300字范文 > 初二英语上册知识点 八年级上册期末复习重点必背知识总结

初二英语上册知识点 八年级上册期末复习重点必背知识总结

时间:2018-12-09 23:00:04


初二英语上册知识点 八年级上册期末复习重点必背知识总结



一、 名词短语

a waste of time 浪费(白费)时间

field trip 野外旅游

the day after tomorrow后天

Terra Cotta Warriors 兵马俑

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

on Mid-autumn Day / Festival 在中秋节

二、 动词短语

go fishing 去钓鱼

go boating 去划船

go hiking 去徒步旅行

go on a picnic 去野餐

trip over (被......)绊倒

hurry up 赶快

get home 回家

get together 相聚

agree with ... 同意......意见(想法);符合

ask for 请求;询问

come up 走近;发生;上来;流行

come over 过来;抓住

三、 介、副词短语

in the open air 在户外;在野外

on time 准时

at the front / back of 在前 / 后面

in front of 在......前面

in the country 在乡下

in town 在城里

on the left /right side 在左 / 右边

up and down 上上下下;来来回回

四、 其它短语

(not) ... any more再也不;不能再......

all the same 仍然; 还是

had better (do) 最好(做......)


一、I\'m sorry to hear that.

[句型介绍] 该句是对所听说的不幸事件的回答用语,含义为\"真遗憾;听到那件事我很难过\"。

-I didn\'t pass the exam. 我没通过这次考试。

-I\'m sorry to hear that. 真遗憾。

-My grandfather died yesterday. 我的祖父昨天去世了。

-I\'m sorry to hear that. 我很难过。

[知识拓展] 1. I\'m glad to hear that. 我真高兴听到那事。

-I have managed to buy a ticket for tonight\'s film. 我设法买到了今晚的电影票。

-I\'m (very) glad to hear that. 真替你高兴。

2. Congratulations. 恭喜你。

-I\'ve just married a beautiful girl. 我刚刚娶了一位漂亮姑娘。

-Congratulations. 恭喜你。

二、be good for

[句型介绍] 意为\"有益于......\", for后面接名词。

Is swimming good for your health?游泳有益于你的身体健康吗?

I think timely rain is good for the crops. 我认为适时地下雨对庄稼生长有好处。

[知识拓展] be good to 对......友好;be good at 擅长......

She is always good to me. 她对我一直很友好。

She is good at singing popular songs. 她擅长唱流行歌曲。

三、ask sb. for sth.

[句型介绍] 意为\"向某人要某物\",sb.与sth.位置不得颠倒。

Can I ask you for help?你能帮帮我吗?

To tell you the truth, when I have trouble, I always ask her for advice. 跟你说老实话,每当我有麻烦时总向她征求意见。

[知识拓展] ask for sth. 要求得到某物;ask for sb.要求见某人

Yesterday he asked me for money. 昨天他向我要钱。

Did anybody ask for me during my absence?我不在的时候有人找过我吗?

四、be born in

[句型介绍] 意为\"出生于\",后接地点状语或时间状语。

He was born in a small town in 1995. 1995年他出生于一个小镇上。

In which city was he born in 1988?1988年他出生在哪一个城市?

[知识拓展] be born of出生于......家庭

It is said that he was born of a teacher\'s family. 据说他出生于教师的家庭。

五、good luck with sth.

[句型介绍] 祝贺用语,with后面接事物名词。

Good luck with your exam. 祝你考试好运。

Good luck with your journey. 祝你旅途顺利。

[知识拓展] good luck to sb. 祝......好运

Good luck to you. 祝你好运。



go on vacation去度假

be on vacation 度假

stay at home待在家里

go to the mountains去爬山

go to the beach去海滩

visit museums 参观博物馆

go to summer camp去参观夏令营

bye for now再见

quite a few相当多

study for为……而学习

go out出去

most of the time大部分时间

long time no see好久不见

along the way沿途

another two hours=two more hours另外两小时

taste good尝起来很好吃

have a good time玩得高兴

of course当然

keep a diary 记日记

go shopping去购物


somebody = someone某人 something 某物,某事

anybody = anyone任何人 anything什么事物,任何事物,无论什么事物

nobody = no one没有人,不重要的人 nothing没有东西,什么也没有;不重要的人或事

everybody = everyone每人,人人,所有人 everything每一个事物,一切

词组:for nothing(徒劳,没有好结果,免费),nothing but(仅仅,只不过),

It’s nothing. (不用谢,不必在意) anybody else(别人)


Everything is made of elements.任何东西都是元素构成的。

I have nothing to say toady.我今天没什么可讲的。

That`s nothing.没什么。



I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情要告诉你。(肯定句)

Someone is asking to see you.有人要见你。 (肯定句)

Has anything happened ?出什么事了吗? (疑问句)

We can`t decide anything now.我们现在不能作什么决定。 (否定句)

If you want anything, call me.你要是需要什么可以给我打电话。(条件状语从句)


There is nothing wrong with the machine.这机器没出什么毛病。(形容词)

This is something special. 这是种特别的东西。(形容词)

(4)除与-thing构成的复合不定代词外,即everyone、everybody、someone,somebody都有所有格形式;当其后有else时,’s要加在else后面。如: That must be somebody else’s coat; it isn’t mine. 那一定是别人的外衣,不是我的。

(5)everyone=everybody, anyone=anybody, 只指人,不能与of短语连用;every one, any one可指人也可指物,一定要与of连用才可以。
