300字范文 > SAMA Life┃Why is it important to join a yoga studi...

SAMA Life┃Why is it important to join a yoga studi...

时间:2023-02-08 19:30:09


SAMA Life┃Why is it important to join a yoga studi...

Why is it important to join a yoga studio?


Imet yoga tenyears ago. Considering time difficulties, I only took the yoga class once a week and expected that I could practice at home. Three months later, the frequency I showed up in the class was reduced from once a week to once a month. One year later, I almost lost contact with yoga.


Then one day, I realized that it was important to cultivate certain international skills that could help me make a living in any country. Yoga teacher was a good option, so I picked up yoga again. At that time, I decided to give up the thought of practicing at home. I forced myself showing up at yoga class at a regular basis, namely four times a week.


After years of practicing, I have formed such intimate relationship with yoga that I could not live without it. As for yoga, I have thousands of words to express my gratitude. It makes my life so much easier and happier.


Thus, for yoga beginners, I don’t think practicing at home will yield desirable result, rather, joining a yoga studio is necessary to ensure that you won’t give up(Of course, it is different case for yoga masters). There are reasons.


First, self-disciplineis limited resource. You may feel determined and think that you will work out at home at daily basis, but the truth is that willpower is far from enough to walk you down the yoga road.It might help you keep practising for one month, after that, you need some external forces to help you conquer all the obstacles physically and mentally. A good environment with good teacher will do that. Better if you could find a yoga partner to encourage each other.


Second, it is very hard to step out of the comfort zone alone. Growth means enlarging the comfort zone. However, when you touch the edge of your limit, the painful and uncomfortable feeling will surge, which makes you feel desperate to give up. A strict teacher knows where your limit is, and will encourage you cross that boundary, by such, enlarging your comfort zone and make you stronger.


Third, weneed feedbackto make sure that we practice in an effective way and that harmful habit will be corrected in time. Practising alone at home is isolating yourself from all the beautiful enemies, who will point out your bad habit and help you correct it. To be more specific, if you practice at home, you may feel good about yourself and didn’t aware that some bad habits had been formed quietly. Day after day, you might hurt yourself and get frustrated.


To sum up, if you have determined to form a deep relationship with yoga, make it easier by joining the yoga class. Sometimes when your inner god is weak, the external positive environment will do the job for you. All you need to do is keep showing up in the class. Years later, you will be surprised at what you get.

