300字范文 > 这80道单选题 包含了初中英语宾语从句的所有考点(附答案)

这80道单选题 包含了初中英语宾语从句的所有考点(附答案)

时间:2019-01-16 17:29:49


这80道单选题 包含了初中英语宾语从句的所有考点(附答案)


1. 连词的选择;

2. 语序:任何从句都使用陈述句语序,宾语从句当然也不例外。

3. 时态 :①当主句是现在时态时,宾语从句可以根据需要使用任何时态;




( )1.It’ssodark. Ican’tfind out it’saboy agirl.

A.if,and B. that,and C.either,or D.whether,or

( )2.Could youtellmeifhe toShanghai?

A. hasgone B. had gone C.went D.go

( )3.Hetoldme she would catchthe earlybus.

A.which B. whether C. why D.that

( )4.Mrs.Greenaskedme I would go with her.

A.what B. which C. why D.that

( )5.Idon’tknow thecoat cheapenough.

A. if,is B. where,were C.that,was D.if,were

( )6.Canyoutellmewhy yesterday?

A.you didn’t come B.didyou notcome

C.didn’tyou come D.you don’t come

( )7.Hesaidthat they Yunnan.

A. havebeen to B.had gone to

C.have gone to D.hasgoneto

( )8.Jackisn’tsure students thereareinhisclass.

A. howmany B. what C.which D.whether

( )9.Canyoutellme yesterday?

A.whatthey do B. what they did

C.what dotheydo D.what didthey do

)10.Iwanttoknow hishomeworkyesterday evening.

A. ifhefinished B.whether hehadfinished

C.hadshefinished D.hasshe finished

( )11.Doyou know what thistimeyesterday?

A. they aredoing B.arethey doing

C.they weredoing D.were they doing

( )12.Excuseme,canyoutellme ?

A.why wasthetrainlate B.why thetrainwaslate

C. why isthetrain late D. why thetrain is late

( )13.Do you know where ? Someoneislooking for him.

A. heis B.he was C.ishe D.washe

( )14.Hewanted toknowhowlong inhospital.

A.she is staying B. shehadstayed

C.did she stay D.she stay

( )15.LiLeitold Jim .

A. howmuchyuan is thesweater


C.howmuchthesweater is

D.howmuchthe sweater was

( )16.He toldmethathe toLondonthe next day.

A.would go B.go C. went D.hasgone

( )17.Hesaid thatlight muchfasterthansound.

A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D.istraveling

( )18.Ourteacher said thatthemoon around theearth.

A. turn B.turned C.hasturned D.turns

( )19.Hesaid thatApril the monthofa year.

A. is,third B.is, fourth C. was,fourth D.was,third

( )20.Do you know ?

A. is itwhose pen B. whose penisit

C.whose penitis D. itis whose pen

( )21. Canyou tellme ?

A.whoareyou B. whoyouare

C. youarewho D.whoyou be

( )22.Do you know ofthethree?

A.which bookshe likesbest

B.which bestbook doesshelike

C.that whichbookshelikesbest

D.which bookshe bestlikes

( )23.Ihear the teacher will comebackfromthe UK soon.

A.which B.that C.when D.whether

( )24. Canyou tellme languageshespeaks?

A.which B. what C.that D.whether

( )25. Canyou tellus you grow cotton inyour country?

A. that B. whether C. which D.whose

( )26.Idon’tunderstand yousaid.

A.when B.that C. where D.what

( )27.Do you know themeeting will begin?

A.when B.that C. where D.what

( )28. Canyou tellme themeetingwill begin?

A.what B.whether C. when D.where

( )29. surprisedmemostwas hedidn’t gotoschoolyesterday.

A.What, how B.What,that C.That,that D.Whom,that

( )30.Iwondered theyhadbeen toAmerica.

A. if B.what C. who D. that

( )31. Canyou tellme Mr.Green livesinRoom2318?

A. that B. where C.until D.if

( )32.Do you know Jack left soearly?

A.what B. why C.until D.though

( )33.Theywill be thankfulfor you havedone.

A.what B.that C.which D.who

( )34.The boy asked howfar the moon fromthe earth.

A.was B. were C. is D.was

( )35.Itold themthatthesun intheeast.

A.rises B.rose C.has risten D.wasrising

( )36.Youmustremember thetrain .

A. that,leaves B.when,leaves

C.when,willleave D. if,leave

( )37.Do you know shewill gotothecinemawithus?

A. if B. where C.who D.which

( )38.The children said they themselvesverymuch.

A. if,enjoy B. why,enjoyed

C. where,enjoy D.that,enjoyed

( )39.Idon’tthink I outthe problem.

A. if,canwork B. how,will work

C.that, canwork D.when, willwork

( )40.Sheisafraid he acold atnight.

A. that,will catch B.that, catches

C. whether,will catch D.is, catches

( ) 41.Wearesure he to speakEnglishwell.

A. that,learned B. that,haslearned

C.if, learned D.if, haslearned

( )42.The boy asked I anynoise fromoutside.

A.when, heard B. why,hadheard

C.whether,hadheard D.what, heard

( )43.Who cantell us about over there?

A.whatthey talk B. whatdo they talk

C. whatare they talkingD. what they are talking

( )44.Wecouldn’tfind out ,so weasked apoliceman.

A.whosebikeitwas B.whose bikewasit

C. whoseitwasbike D.whosewasitbike

( )45.Do you know taketo gettothe hospital?

A.whichway mustwe B.whichmustweway

C. whichwaywemust D.which wemustway

( )46.Tomasked to schoollate.

A.whodid oftencome B. who often came

C. whyhadsheleft D.why she had left

( )47.Idon’tremember theboy byhimself.

A.why did she leave B.why she left

C. why hadsheleft D.why she had left

( )48.Have youforgotten when hedied?

A. how oldhewas B.how oldwas he

C. whatdid hesay D. what hedidsay

( )49.Nobody knows tovisitourschool.

A.whenwill become B. when doeshe come

C. when he willcome D.when hedoescome

( )50.Pleasetell us totheScience Museum.

A. how can wereach B.howwecanreach

C.how can weget D. howwecan get

( )51.Don’t you believe tothemoon byspaceship?

A. thatmandidfly B.how did the manfly

C.ifmanfly D.whether manfly

( )52.The teacher toldus .

A. is theearth round B. the earth wasround

C.theearth is round D.was theearthround

( )53.It’sfoggy today.Ican’tfind out it’saman agirl.

A. if,and B.that,and

C. either,or D.whether,or

( )54. Couldyou tellmeifhe toBeijing?

A. hasgone B.hadgone C. went D.go

( )55. Mrs.Whiteasked me Iwould goshoppingwith her.

A.what B. which C. whether D.that

( )56.Idon’tknow theshoes cheapenough.

A. if,are B.where,was C. that,was D. if, was

( )57.LiLeididn’ttelltheteacher why yesterday?

A. hedidn’t come B.did henotcome

C.didn’t hecome D. hedon’tcome

( )58.Hesaid thatthey Zhangjiajiefor aholiday.

A. havebeen to B.hadgoneto

C.have gone to D. hasgoneto

( )59.Lucytoldmeshe mewithmyEnglishthatafternoon.

A.will help B.tohelp

C.would help D.ishelping

( )60.Jack isn’tsure workers there are inhisfactory.

A. howmany B.what C. which D.whether

( )61.Who knows dictionary itis?

A.who’s B.whose C. whom D.who

( )62. Couldyou tellmeifit a lotinsummer in your hometown?

A.rained B.rain C. rains D.israining

( )63.Ican’tremember I sentthebook to.

A. that B. which C. where D.whom

( )64.None ofusknowswhichfloor on.

A. is she B.she living C. she is D.didshe live

( )65.Wedidn’t know tovisitourschool.

A.when didhecome B. whenwould hecome

C. when he wascomingD. when hecame

( )66.Do you know when take off?

A.we will B. we are C. shallwe D. willwe

( )67.Iwanttoknow willgo with us.

A.who B.whom C.what D. that

( )68. Canyou tellme the trainleaves?

A.what B.where C.when D. how

( )69.Hesaid he mebefore.

A. hasmet B. met C.wasmeeting D. hadmet

( )70.----Idon’t know ifhe .

----Hewillcomeifit .

es,won’trainB.will come,doesn’train

C. comes,doesn’tD.will come,won’train

( )71.Do you know what time ?

A. thetrain leave B. doesthetrain leave

C.willthe trainleave D. thetrain leaves

( )72.----Couldyoutellme with thebike?


A.what’sthematter B.whatthe matter is

C.what’sthewrong D.what thewrongis

( )73.Shesaid it wouldn’tmatter much.

A. that B.if C.which D.what

( )74.Wewanted toknow the answer wasright ornot.

A. if B.that C.whether D.what

( )75.Do youremember you the look?

A.where,put B.if,have put

C.what,put D.where,are putting

( )76.Shehasmadeitclear shewill have nothingto do with him.

A.what B. which C. whether D. that

( )77.Forcenturies,peoplehavewondered thiscontinentisreallylike,sinceitiscoveredwith solidthick iceanddeep snow alltheyearround.

A.what B.how C. which D.whether

78. Iwas surprised at .

A.whatheissaying B. what hesaid

C. what did he say D.what said he

( )79.Hereally doesn’t know the overheadbridgewill be finished.

A. how long B.howfar

C.how soon D. how often

( )80.The teacher cameup tosee .

A.whatwasthematter B.what thematter was

C. whatthematteris D.what’sthematter


1.D2.A3. D4. C5. A6.A7.B 8.A9.B 10.A

11.C12.B 13.A14. B15.D16.A17. C18.D19. B 20.C


31.D32.B33.A34. C35.A36. B 37.A38.D39.C40.A


51.A52.C53.D54.A55.C56. A57.A58.B59. C60.A

61.B62.C63.D64. C65.C66. A 67.A68.C69.A70.B


