300字范文 > 德勤(Deloitte)发布《全球人力资本趋势》报告


时间:2023-03-11 02:39:52
























Deloitte released the report of “Global Human Capital Trends : Leading in the New World of Work”

(Mar.10,, /3BL Media/) Deloitte recently released its third annual “Global Human Capital Trends : Leading in the New World of Work” report. And the report explores 10 major trends that emerged from our research, which reflects four major themes for : leading, engaging, reinventing, and reimagining. And the trends are:

1. Culture and engagement: The naked organization.

This year, culture and engagement was rated the most important issue overall, slightly edging out leadership (the No. 1 issue last year).

2. Leadership: Why a perennial issue?

Building leadership remains paramount, ranking as the No. 2 issue in this year’s survey. Yet despite the fact that nearly 9 out of 10 respondents surveyed cite the issue as “important” or “very important,” the data also suggest that organizations have made little or no progress since last year.

3. Learning and development: Into the spotlight.

This year’s third most important challenge was the need to transform and accelerate corporate learning, up from No. 8 in .

4. Reinventing HR: An extreme makeover.

The fourth biggest issue was the need to reskill HR itself. This area also shows little progress since last year. Both HR and business leaders, on average, rated HR’s performance as low; furthermore, business leaders rated HR’s performance 20 percent lower than did HR leaders, showing how important it is to accelerate HR’s ability to deliver value as the economy improves. Perhaps because of these dim views of HR’s performance, we found an increasing trend of CEOs bringing in non-HR professionals to fill the role of CHRO.

5. Workforce on demand: Are you ready?

Eight out of 10 respondents surveyed cited workforce capability as being either “important” or “very important” in the year ahead, indicating the demand for skills that is driving a trend toward greater use of hourly, contingent, and contract workers.

6. Performance management: The secret ingredient.

One of the biggest needs in the new world of work is the need to rethink how organizations manage, evaluate, and reward people. New, agile models for performance management have arrived, and we see these new performance manage-ment models as a core component of this year’s focus on engagement, development, and leadership.

7. HR and people analytics: Stuck in neutral.

HR should now make serious investments in leveraging data to make people decisions. People analytics, a strategy that has been evolving over the last several years, has the potential to change the way HR will work. However, HR organizations appear to be slow in developing the capabilities to take advantage of analytics’ potential.

8. Simplification of work: The coming revolution.

Last year’s Global Human Capital Trends report identified the “overwhelmed employee” as an emerging trend. This year, the percentage of respondents who regard this as a “very important” issue rose from 21 percent to 24 percent. This heightened recognition is just the beginning of what we

see as a long-term movement by companies to simplify work, implement design think -ing, overhaul the work environment, and help employees focus and relieve stress.

9. Machines as talent: Collaboration, not competition.

Cognitive computing—the use of machines to read, analyze, speak, and make decisions—is impacting work at all levels. Some believe that many jobs will be eliminated. HR teams must think about how to help redesign jobs as we all work in cooperation with computers in almost every role.

10. People data everywhere: Bringing the outside in.

The explosion of external people data (data in social networks, recruiting networks, and talent networks) has created a new world of employee data outside the enterprise. It is now urgent and valuable for companies to learn to view, man-age, and take advantage of this data for better recruiting, hiring, retention, and leadership development.

