18 C. 48 D. 56

52. What can visitors buy in the Museum of London shop?

① food ② gifts ③ posters ④ drinks ⑤ books ⑥ postcards A. ①②⑤ B. ②③④ C. ②③⑤⑥ D. ①②⑤⑥

53. We can learn from the material that .

A. many buses can take visitors to the Museum of London

B. the ticket price of the Museum of London is very high

C. visitors have to enter the Museum of London before 6:00 p.m.

D. the Museum of London is open every day all year round


Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.

“I don’t sing,” said the man.

But the lady told the waiter, “ I’m tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!” The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!”

So he did. He never sang in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time!

Nobody heard the song Mona Lisa sang so beautifully!

He had talent (天赋) he was sitting on! He may live the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he caught the chance and found that he could sing well. He went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

54. The lady asked the player to sing a song because .

A. she paid him for this B. she knew him very well

C. she wanted to have a change D. she enjoyed his singing

55. Nat King Cole succeeded because .

A. the lady helped him a lot B. he caught the chance at last

C. he continued to play in the bar D. he stopped playing the piano

56. The words "sit on" in the passage probably mean .

A. fail to realize B. forget to use C. try to develop D. manage to show

57. Which could be the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. Sing in the Bar B. Achieve Success in Life

C. Never Lose Heart D. Find Your Hidden Talent


Have you got your lunch, but not known where to sit? You don’t want to sit alone. But you are not sure who would be friendly and let you sit with them.

To work out the problem, Natalie Hampton, 16, made an app called Sit With Us. It makes finding friends in the school dining hall very easy. Natalie is from California, US.

The free app went online on Sept 9. Students join the club and can post “open lunch” to invite others to join in.

Natalie got the idea after she ate alone in Grade 7. The experience made her feel sad and she was even bullied. She changed schools because of that.

People may want to know why you don’t just ask to sit down. Natalie said the app stops kids from being refused in front of others. “It’s through the phone. No one else has to know. And you know that you’re not going to be refused once you get to the table.” she told NPR.

Now the app works well. They had their first club meeting and everyone was excited.

People are posting open lunches at Natalie’s school.

58. Natalie Hampton made an app to solve the problem of .

A. feeling alone without friends at school B. having no friends to play out with

C. having no idea when to have lunch D. having no friends to have lunch with

59. Natalie Hampton once changed her school because .

A. she didn’t like the food in the school dining hall

B. she has more friends in the new school

C. she ate her lunch all year by herself and was bullied

D. she was not welcomed in her class

60. According to the passage, we can learn that .

A. we need to pay some money to use the app

B. we can share the lunch pictures on the app

C. we can get free lunch at school with the app

D. we can easily find someone to sit with during lunch time

61. From the passage, we can find that Natalie Hampton is .

A. brave B. creative C. unfriendly D. shy


Four men who would become fathers were in a hospital waiting room while their wives were going to give birth to their babies. The nurse arrived and proudly said to the first man, “Congratulations, sir. You’re the father of twins!”

“What a surprise! Believe it or not! I work for the Minnesota Twins Baseball teams!”

Later the nurse returned and congratulated the second father on the birth of his triplets(三胞 胎).

“Wow! That’s unbelievable! I work for the 3M Company.”

An hour later, the nurse returned to congratulate the third man on the birth of his quadruplets

(四胞胎). Surprised, he only could answer, “ I don’t believe it! I work for the Four Seasons Hotel!”

After this, everyone turned to the fourth man who fell down. The nurse ran fast to his side. As he slowly came to himself, they could hear him speak in a very low voice over and over, “I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven. I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven. I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven.”

62. Why were the fathers there?

A. They were waiting for their wives. B. They were seeing doctors.

C. They were waiting for their babies to be born. D. They were working at men nurses there. 63.Which of the following is TRUE about the third man?

A. He thought the nurse made a mistake. B. He was very surprised at the nurse’s words.

C. He didn’t want to have these babies. D. He should never have worked at 7-Eleven.

64. Why did the fourth man fall down after hearing the nurse’s words?

A. He was afraid of having so many babies. B. He was seriously ill.

C. He was too excited. D. He was very glad to have 7 babies.

65. At least how many babies would be born according to the story?

A. 9. B. 10. C. 11. D. 16.

第 II 卷(非选择题 60 分) 五、词汇运用(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)


66. How (寂静的) the small village in North China was!

67. They are wasting food while the (渔民) don’t have enough to eat.

68. Xi Wang (重) only 100 grams when he was born.

69. Listen! Our teacher is (介绍) different kinds of birds to us.

70. Can you (描述)the beautiful view of Yangzhou?

71. They (shake) their hands when they met for the first time.

72. In winter, it may be much (snow) in the north.

73. It will be a hot day again today, with temperatures in the (thirty).

74. It’s very helpful of him to write down those classmates’ (地址) for me.

75. People walked in all (direct) after getting off the bus. 六、任务型阅读(共 10 空;每空 1 分,计 10 分)

阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词) The rich culture of Spain makes it a perfect choice for holiday travel.

If you are planning for a visit to Spain and want to go camping there, Barcelona must be the best place. Barcelona is one of the most famous cities for camping. So if you want to pack your bags

and go camping, this is the place to go. You can easily rent(租) mobile homes especially if you are traveling with family and have small children. Buses can take you to tour the city. There children can have sports like beach volleyball, swimming, games on the playgrounds, etc.Though these camp places have changed the real meaning of camping, your family will enjoy yourselves. The next place is the largest city and the capital of Spain — Madrid. It has a wonderful night life and has the biggest bull ring. Besides bull fights, you can visit lots of museums and art galleries all over Madrid.

In Spain it is easy to find a place to stay in. You can choose to stay in mobile homes, hotels, holiday homes, tents, or flats. Each choice would be comfortable. Last but not least, one of the best things for everyone visiting Spain is its food as well as its wines. While some areas of the country like the Rioja are well-known all over the world because of its excellent wines, other areas of Spain are famous for excellent fish and meat dishes.

七、缺词填空(共 10 空,每空 1 分,计 10 分)


When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale(上市的).

There are labels (标签)i 86 all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in w 87 water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say "d 88 clean only". For washing may ruin (损坏) this coat. If you do as the instructions on the label, you can keep your

clothes looking their best f 89 a long time.

Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned(干洗). Dry cleaning is e 90 . When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry-cleaned. If people can wash clothes using water, they will surely like such clothes and can s 91 money.

You can save money if you buy well-made clothes. Well-made clothes last much l 92 . They still look good even after people have washed them many t 93 .Some clothes c 94 more money, but they are not always better made. They do not always fit people better. Sometimes less expensive clothes l 95 and fit better than more expensive clothes.

八、书面表达(计 30 分)

A.句子翻译,将下列句子译成英语。(共 5 题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)

96. 秋天的叶子落在地上叠成堆。

97. 在火灾中,用湿毛巾捂住嘴巴非常重要。

98. 上周气温突然降到零度以下。

99. 很多人直到失去健康才意识到它的重要性。

100. 我们应该采取措施阻止它发生。

B.写作(计 20 分)


提示以 “How to Develop Good Habits”为题写一篇英语短文。



3) 词数:100 词左右;文章的开头已写好,不计入总词数。

How to Develop Good Habits

I think it is very important for us to have a good habit.

