300字范文 > 口语:与马有关的英语习语


时间:2018-12-01 12:07:17




1. A dark horse黑马,实力难以预测的竞争者或出人意料的获胜者We never expected that he would be the champion in the race. He was such a dark horse!我们从未预料到他会成为比赛中的冠军。他真是一匹黑马!2. Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted失马锁厩,形容为时已晚Introducing tighter security measures after the break in seems to me like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.在被破门而入之后再引进更牢固的安全措施,在我看来为时已晚。3. A horse of another color/a horse of a different color另当别论,完全另外一回事Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color.参加考试是一回事,通过考试又是另一回事。4. Beat/flog a dead horse在已经发生的事上浪费时间,做无用功Do you think It"s worth me writing to a few more recruitment agencies, or am I just beating a dead horse?你觉得我再给一些招聘公司写信值不值?还是我只是在浪费时间?5. Get off your high horse放下架子,别那么趾高气扬If you would get off your high horse for one minute and listen to your colleagues, you would find that they have some great ideas for this project.如果你能有一会放下架子,听听同事的意见,你会发现他们对于这个项目有这非常出色的想法。6. Don"t put the cart before the horse不要本末倒置,做事顺序不要颠倒There"s no point trying to write the report when you haven"t got a clear idea of what to write. You don"t want to put the cart before the horse.在你还没有清晰的想法之前就去写报告是没有意义的。你不应该本末倒置。7. To look a gift horse in the mouth (usually with a negative)对别人赠送的礼物挑三拣四(通常用否定形式)I know the car"s not in great condition, but you shouldn"t look a gift horse in the mouth.我知道这辆车保养得不是那么好,但是你不应该对别人送给你的车吹毛求疵。8. Drive a coach and horses through找出漏洞以彻底挫败(立法、计划、意图等),使失效The clever lawyer drove a coach and horses through the criminal"s excuses.那个聪明的律师抓住罪犯辩解中的漏洞进行驳斥。9. straight from the horse’s mouth(消息)直接来自当事人,来源绝对可靠, 绝对有性Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself. It"s straight from the horse"s mouth!丽萨会升为经理,这是老板亲口告诉我的,绝对真实可靠!10. To back the wrong horse站错队,看错人,支持了失败的人或事When the final result of the presidential election came out, many people found that they had backed the wrong horse.当总统大选的最终结果出来后,很多人发现他们押错宝了。11. Horses for courses各有所长,物各尽其善,人各尽其能Ah well, it"s horses for courses. Just because he is an IT expert doesn"t mean that he is an expert in everything to do with computers. 好吧,术业有专攻。他是IT专家不能说明他在和电脑有关的所有领域里都是专家。12. hold one"s horse不要急,耐心一点Hold your horses. Don"t leave without finishing your report first.慢着,别忘了先把你的报告写完再走。13. horse around胡闹,捣蛋My friends and I would horse around and try to push each other.我和朋友们有时会闹着玩,互相推来搡去。
