300字范文 > CNN | 印度登月失败

CNN | 印度登月失败

时间:2020-02-26 20:40:06


CNN | 印度登月失败

By , 1 Sept./ Translated by Lynn.F

(CNN)India"s historic attempt to soft land a rover on the moon may have ended in failure moments before landing and scientists scrambled to analyze the final communication from Chandrayaan-2.


"Vikram lander descent was as planned and normal performance was observed till the altitude of 2.1 km. Subsequently the communication from the lander to ground station was lost. The >“维克拉姆着陆器按计划下降,在降至2.1km高度前性能观测正常,但随后着陆器与基站失去联系。目前相关数据正在分析中。”相当于美国NASA的印度空间研究机构主席 K. Sivan说。

The control room in the city of Bengaluru filled with scientists underwent a visible change as updates from the lander faded. The crowd had celebrated every small step during the controlled descent and at 1:55 a.m. local time on Saturday (4:25 p.m. ET Friday), the moment the landing was expected to take place, silence descended.


"In life, there are ups and downs. The country is proud of you. And all your hard work has taught us something ... Hope for the best ... You have served the country well and served science and humanity well," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the announcement.

“人生,难免起起落落。国家为你们感到骄傲。你们的艰苦工作启迪了世人……永远心怀最远大的追求 ……汝辈之功,无愧于国家、科学、人类。”印度总统莫迪在宣布登月计划失败后说道。

Later, Modi tweeted: "We remain hopeful and will continue working hard on our space programme." He was scheduled to address the nation later Saturday.


Modi was in the mission control room when the lander was supposed to touch down.



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