300字范文 > 名词性从句基础过关50题(含答案)


时间:2019-09-11 23:20:51



1. _______ he said at the meetingastonished everybody present.

A.What B.That C. Thefact D. The matter

2. _______ we can"t get seems better than _______ we have.

A. What,what B. What,that C. That,that D. That,what

3. It worried her a bit ________ her hair was turning gray.

A.while B.that C.if D.for

4. -Do you remember ________ he came?

-Yes, I do, he came bycar.

A.how B.when C.that D.if

5. Go and get your coat. It"s _______ you left it.

A.there B.where C.there whereD. where there

6. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he orshe wants.

A.however B.whatever C.whichever D. whenever

7. Can you tell me ________ ?

A. who is thatwomanB. who the woman is

C. whom is thewomanD. that woman is

8. The fact ______ she works hard is well known to us all.

A.thatB.whatC.whyD. which

9. The mountain is no longer _______ it used to be.

A.which B.that C.as D.what

10. Jack said _______ to meet the American friends.

A. which hepleased B. heis pleased

C. at he waspleased D.what he was pleased

11. Lei Feng was always thinking of _______ he could helpothers.

A.that B.how C.whom D.which

12. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _________ when he_________ at the party.

A. left; hadarrived B.left; arrived

C. had left;had arrivedD. had left; arrived

13. The question is __________ you should do next.

A.what B.that C.how D.why

14. I know nothing about her but _________ she is fromCanada.

A.how B.when C.that D.why

15. It depends on ________ we have enough time.

A.if B. if ornot C.that D.whether

16. _________ he doesn"t like them is very clear.

A.What B.That C.Which D.Where

17. -The green typewriter is mine.

- Do youknow whose typewriter _________?

A. is thisblue one B.this blue one

C. it isthis blue oneD. this blue one is

18. The reason ________ nothing on earth is motionless is ________the earth is in constant motion(运动).

A. why;that B. that;why C. of;that D. that;because

19. _________ proves that my advice is right.

A. It willhappenthatB. That has happened

C. What hashappenedD. When it happens

20. What a pity ________ is _______ you didn"t arrive by day.

A. there;becauseB. it; that

C. he;whenD. that; for

21. -I believe _______ you"ve done your best and _______ thingswill happen.


A. That;/B. /;/C. what;thatD. /; that

22. Please give the book to ____ wins the first prize.

A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD. whomever

23. The fire destroyed ____ was in the building.

A.allB.whatC.thatD. which

24. The question he asked was ____the electrical equipment shouldbe stored.

A.whatB.whichC.whereD. because

25. These photographs will show you _______.

A. what ourvillage looks like

B. what doesour village look like

C. how ourvillage looks like

D. how doesour village look like

26. A man"s worth lies not so much in _______ he has as in ______he is.

A. that;what B. what;what C. that;that D. what;that

27. _______I told you just now was _______ had been written in theletter.

A. What;what B. That;that C.Whether D.If; who

28. ________studies hard will pass the examination.

A.WhoeverB. AnystudentC.WhoD. Those who

29.Does ________ matter if he can"t finish the job in time?

A.itB. this C.thatD. he

30. ________ is unknown to us all.

A. Where didhe getitB. Where he got it

C. Thatwhere hegotD. Which he got it

31. _______ he will be sent to Hainan is certain.

A.Why B.Whether C.That D. How

32. It isn"t decided yet ________ we will attend the meeting.

A.ifB.whyC.thatD. whether

33. ________ they have won the game made us excited.

A./B.ThatC.WhatD. Where

34. The gentleman insisted that he _______ the wallet.

A. had notseen B. notsee

C. would notseeD. did not see

35.You can write about _________ topic you like.

A.whichB. whose C.whatever D.no matter what

36. ________ think will take care of the children?

A. Whoyou B. who doyou C. Whomyou D. Whomdo you

37.He"d like to know what ________ today.

A. theweather looksB. does the weather look

C. theweather lookslike D. doesthe weather look like

38. -Is that your watch?

-No, I can"ttell ________.

A. whose isthat watch B.whose that watch is

C. whosewatch is thatD. whose watch is

39. No one can be sure ________ in a million years.

A. what manwill looklike B. whatwill man look like

C. man willlook likewhat D. whatlook will man like

40. I"d like to know __________ tomorrow.

A. if itrainB. how is the weather like

C. what theweather islikeD. if will the weather be fine

41. I wonder __________ to come here and get my false teethfixed.

A.I have howmanytimesB. how many times have I

C. how manytimes will IhaveD. how many times I have

42. I don"t doubt________ my friend, John will come to Chinasoon.

A.thatB.whetherC.ifD. when

43.Who is _________ spoke first?

A. what thatB. it that C. it it D. whatwhat

44. - Do you see why the machine doesn"t work?

- Sorry,let"s ask the engineer ____.

A. what isthe matter B.what the matter is

C. how isthematterD. how the matter is

45. You may choose one from _________ was left.

A.thatB.allC. thosewhichD. what

46. ____ get this machine?

A. Do youthink where can we B. Where doyou think we can

C. Where youthink wecanD. Where can you think we

47. The point is _________ we will have our sports meet nextweek.

A.that B.ifC.whenD. whether

48. He got the highest marks in the exam. It was all ________ hehas worked too hard.

A.why B.which C.that D. because

49.Go and get your coat. It’s _______ you left it.

A.there B.where C.therewhereD. where there

50.The reason why he failed is _______ he was too careless.

A.becauseB.thatC.forD. because of
