300字范文 > 学乐毕业&结业典礼|花开时节 遇见最美好的你们

学乐毕业&结业典礼|花开时节 遇见最美好的你们

时间:2021-09-17 14:06:05


学乐毕业&结业典礼|花开时节 遇见最美好的你们


Remember our first encounter three years ago. The autumn wind blew through your clothes, your face was shy, the flowers were just right, and the trees were lush. Everything was like yesterday.


Remember that some of you would cry out loud, "I want my mom, I want my mom." But today, you have become a child who can stand alone - kind, brave, confident, and optimistic. On this parting day, we bring gratitude, blessings, and joy, and say goodbye to the best of you.


Although we will part ways, Scholastic International Kindergarten is always your home and the cradle of your growth. You can often come back and see every teacher who has taught you. Here are the chefs who made delicious meals for you. Here is the kindergarten that always cares for your growth. We look forward to watching you move on to a better and more wonderful future!


Three years seems to be very long, but it is also very short. Thanks to these three years, we could grow together. Your innocent smile, healthy and lively figure will always be printed in our memory. Thanks to the children for their love for us, their happiness, and the trust of every parent. During this time, every bit of it seemed so precious.


Kindergarten leaders and principals give the students the most sincere blessings


The speeches of the parents’ representatives represented all the parents with one voice. We heard the parents’ amazement at the children’s growth, heard the ardent blessings for the children’s future, and heard the gratitude and recognition of the teachers and kindergartens.


Speech of Daniel’s mom from Savanna Class


Speech of Tom’s mom from Savanna Class


Today our stage was most splendid. We are greeted by the costumes. You are full of childlike smiles, with the best sounds and the most energetic dances to light our stage and inspire the audience! We saw your best posture, and your most beautiful dreams will set sail from here.


Today is our graduation ceremony, which announces that the kindergarten life of our big class is coming to an end. But it also indicates that they will go to a larger and broader stage to show their vitality and style. I believe that every child of ours will become a small sun, with warmth and light, illuminating the world!

阳光班宝贝们的可爱舞蹈《Hands up hands down》

Dance of Sunshine Class “Hands up hands down”

河流班精彩的情景剧《Naughty bunnies》

Scene play of River Class ""Naughty bunnies""

天空班的帅气舞蹈《We will rock you》

Dance of Sky Class ""We will rock you""

草原班有趣的情景剧《Summer is fun》

Scene play of Savanna Class "" Summer is fun""

珊瑚班优美的歌曲合唱《What a beautiful morning & You are my sunshine》

Song of Coral class ""What a beautiful morning & You are my sunshine""


Dance of Ocean Class ""Burning my calories""


Today is also our closing ceremony. These children will also welcome a new kindergarten life. Looking at their tender faces and pure smiles makes us very happy. Let us witness their progress and growth every day, and look forward to the surprises they will bring us!


Dance of Forest Class: Go Go Go!

森林班激动人心的歌曲表演《We are the champions》

Song of Forest Class: We are the champions


Poem of Forest Class: Graduation poem


In addition to the wonderful program display, we also carried out an exhibition and auction of the children"s artwork. Parents and children participated in this activity sincerely and actively, with all the proceeds going to the Smile Angel Foundation, which helps meet the needs of children with cleft lips and palates. We were happy to pass on love and warmth, helping those less fortunate.


Gently, we give you our love. Gently, we give you our blessings. Gently, we give you our thoughts. In this flowering season, leave a good memory and a beautiful picture.


Teachers dance won the warm applause of parents


Principal Todd and Principal Angie, on behalf of all the staff and teachers, thank the parents for their support and trust in the kindergarten. We will give your baby peace of mind and a good education, so that we can realize our life pursuits as educators. Dream. Let us look forward to a beautiful and fulfilling new school year, growing up with the children!
