300字范文 > 怎样才能写出好的英语作文?


时间:2023-10-04 18:02:58





1.Select the topic of your essay.

选择文章的主题。2.Choose the central idea, or thesis, of your essay. For example: Informationtechnology has revolutionized the way we work.

选择文章的中心观点或论点。3.Outline your essay into introductory, body and summary paragraphs.

概述出你的文章的开头、主体和总结段落。4.The introductory paragraph begins with an interesting sentence. For example: Home workers have grown from 150,000 to over 12 million in the past 5 years thanks to the wonders of the computer. There are a number of types of introductions: Interesting statistics, a quote from a famous person, or a rhetorical question such as "Did you know that ..."用有趣的句子作为文章的开头。例如,在过去的五年中,由于有了神奇的电脑,在家办公的人的数量从15万增长到1200万以上。文章开头的类型还有几种:有趣的数据、对名人的引述或者一个反问句,例如“你知道···吗”。5.After this first sentence, add your thesis statement from above. The thesis clearly outlines what you hope to express in the essay.[/en在第一句话之后,可以加上你上面的论点。你的论点可以清楚地概括出你想在文章中表达的内容。[en]6.Use one sentence to introduce every body paragraph to follow. This linking to ideas you will develop further in your body paragraphs provides structure to your essay.

用一句话来介绍接下来的每一个主体段落,就可以将你在主体段落展开的观点联系起来,并为你的文章提供了结构。7.Finish the introductory paragraph with a short summary or goal statement. For example: Technological innovation has thus made the traditional workplace obsolete.

用一个简短的总结或目的陈述来结束开头段。例如:科技革新使得传统的工作场所被淘汰。8. In each of the body paragraphs (usually two or three) the ideas first presented in the introductory paragraph are developed. Remember that referring to ideas first introduced in the initial paragraph provides structure to your essay.在每一个主体段落(通常为两段或三段),在文章开头介绍的观点都会被展开。记住先介绍首段中的观点可以为你的文章提供结构。9.Develop your body paragraphs by giving detailed information and examples. For example: When the Internet was first introduced it was used primarily by scientists, now it is common in every classroom. 通过给出详细的信息或例子来展开你的主题段落。例如:电脑刚被引进时,主要是被科学家使用,现在它在教室里都已经很普及了。10.Body paragraphs should develop the central idea and finish with a summary of that idea. There should be at least two examples or facts in each body paragraph to support the central idea.

主体段落应该展开中心观点,并且以将其进行总结来结束。每个主题段落至少应该有两个例子或事实来支持中心观点。11.The summary paragraph summarizes your essay and is often a reverse of the introductory paragraph. 总结段落对文章进行总结,与开头段落相反。12.Begin the summary paragraph by quickly restating the principal ideas of your body paragraphs. For example: The Internet in the home, benefits and ease of use of modern computer systems...通过快速重申主体段落中的主要观点来开始总结段落。例如:家庭网络、现代电脑系统的益处和易操作。建议:

1.Use strong verbs and avoid modals to state your opinion. It is better to write: The workplace has evolved than The workplace seems to have evolved.使用表现力强的动词,并避免用情态动词来表述你的观点。写“工作场所逐渐形成了”比写“工作场所好像逐渐形成了”更好。2.Do not apologize for what you are saying. An essay is about your opinion.不要为了你所说的话而道歉。文章代表的就是你的观点。3.Do not translate from your mother tongue. It will quickly get you into trouble!不要从你的母语中生搬硬套。这会很快给你带来麻烦。
