300字范文 > 英文版新闻稿范文 英语新闻稿模板及范文(8篇)

英文版新闻稿范文 英语新闻稿模板及范文(8篇)

时间:2023-10-11 12:13:54


英文版新闻稿范文 英语新闻稿模板及范文(8篇)











































































在今天,绝大部分雇主指出,他们是从来不会看没有求职信(cover letter)的个人简历的。因此,求职信是必要的。但求职信不是对个人简历的简单复述,而是礼貌而鲜明的突出自己的目标和要求,促使阅读者有兴趣阅读你的个人简历和推荐信。

1, 可保证个人简历到达正确的阅读人的桌面。如果招聘广告上没有收信人的姓名,我推荐打电话询问将会处理求职申请的人的姓名(这显示你的诚意以及专业精神,给雇主深刻印象)。假如不能的话按照以下原则:小型企业—经理(managing director),中型企业—部门负责人(head of section/department),大型企业—全体职员或者人事部(personnel or human resource department)。

2, 说服收信者阅读你的个人简历

3, 清楚地表明你对具体哪一个职位感兴趣

4, 表明为什么对该职位有兴趣,为什么你认为自己胜任该职位

5, 提及一到两点在个人简历里面的内容,以及回应广告的要求


那么,cover letter要包括那些内容呢,至少有以下几点。

1, 招聘广告中给出的收信人姓名,头衔和地址

2, 你所感兴趣的职位以及你从何处得知招聘消息(或许朋友推荐)

3, 用三到四个―项目符号‖(如word工具栏)列举出你为什么能胜任该职位的背景和特长,回应招聘广告的要求。

4, 表明有兴趣获得一个面试的机会,讨论申请问题。

5, 检查拼写和语法错误

6, 千万不要提及薪酬问题,也不要提及雇主想要或者可能想要的但你又不能达到的技能或要求

7, 除非注明要求手写,否则应用打字机或者文字处理软件打印。但个人签名一定要用手写(记住这一点不要忘记)

8, 对应不同的申请应用不同的求职信,例如内容、侧重点和风格的不同等

9, 注意,cover letter应力求精简,除非有特殊情况,否则一律用一张纸完成



your address(应用由小到大规则)

your phone numbers

your email address(这一部分如果空间不够的话,可以考虑右式和应用文本框)


date of writing(可采用日月年格式,如2 april 20xx,无需逗号隔开,但月份不要用简写)


name of employer






reference number(假如招聘广告上有提到的话)


dear mr … or ms …/dear sir or madam


1st paragraph (第一段落)explain why you are writing; identify the position and your source of information. indicate in summary form your >








大体上有两种。第一种是按时间循序式(chronological),所有的信息包括在鲜明的标题下,例如教育程度、工作经验等。这一种方法容易入手一些。第二种称为技能针对式(skills based),就是根据技能要求列标题,所有个人信息分别列举在相应标题下。这一种比较高难度。


1,个人资料(personal details)






3,工作经验(work experiences)





5,个人兴趣(intrest / extracurricular activities)





7,可选项(optional extras)

在开头可以采用个性化的声明(personal profile/objective statement),用两到三个句子概括你的能力,



另外,差点忘了一点,就是在前面加上你的职位目标(job objective),通常是招聘广告所列出的职位。



personal details(第一块)

include your name, (nationality, date of birth), address, (marital status), phone number(s) and e-mail address. also state whether you are a driver and how mobile you are prepared to be.


tony bao(居中)

101 beijing rd, shanghai city (居中)

(020) 8434 8888, tony@ (居中)


job objective(第二块)


education / qualifications(第三块)(建议用―项目符号和/或编号‖或表格按由近到远的时间循序列出)

include degrees, or relevant diplomas and any specific training in computer skills.

l dec 1996 – june 20xx, degree in…

1、 year 1: certified… won scholarship …

2、 year 2: …

3、 year 3: …got certificates of level 1 & 2 of cct…

l sep 1995 - june 20xx…

work experience(第四块,十分重要)(建议用―项目符号和/或编号‖或表格按由近到远的时间循序列出。注意不要有大的时间空缺)

list the most recent job first and remember not to leave any gaps. spell out what you did, what

skills/technologies you used, the dates you started and finished, how much you earned and your reasons for leaving. dont criticise previous employers, even if they are deserving!

l sep 20xx-now/march 20xx, …ltd…managed/dealt with/…

l june 20xx (sumer holiday), …。ltd…。 position of /leader of…

l dec 20xx-may 20xx, trained in…

l march 20xx-oct 20xx… volunteered …



l advanced skills in…

l excellent … & customer services skills

l brilliant time management, organisational and communication skills

l ability to provide telephone support for … related problems

extracurricular activities / interest(第六块)

describe your interests. it is a good idea to provide examples that demonstrate attributes the employer may find attractive.

如:… captain of … leader of …

referees/ reference(第七块)

provide details of two referees, typically the last two employers.

1,tom smith, manager of … ltd. telephone: 888 8888 (day), or 999 9999(night) email:


2,ken weaver, head tutor of … department in. … university … ken@


对于某些工作,雇主会先发给你相关申请表格。这时你仍然需要写一封求职信(covering letter),以及你的个人简历(cv)(除非雇主有表明不必要)。









第四部分 重大的嘉奖或成绩的复印件










1. 合同中的中方应具备相应的经营权,对外方的资信情况有一定的了解;

2. 合同条款的增减应明确,有专人负责交易的全过程及处理相关事宜;

3. 交易过程中收发的信件、传真或电子邮件等文件应妥善保存或仔细斟酌,因为其有可能构成对合同的补充或修改;

4. 认真对待影响合同正常履行的事件,及时采取合理措施并主张权利,不轻易承诺对合同的修改或承担赔偿责任。慎重行使合同的撤销权、不安抗辩权,并及时通知对方。

编 号(no.):__________

签约地(signed at):________

日 期(date):__________





买方(buyer): _____________________

地址(address): ____________________


电子邮箱(e-mail): ___________________


the undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below:

1. 货物名称、规格和质量(name, specifications and quality of commodity):

2. 数量(quantity):

3. 单价及价格条款(unit price and terms of delivery):

(除非另有规定,“fob”、“cfr”和“cif”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(incoterms 1990)办理。)

the terms "fob" "cfr" or "cif" shall be subject to the "international rules for the interpretation of trade terms"(incoterms 1990) provided by international chamber of commerce (icc) unless otherwise stipulated herein.)

4. 总价 (total amount):

5. 允许溢短装(more or less):___%。

6. 装运期限(time of shipment):


within______days after receipt of l/c allowing transshipment and partial shipment.

7. 付款条件(terms of payment):


by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and pisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the seller before______and to remain valid for negotiation in china until ______after the time of shipment. the l/c must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed.


the buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the above-stipulated time, failing which, the seller shall have the right to rescind this contract upon the arrival of the notice at buyer or to accept whole of and part of this contract non fulfilled by the buyer , or to lodge a claim for the direct losses sustained if any.

8. 包装(packing):

9. 保险(insurance):


covering_____risks for % of invoice value to be effected by the ________.

10. 品质/数量异议(quality/quantity discrepancy):


in case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. it is understood that the seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the insurance company, shipping company, other transportation organization /or post office are liable.

11. 由于发生人力不可抗拒的原因,致使本合约不能履行,部分或全部商品延误交货,卖方概不负责。 the seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this sales contract in consequence of any force majeure incidents which might occur. force majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.

12. 仲裁(arbitration):


any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. the arbitral awards is final and binding upon both parties.

13. 通知(notices):


all notice shall be written in _____ and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the following addresses. if any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within ____ days after the change.

14. 本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式 _____ 份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。

this contract is executed in two counterparts each in chinese and english, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic. this contract is in _____ copies effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.

the seller: the buyer:




sample formal invitation letter

dear professor _____________

we are so pleased that you will be visiting stanford to speak at our _______ research workshop on [date]. to show our appreciation for your willingness to share your research, we would like to offer you a modest $_______ honoraria, assuming your visa and tax status allow you to accept this. please be aware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37% withholding. in order to process this, we will need you to complete some paperwork; we will be in touch shortly about this. if you would like our assistance securing a visa to enter the united states, or an itin (tax identification number required to receive honoraria payments), please let us know—we will be glad to help with this. we are also prepared to cover the costs (up to $______) for your travel to and accommodations in the stanford area. we can make and pay directly for travel arrangements for you, or, if you prefer, we can reimburse your for reasonable expenses (i.e. coach-class airfare for flights under eight hours in length, no entertainment or alcohol-related expenditures, tips 15% or less). if you choose the latter option, we will provide you with the forms and information necessary to be reimbursed by stanford.

sponsored by a grant form the mellon foundation, the research workshops at stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of interest. i think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a perse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. we will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere.

if there are specific scholars at stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. we will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logistics of your visit. in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or __________, our workshop’s graduate student coordinator (insert contact info here). the stanford humanities center, the research center on campus that manages the mellon workshop program, may also contact you.

best wishes,

faculty coordinator

name of workshop

stanford university

邀请函范文 | 邀请函模板 | 邀请函格式 | 邀请函设计 | 邀请函图片 | 英文邀请函

邀请函范文 | 邀请函模板 | 邀请函格式 | 邀请函设计 | 邀请函图片 | 英文邀请函


1、 协助总经理进行商务谈判,做好各项汇报及联络工作。

2、 翻译对国外客户的邮件、文件、会议及公司内英文稿件的核对。

3、 协助总经理对各部门工作进行配合和协作。

4、 根据公司的工作安排和要求,跟进工作过程及完成情况。

5、 负责起草、打印、登记和存档总经办签发的文件。

6、 建立维护良好的媒体关系,保持公司积极社会形象。

7、 协助总经理处理日常行政事务,陪同短期出差。

8、 完成总经理授权与交办的其他工作任务。





name: mr. g gender: male

wedlock: married nation: han

residence: jiangxi-ganzhou age: 39

location: jiangsu-nanjing height: 165cm

target locations: shanghai、 zhejiang、 jiangxi、 jiangsu、 hubei

target positions: quality/safety management-qa/qc manager/supervisor

management-branch manager/director

management-department director

industry/factories-quality control manager/director

target jobs: qa manager/director、 sqe manager/director、 qm/system manager


2001-03 ~ -06 shen zhen university business management bachelor degree

1996-09 ~ 1999-07 xinyu college english junior college

1993-09 ~ 1996-07 ningdu high school arts high school


-03 ~ -03 bvqi(guangdong) co.,ltd iso/ts16949:2002 internal auditor training internal auditor

-04 ~ -04 tuv rheinland (guangdong) ltd iso14001: internal auditor training internal auditor

-09 ~ -12 c&k consultancy six sigma green belt

-03 ~ -06 c&k consultancy lean manufacture course-completion certificate

2001-05 ~ 2001-05 tuv rheinland (guangdong) ltd iso9001:2000 internal auditor training internal auditor

work experience14 years 0 months work experience,and served on 3 companies.

【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (-06 ~ present)

company type: joint venture company category: electrical,micro-electronics

job title: quality manager positions: branch manager/director

job description: 1. establish,maintain and improve qms(including gjb9001b-),ehs & ems(include rohs &gp)& product certificate(e.g.: 3c, ul,ce,jis,csa,tuv etc.) and its documentations, education and training of quality and engineering tools/methods/demands/standards in production,quality and engineering. administer the central document control ,lab and calibration activities.

e the quality of material,npi,processes and aftersales,monitor daily operation quality status,harmonize each department to resolve process quality issue in time,lead the special quality case improvement,direct and monitor my subordinates work plan,working status,kpi performance and evaluation;

top managemet to set company goals/targets, guide and monitor all departments to set,implement,do statistic analysis their objectives and its kaizen activities(such as yield rate, equipment utilization rate,oay,lar,etc) ;

ze supplier,internal,customer and 3rd parts audit on iso system,process and product,and report its performance to top managerment,communicate on the matter with external parties such as government, customers(e.g.: airbus, cast, zhenhua electronics group,osram,ge, gm, volkswagen,motorola,lenovo, zte, tianyu, huawei, samsung , sony,panasonic,etc.)and certification organization(e.g.: sgs,tuv,bvqi,cqc)。

,implement and upgrade quality team,team work,milestone,cost down,quality management (including dqe,lab test,sqe,iqe,pqe,oqa,8d,supplier management,ie,pe,npi),data statistic analysis,project management,lean production,production plan,logistics management,damic,based on the demands and standards of client, international organization and company.

the main customers project and oem project manangement.

direct, coach and motivate our staffs and suppliers how to achieve effectively our objective and growth.

perform other duties


1、 have qc080000: certificated by sgs and iso9001:2000certificated by bvqi in mar,, iso14001: certificated by sqc in sept.,,iso/ts16949:2002 certificated by bvqi in nov., guide three suppliers to have iso/ts16949:2002(issued by bvqi)/iso14001: and qc080000(issued by tuv) certificated.

and organize the performance excellence evaluation. in nov ,direct our company to have gb/t***certificated by district government review team and got rmb200 thousand district mayor reward.

our staffs and suppliers to master and apply the knowledge of apqp/ppap/fmea/spc/msa,tqm,6σ,7s,qc tools and qe&ie&pe improving. and from oct. to now, we decrease iqc lrr from 15% to 2.5%,save material cost 17%,decrease claims from 22pcs to 3pcs monthly , failure quality cost from rmb300000 to rmb10000 below monthly,fqc defect ratio from 4600ppm to 1000ppm and increase total profit 30% per year.

reason for leaving: contract will be on term and looking for better development

【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (-12 ~ -06)

company type: multinational enterprise company category: machine-building,machine,heavy industry

job title: quality manager positions: qa/qc manager/supervisor

job description: ish,maintain and improve qms & ems and review their accordance with iso9001,qs9000,ts16949 & iso14001 standards. and possess the iso9000/qs9000/tso14001/ts16949 internal auditor certificates.

the performance of the quality issue, qms & ems and deal with the matter with external parties.

charge of cost down, quality control, quality assurance, continual improvement and audits: internal audit, supplier audit, customer audit and 3rd party audit.

ster the central document control and calibration activities and guide to establish the procedures document ,sop and sip.

5、 plan and consummate qm team and coach how to apply apqp, ppap, fmea,spc, msa,tqm, 6σ,qcc, qc tools and qe improving 。


ts16949:2002 certificated by bvqi and 3 times surveillance audit of iso9001:2000(bvqi certificated) and of iso14001:(tuv certificated);

d the claim from 20 issues to 3 issues and cost down from rmb150000 yuan to rmb20000yuan per month after five month hard working(.5~12),increase the profit 42%, company scale and qm team have been double developed in .

reason for leaving: have better development and working environment

【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (1999-07 ~ -11)

company type: foreign enterprise company category: electrical,micro-electronics

job title: from sqe to qa supervisor positions: qa/qc manager/supervisor

job description: 1999/07—2001/10 act as sqe and in charge of iqc, the main job as follow:

ish sip,coach,arrange and monitor iqc to inspect hardware,plastic and electronic components,review the iqc reports, check on iqc work attendance and performance;

m, primary analyze, feedback and assist supplier to review and improve the material quality issue occurred in iqc and our process,besides,handle the defective material and trace the validity on the corrective action.

y the monthly iqc quality report such as lrr, dppm in process, and do analysis, improvement and track on the top three defect items.

ish, develop, implement and improve supplier quality assurance, policies, goals, objectives, management process, and procedures including supplier assessment, qualification, certification and qdc performance;

ing to our development strategy, quality plans and performance targets, co-work with the relative unit (buyer, engineer and other business) to provide supplier quality team with scheduled or timely communication, training, and support in qms & ems(eg. iso9001/ts16949/iso14001/rohs/gp), management requirements and expectations, quality issues solution, continuous technical improvement activities , so that the vendors can drive high performance and adequate supply of the qualified parts, material and service;

in the corporate approved vendors list, qualify new supplier or sub-contractor and organize annual key supplier audit with purchasing and engineering in order to ensure vendors’ compliance to procedures and completion of any outstanding items previously identified.

sible for identifying, clarifying and correlating the critical specifications and procedures in manufacturing and test processes with supplier, requesting quality reports or records, and approving fai and ppap for new or modified items from supplier.

ed in mrb disposition, call on the supplier quality review/improvement meeting and perform other duties as required.

2001/10—/11 act as qa supervisor,the main job as follows:

ish,maintain and improve qms,ehs & ems relating to iso9001/ qs9000/iso14001 standards. 。make up the procedures documents,sop and sip.

ng our staffs and suppliers to apply apqp,ppap,fmea,spc,msa,tqm,6σ,6s,qcc and qc tools to monitor, analyse and improve the process ability.

3、 in charge of supplier management,iqe,ipqe,oqa,new product apqp,quality audit and customer service(8d)


our company to gain iso14001 certificate issued by tuv in dec,1999 and qs9000 certificate issued by bvqi in july,2001;

2、 assist four vendors obtaining the certificates of iso9001/qs9000/iso***issued by bvqi or afaq;

the qualification of service to the following international groups:ford,gm,higer,sony,fujifilm,panasonic/ national, philips, liteon, china machinery corp, matic etc.

se iqc lrr from 17.5% to 1.2%,reduce the material cost 7%,control cpk≥1.33 and the process defect ratio≤0.3%,keep the claim ratio under 0.1%,the profit above 35% ,the employee from 600 to 1300,qe team from 2 to 6 staffs.

reason for leaving: go home for education exam

project experience

total 3 project experience (-12 ~ -10)

job title: ci director

project description: ***:projects management of new products and its apqp management

software environment: erp

development tools: apqp,doe,spc

project description: one year from june to june to achieve mass production of 5 types of pesd.

8 months from may to dec to achieve mass production of 6 types of chipfuse.

oct to dec to achieve mass production of camera module,solar cell module,led lighting,etc.

responsibility: design and development review,verification and validation to new products and establish its apqp,kept them running and continual improvement.


***:establish new iso system for 7 times

software environment: erp

project description: 3 months to build iso/ts16949:2002 from mar to may ;

3 months to build ohsas18000 from aug to oct ;

2 months to build qc080000: from mar to may ;

3 months from sep to nov to build iso/ts16949:2002;

3 months from oct to dec to build so9001:;

one month in june to certificate iso17025;

2 months from june to july to build national military standard gjb9001b-;

responsibility: build new iso system documents and its training,certification,maintainance and improvement.


***:upgraded the iso management system for 3 times

software environment: erp

development tools: apqp,fmea,spc,msa,ppap,doe

project description: one month in dec to upgrade iso9001 from version 1994 to 2000;

one month in may to upgrade iso14001 from version 1996 to ;

3、 spent one month in dec to upgrade ts16949 from version 2002 to ;

responsibility: iso system and its documents training,certification,maintainance and improvement.

responsibility: refer to above project description.

special skills

professional title: tqm&lean production&ace

computer level: junior

computer skills: ully apply office 2000 to build the form and do statistical analysis and photoshop7.0 to edit the photos.

applying auto cad to layout the product.

ully apply the statistical soft such as spcc,minitab to do statistical analysis and continuous improvement.

strengths: 1.13+ years experience of mnc operation and tqm,so gain rich abilities or skills in communication, leadership, damic, team building, teamwork, target value, overall performance audit,cost down,claim disposure,data statistic and analysis,project management,lean production, production plan,logistics management,customer and supplier relation management.

qms(iso9001/gjb9001/vda6.1/qs9000/ts16949/tl9000)/ehs/ems(iso14001/qc080000/rohs/gp) and such product certification as ul/3c/ce/iec/tuv/csa/jis,and master,coach and apply iso,apqp,ppap,fmea,spc,msa,tqm,qcc,6σ,lean manufacture,qc tools and qe&ie&pe improving.

years project management on new products(led lamp&lighting,camera module,solar cell & its module,pesd and chip fuse,assure to meet or exceed customer needs,expectations and timing plan at valued cost according to my product quality planning timing chart for these 5 phases of concept initiation/approval, program approval, prototype, pilot, launch and such 6 processes as plan & define program, product & process design and development review, product & process design and development verification, product & process validation, feedback assessment and corrective action by apqp tool.

engaged in production operation,tqm in below fields:

a:plastic electronic and automotive parts injection,connector,cable & cooler(above 4 years);

b:tooling,pressing&annealling&plating(terminal,shell,motor core and ic lead frame) and power coating(7 years);

c:semiconductor components(led lamp & display, ic,diode,chip fuse,gdt,mosfet,tvs,pesd,ptc,pptc,led lighting)(above 10 years);

d:assembly of ccm under csp or cob process & non-ccm products(5.5 years);

e:automotive parts and electronics(tool box,handle,camera,head light,stoplight,dashlight)at smt,cob,csp and m/s process( above 10 years);

f:solar cell and its module(3 years)。

language skills

chinese: good cantonese: general

english level: majored in english cet-6 spoken good

english: skilled

career objective

career direction: qa/qc manager/director/deputy gm ,sqm manager,operation director/manager, qms&ems manager , ceo/gm/president assistant.

requirements: five working days and abide by labor laws;

self info.

self assessment: year experience in foreign trade and purchasing business, familiar with operation and management of documentation;

as sjqe appointed by our customer osram,samsung,lg,philips to deal with all affairs related with them,such as operation performanc data reporting,quality management,otc and tdm confirmation,new product and project management,audit,etc.

t company has 40% sales revenue from oem customers(eg.:vishay,ge) and 20% one from odm customers(eg:osram,philips),also 20% capacity needed for oem,build and keep good relationship with oem and his suppliers,in addition,guide,implement and improve supplier quality system,management process,and procedures including supplier assessment,qualification,certification and qdc performance.

hobbies: swimming,reading.

sional tqm with strong ability in innovation,team built,teamwork,leadership and communication.

problem solving, preventive, ci and strategic planning and solid practice 。

sional customer projector quality management,8d, npi and supplier(including oem) quality management.

pled, honest, strict.

,affirmative,aspirant,honest, striving responsibility with steady-going and sure-footed working &life style.


excellent staff 2002-02-03


iso/ts16949 internal auditor -03-19


name: mr. r gender: male

wedlock: single nation: han

residence: guangdong-qingyuan age: 28

location: guangdong-dongguan height: 173cm

target locations: guangdong

target positions: industry/factories-industrial engineer

industry/factories-production management clerk

industry/factories-technic engineer

target jobs: industrial engineer、 lean engineer


-09 ~ -07 guangdong university of technology industral engineering bachelor degree


-12 ~ -12 guopei certificate internal quality auditor training &qualification

【company name】 (-07 ~ present)

company type: private enterprise company category: electrical,micro-electronics

job title: industrial engineer positions: industrial engineer

job description: : process planning, fixture and equipment planning, prepare process checklist

rd time and capacity evaluation, line balance and prepare sop for new products

in the usage of the consumptive material, standard time and capacity

m line balance and improve process to rise capacity

and improve the tools and fixture in the work site

r the efficiency of the production line, analyze these reasons manpower, machine, material , environment, method, push the relative dept to solve issues

project planning and push: auto-machine introduce, production way optimize, manpower and material saving, etc

career highlight:

-welding machine introduce: welding process operator saving(16 operators-12 operators=4 operators), line balance rate upgrade from 83% to 91%, solder wire saving 3.2grams, cost of solder wire saving 1.6 yuan rmb for each pcba.

-packaging production line planning and implement: master carton packaging operator saving, every production line deploy 2 packaging operators for 8 lines, after introduce the new equipment it takes only 5 operator to seal the master carton

cabinet pre-process and final assembly combine: manpower saving include 1 conveyer, 1 visual inspector, 1 loading operator and 1unloading operator(total 4 operators), and saving the usage of bubble bag and partition board

tive plate incoming package improvement: change the package material and simplify package way to reduce pack cost(from 0.13yuan to 0.09yuan rmb) and cut down unpack operation time( saving 12 seconds)

ate with rd to change pcba process from dispensing process to solder paste process, in order to cut down welding failure rate after wave-soldering. in this case charge of pcba fixture design and improvement evaluation(repairing welding time 140sec reduce to 70sec,4 repair welding operators cut down to 2 operators)

ing to the small order quantity of the product, study the less humanizing process for small products to reduce the change over loss time(38 operators*30minute-

20 operator*40minutes=340minutes) and improve 8% of the motion effective rate

reason for leaving: not very good economic benifit of the company,little chance to promote both in position and welfare

【company name】 (-07 ~ -06)

company type: joint venture company category: electrical,micro-electronics

job title: junior engineer positions: industrial engineer

job description: ish and maintain the standard labor time, perform line balance to improve production capacity

capacity assessment: base on the mps and the capacity of production line to forecast the workforce requirement

e the cost study report for new products, labor rate evaluate basis on factory operating cost, provide quotation to customer for special process

e the workshop layout and line layout design basis on logistics analysis

ch and develop new packaging method, develop new suppliers for packing material, make order for new packing material and follow up the schedule

with customer complaint and settle products packaging issue, improve packaging method to satisfy customer

career highlight:

1、 function test man-machine operation improvement: cooperate with te to disassemble

and rearrange test item, and modify the way of program display in the monitor, in order

to realize one person simultaneously operate two test machine

2、 line balance improvement: provide the cycle time of each model to set up assemble line speed, and upgrade the line balance rate to 80% above for all model

reason for leaving: not a very good department to pratice and learn ie skill,seek more chance to enhance myself

special skills

professional title:

computer level: national computer exam. grade 3

computer skills: familiar with windows,be good at microsoft office software;

passed national computer rank exam of database technology ;

y in auto cad of computer aided design software;

strengths: familiar with method study and standard time measurement, know well about work study technology including 5w1h inquire skill and ecrs four principles

y in ie seven techniques, comprehend production management essentials

and the activity about 5s.

familiar with logistics analysis during the production process, be capable of

facility planning and machine layout

about the basis quality management tools, such as seven qc methods and fmea technique

language skills

chinese: good cantonese: good

english level: cet-4

english: good

career objective

career direction: a position as ie engineer or lean engineer which will use the ie concept and lean production to reduce the cost of enterprise running ,promote the competitive strength,as a result to achieve the win-win target with enterprise.


self info.

self assessment: or degree in industrial engineering, have good sense in cost down, and have successful case of improvement

in taiwan electronic company for almost two year, be familiar with smt, dip, repair welding, final assembly, test and packing process

hands-on skills, have experience in guiding operation for new production first mp

skill in auto-cad, can design and make fixture in the workshop

communication and organization skill in working with other department, have some experience in training

sibility for work and a man of great loyalty, able to learn, patient and positive.


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n. 契约;合同;婚约

v. 感染;(使)缩小,缩短,收缩;订契约

the contract was negotiated.合约已谈妥。

confidentiality of contracts合同的保密性

renewal of contract合同的续订

crimp contraction皱缩率

a contracted brow皱缩的眉头

shall we sign the contract?我们签合同好吗?

the interval between contract signing and shipment is too long, im afraid.恐怕签合同与交货时间相隔太长了。
