300字范文 > 小学三年级上册期末英语复习题(三篇)


时间:2023-04-01 20:45:06






铅笔盒 window apple 雨伞

窗户 zoo umbrella 苹果

动物园 star noodles 香蕉

星星 pencil-box banana 面条


grandpa grandma father mother brother sister

_______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______


black pink white blue red orange green yellow


D______F______G______ H_____ J_____ M_____ O_____ T_____

e _____ a ______ i ______r_____ n_____ u _____ x ____ p_____


()1.A. cat B.orange C.rabbit D.lion

()2.A. pen B.book C.frog D.bag

()3.A. jeep B.one C.two D.three

()4.A.teacher B.boy C.girl D.egg

()5.A.eight B.fish C.five D.six

()3.A. jeep B.one C.two D.three

()4.A.teacher B.boy C.girl D.egg

()5.A.eight B.fish C.five D.six


Let’s make a New Year card. It is yellow.

What color is it? I am nine.

How old are you! Good idea.

Glad to meet you? No,I am not .

Are you our mother? Sure.Here you are.

May I use your pencil? Glad to meet you, too!


A.Give me your ruler,please. B.What is your phone number?

C.How are you? D.What is your name?

( )1. ______.I am fine,thank you.

( )2. _____. 3246579.

( )3. _____.My name is Sally.

( )4. ____.Here you are.



( ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月

( ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

( ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱

( ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade

( ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子

( )6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts

( ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉

( ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade

( ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢

( )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


( )1.What’s the matter? A.LI

( )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

( )3.What"s your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

( )4.Which class are you in? D. I"m in class 2.

( )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


( )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问:

A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

( )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

( )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

( )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

( ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问:

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


1.( ) I am in ____.

A.glass B.class

2.( ) How old are ——?

A.you B.your

3.( ) My family name is ____.

A.Li B.Li Hua

4.( ) Which class____ you in?.

A.is B.are

5.( ) I ____ long hair.

A. have B. has

6.( ) What"s the _____? My arm hurts.

A.wrong B.matter

7.( ) what _____ pretty dog!

A.a B. one

8.( ) Do you like _____?.

A.tomatoes B.tomatos

9.( ) What"s —— matter?

A./ B. the

10.( ) ______you have a pet?

A.Are B.Do


Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.( )Ann is ____ years old.A.nine B.ten

2.( ) Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

3.( ) She likes _____.A.cake B.fruit

4.( ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

5.( ) It can _____.A.dance B.sing


一、 正确书写所给字母的大小写。

1.F_________ 2.H_________ 3.E_________ 4.q_________5.t_________

二、 把下面的英语和所给的汉语对应起来,将其序号填入题前括号内。

( )1.pen A. 钢笔 B. 铅笔 C. 书包

( )2.ear A. 眼睛 B. 嘴 C. 耳朵

( )3.apple A. 苹果 B. 香蕉 C. 葡萄

( )4.red A. 红色 B. * C. 绿色

( )5.Chinese A. 日语 B. 英语 C. 汉语

三、 找出下面三个单词中与其他两个不同类的那个单词,将其正确的序号填入题前括号内。

( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. leg

( )2. A. eye B. mouth C. teacher

( )3. A. pencil B. Chinese C. English

( )4. A. table B. bag C. chair

( )5. A. cat B. eraser C. dog

四、 把下面的英语单词和其汉语对应起来,将其序号填入题前括号内。

( )1.book A. 书本 B. 铅笔

( )2.panda A.猴子 B. 熊猫

( )3.green A. 绿色 B. *

( )4.basketball A. 足球 B. 篮球

( )5.cool A. 暖和的 B. 凉爽的(酷的)


( )1. Good morning. A. 见到你很高兴。

( )2. Nice to meet you. B. 早上好

( )3. two big eyes. C. 十岁了

( )4. Ten years old. D. 摸你的眼睛

( )5. touch your eyes. E. 两只大眼睛


( )1.Where is your bag ? A. It’s a pencil.

( )2.Is this your pen ? B. My bag is blue.

( )3.What color is your bag ? C. I am ten years old .

( )4.How old are you ? D. It’s on the desk .

( )5.What’s this ? E. No ,it isn’t.It’s Li Hong’s .


( )1.见到你很高兴,怎么说?

A. Nice to meet you . B. How are you ?

( )2.你想知道对方的名字,应该怎么问 ?

A.Hello ! What’s your name ? B.Yes , My name is John.

( )3.你在路边捡到一只钢笔,你问你的同桌说这是你的钢笔吗?你该怎么说?

A. Where is your pen ?B. Is this your pen ?

( )4.有八个苹果。

A. There are eight apples. B. She has eight apples.

( )5.你今年多大了,应该怎么说:

A. How are you ?B. How old are you ?
