300字范文 > 全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高一年级组样题参考答案


时间:2024-02-16 22:06:01



I. 31—35 BDCAD 36—40 DACBA 41—45 DCDBA 46—50 CADCB

II. 51—55 ADABC

56. six 57. witty 58. No, she didn"t. 59. Persuasion 60. in Jane"s novels

61. 200,000. 62. Because veal crates are very narrow.

63. Compassion in World Farming 64. 01730 264208. 65. £6.

66. 60,000. 67. People who pay to have each edition delivered to them.

68. Daily or weekly. 69. Yes, they do. 70. Sell advertising space.

III. 71. medical 72. difficult / hard 73. understand 74. reading 75. wrong 76. left

77. angry 78. knock 79. happened 80. nobody 81. brought 82. behind

83. third 84. What 85. Pointing

IV. 86. 每个人生来就是新的事物,就是前所未有的事物。每个人天生就具备在生活中获取成功的能力。

87. “赢家”和“输家”这两个词都有多种不同定义。我们称某人为赢家,并不是说他会让别人输掉什么。

88. 赢家不会置身于概念,想象他们“理当”成为何种人。

89. 他们很清楚爱与装爱、傻与装傻、真才实学与故作高深之间的区别。

90. 他们可以在现阶段约束自己,以便在将来享受更大的快乐。

91. In case of rain they can"t go.

92. I would buy the suit, except that it costs too much.

93. He devoted all his time to his job.

94. He will do anything as long as it is interesting.

95. A doctor is a person who looks after people"s health.

V. 96. taken改为spent 97. school后加as 98. excited改为excitedly 99. flew改为flies 100. 去掉day101. At改为In 102. √ 103. expect改为expecting 104. class改为classes 105. forget后加the

VI. 106. D. 107. C. 108. Silence. 109. 84. 110. HELP.

VII. A) One possible version:

Once upon a time, there was a well-known Brahmin, who was respected by the people there. He got many presents from them, and became rich. One day, he went to the market in poor clothes, no one there recognized him, and they treated him as a stranger. But when he dressed in rich garments, all the people in the street saluted him as usual. He then went back home, changed his clothes and knelt down before them, said they were the most respected things in the world. This story just wants to tell us: Don"t judge a person by his outside, but always—ALWAYS—look further inside.

B) One possible version:

How to Improve English Writing Ability

To write a diary in English every day, I think, is one of the most effective ways to improve one"s English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it"s short and takes less time. It can help us form the habit of thinking in English. Step by step, we"ll know how to express ourselves in English.

I began to write a diary in English when I was in Junior Grade One. In the beginning, I used short and simple sentences to express myself. My English teacher praised me for this, which gave me much encouragement. My teacher always corrected mistakes in my diary. So I showed greater interest in it. Before long, with the help of my teacher, I could write a short passage. Before I knew it, my writing ability had greatly improved. I have really benefited a lot from writing diaries in English!
