300字范文 > 汉诗英译 | 陈小虾 庞培 李洁夫 李星 雷岛

汉诗英译 | 陈小虾 庞培 李洁夫 李星 雷岛

时间:2020-01-13 02:50:34


汉诗英译 | 陈小虾 庞培 李洁夫 李星 雷岛



Fishing Village

by Chen Xiaoxia

After the typhoon,

in every household, candlelight flickers on the altar.

Waves lap up the twilight shoreline,

of red lanterns, stone alleys, spiraling incense.

The old mother who lost her son slept all night

leaning on the door.

The village opened its eyes in the arms of the bay,

much like mother and child . . .

Lost souls in the storm

become tiny crabs

returning to their tracks in the cave…

Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists



春夜庞 培


Spring Night

by Pang PeiA woman worker from the factory nearby,with all the giveaways of an out-of-towner—a little untidy, but with strong complexion,hair soaking wet (probably just had a shower.)She passes by the afternoon market,carrying a full plastic bag of vegetables.I walk a few steps behind heron a crowded street―The temperature has ticked up, I suddenly realizeit is March, and the wind feels like a warm breeze—people catch up from behind me, causing mealmost to stumble —with pedestrians between us,I can feel her body, strong and steamy.I can feel the night sky deep and blue . Beneath itare the factory chimney, a murky river,a busy city block, untidy stalls,and debris from the used-up daylight hours.In the twilight with the wafting scent of the waterway,she walks away from me, and her silhouetteevokes from the great eartha seductive spring night of mysterious wonders.

Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists



大 风李洁夫




by Li JiefuOn the way to you is a blockade of 10-ton gale,while my lifeline and skinny shadow don’t even add up to 0.1 ton.Turning left at the Gymnasium Ave overpass, the long road continueson.At a crossroad I saw three big trees taken down bya gust,but the wind did not push any pedestrians down.The gale wants to blow me away.It wants to blow me to the mountainside,but I know it won’t do that.It comes to announce the season and blow my loneliness away.I long to know where the wind is coming and going,but I find no answers. No one else knows, either.In my brief lifetime all that I see are silhouettes ahead and behind.It is useless trying to beat the wind on its own game.Voiceless lightning flashes ahead,behind the wind are other winds.When the winds die down, new faces will appear on the clean streets.

Translated by Duck Yard Lyricist



给一个远在天边的人写信李 星



A Letter to Someone Onthe Edge of the World

by Li Xing

“Springtime, the sky wears a blue silk coat,

bejeweled with stars at night. '

'The flowers will soon wither. But if you come,

we willbein for the beauty of falling petals. '

'Although waves have abated in the looping river,

I will open the lockfor the glitters to flow through. '

'Cooking smoke has ceased to be. But I’llask

the old scholar tree for some leafy twigs to restarta fire. '

. . .This imperfect letter, scented with scholar flowers,

is folded into wings and enclosed in a wooden veneer.

While still warm in my hand, I’ll give it to

the postman, and instruct and command him and request:

'Let the messenger horse trot, down the blue marble pavement,

give this to the person, the other me on the edge of the world.”

Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists



黄昏不断加深雷 岛




Twilight Keeps Deepening

by Lei DaoSome ambiance lured me to go. To somewhere unknown.This is my beloved hour of the day, twilight at dusk.We met and talked here once,withthe wind tugging our clothes, and didn’t care where to go.Everything points to you. That meansall of my memories. All of my dreamshave your image in them. And spring,such a brief spring, is gone before I finish reading a book.Time is less and lessgolden. Tedious worldly cares multiply.Springtime, oh springtime, you are only good for our laments.We met and we crossed path. A letterlaunched at some point in time will have to return tothetimeline.The shades of twilight continue to deepen.Those in love, their melancholies continue to deepen.

Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists



