300字范文 > 莎士比亚辍学赚钱谋生 生活经历曲折坎坷

莎士比亚辍学赚钱谋生 生活经历曲折坎坷

时间:2021-02-13 07:26:51


莎士比亚辍学赚钱谋生 生活经历曲折坎坷

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When eighteen, he was a married man to a local girl.

At the age of twenty-one, he set off to _________ in the great city of London.

There, he was in turn a horse-keeper, a stage-boy, a play mender and finally a ___.

Afterwards Shakespeare joined as an actor one or several companies of players.

By 1584 he became as a rising playwright in London, and became soon a central figure in London’s leading theater company.

During that time he wrote many great plays for the group.

He was known in his day as very rapid writer: “His mind and hand went together,” his publisher reported, “and what he thought, he uttered with that easiness that we have ___ received from him a blot in his papers.”


1.seek one"s fortune

寻出路; 谋求出路


n. 剧作家


adv. 几乎不


When eighteen, he was a married man to a local girl. At the age of twenty-one, he set off toseek his fortunein the great city of London. There, he was in turn a horse-keeper, a stage-boy, a play mender and finally aplaywright.

Afterwards Shakespeare joined as an actor one or several companies of players.

By 1584 he became as a rising playwright in London, and became soon a central figure in London’s leading theater company. During that time he wrote many great plays for the group. He was known in his day as very rapid writer: “His mind and hand went together,” his publisher reported, “and what he thought, he uttered with that easiness that we havescarcereceived from him a blot in his papers.”



留言打卡:seek one"s fortune




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