300字范文 > 小学英语 | 英语剧本《白雪公主》

小学英语 | 英语剧本《白雪公主》

时间:2021-11-09 16:28:01


小学英语 | 英语剧本《白雪公主》


一、白雪出场( 扫地+独白)

白雪: My name is Snow white,I am a beautiful princess,I miss my mother so much, and where is my mother? Where is my mother?


皇后:I'm the new queen.I'm very beautiful. You see.If anyone is more beautiful than me,I'll kill her.I have a magic mirror.If I want to know something.It will tell me.Now, mirror, mirror, and come here!

魔镜:Yes,I'm coming. What do you want to know?

皇后:Mirror mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest of all?

魔镜:Yes. Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all,I think.But there is a young lady.She is as white as snow,as red as rose and as black as ebony .She is much more beautiful than you.

皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly.

魔镜:Yes,Your Majesty! She is Snow White.

皇后:Snow White? No,I'm the most beautiful in the world.Hunter,come here,come here!


猎人:Yes.Your Majesty!

皇后:Kill Snow white.

猎人:But she is the princess... ...

皇后:I am the queen.I say "Kill her!I don't want to see her again. Do you understand?

猎人:Yes, your Majesty!


白雪: What are you doing?I don't need a knife,wait,wait... ...What's the matter?Do you want to kill me?Help,help me, and please... ... please!

猎人:Oh ,my Godwhere is the Snow White?I must find her quickly.

Poor princess......


白雪: Oh,my God!I think the queen can't find me now.How I am tired! How I want to have a rest!Ah,here is a house, there are seven small beds.They must be the beds of seven children.Oh,how I want to sleep!


① :Look,the lamp in our house is on!

② :Who is it?

③ :Maybe it's the ghost!

④ :Let's go into our house quietly.

⑤ :Oh, someone has cleaned our house.

⑥ :Maybe it's the witch.



①:What a lovely child!

②:How beautiful!

③:Who is she?

④:Don't wake her up.

⑤:Why is she coming here?

⑥:Kill her.

白雪: ( 醒来 ) What a nice sleep! Oh,who are you?Oh,I know.You are seven dwarfs.

七矮人:(齐说) Yes,but why are you in our house?

白雪:The queen wants to kill me.So I ran to your house.Don't drive me away.Let me stay with you.

①:If you look after our house.

②:If you do some cooking for us.

③:If you make the beds for us.

④:If you do some washing,you can stay with us.

⑤:Let's go out for our work.

⑥:Don't go out. Don't let anyone come in.Your stepmother will find and kill you.


皇后:Mirror, mirror on the wall,who is the most beautiful?

魔镜:You are the most beautiful.But Snow White is still alive and well.She lives with the seven dwarfs.No one is more beautiful than she.

皇后:Oh my god.Snow White is not dead?...Ha-ha,I got a good idea.

(The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman.She came to the house.)


皇后:Good things to sell.Pretty apple to sell. Cheap, very cheap.

白雪:Hi,Good morning grandma.

皇后:Apples.Very delicious apples! Pretty girl,Could you have a taste.This one, please!

白雪:OK!Thank you! ( 咬了一小口,死了)

皇后:Ha-ha......Now I’m the most beautiful in the world.


七矮人:What's the matter?

①:Snow White is dead.

七矮人:Oh,my God! Snow white wake up,wake up...(哭着拣一些花放在白雪身上)

王子:(下马)A beautiful girl!She shall be my queen!I will carry Snow White with me to my palace.Be kind to her.I love her.I want her to be my wife.Wake up! Wake up,my queen!


白雪:Oh,my god! Where am I?What happened?

王子:You are with me, my dear.I love you.I love you more than everything in the world.Please be my queen,will you?

白雪:Yes,I will,my dear!

王子: My pleasure!
