300字范文 > When I was growing up I always gave my mom an apron (围裙)on her birthdayI wanted my own m

When I was growing up I always gave my mom an apron (围裙)on her birthdayI wanted my own m

时间:2019-11-12 02:48:48


When I was growing up  I always gave my mom an apron (围裙)on her birthdayI wanted my own m


When I was growing up, I always gave my mom an apron (围裙)on her birthday.I wanted my own mom — 21that apron Id just given her, of course —to 22me at the end of each afternoon bearing a plate of home-baked 23as she waited breathlessly to hear about my 24day at school.

Mom loved her family without question, but as an elementary-school teacher she had her own exciting days to 25 .She had hardly any extra time and 26, and home-baked treats were rare in our house except 27very special occasions.Since Mom didn make cookies very often, the 28of her baking were not always the same.Sometimes the cookies were browned a little more than planned or 29together and other times the cookies weren smooth. 30, none of that bothered anyone in the family.All we 31was swallowing whatever we were having for dinner that night so we could get to the cookies 32us on the kitchen counter.

Now that Im a mom myself, I can 33all too well why my mother didn always have the time to wear the apron.As was true with my mother, the list of things I need to do is often 34than the day itself.But I also understand the desire to 35the same yellow mixing bowl my mother used and make something special for my family every so often.Whatever I bake is met with approval, appreciation and good 36by my husband and children.At some level, I believe they e 37that I was thinking about them as I 38the brown sugar into the butter or frosted the cake with their favorite kind of icing.They always know I love them.I39they know it a little better when Im in a baking mood.

Im sure my mother felt 40the same way whenever she made cookies for us.Those cookies will always, in my mind, be the best treat.

【小题1】A.wearingB.holdingC.takingD.throwing【小题2】A.watchB.greetC.guideD.encourage【小题3】A.vitaminsB.vegetablesC.cookiesD.fruits【小题4】A.boring B.frighteningC.comfortableD.exciting【小题5】A.start withB.set upC.make upD.deal with【小题6】A.powerB.workC.energyD.strength【小题7】A.on B.atC.inD.by【小题8】A.methodsB.resultsC.effortsD.ways【小题9】A.putB.piledC.stuckD.tied【小题10】A.BesidesB.HoweverC.MeanwhileD.Thus【小题11】A.gave upB.cared aboutC.figured outD.cut down【小题12】A.waiting forB.looking forC.longing forD.heading for【小题13】A.predictB.admitC.commentD.understand【小题14】A.longerB.heavierC.higherD.tighter【小题15】A.put awayB.take onC.get outD.come about【小题16】A.appetitesB.motivationsC.opportunitiesD.instructions【小题17】A.anxiousB.awareC.eagerD.crazy【小题18】A.shookB.removedC.toreD.mixed【小题19】A.stateB.stressC.imagineD.complain【小题20】A.mostlyB.possiblyC.reallyD.exactlyA




【小题1】A 动词搭配。Wear表示穿,佩戴。Wear the apron指穿着围裙。

【小题2】B 动词辨析。A注视;B问候;C指导;D鼓励;妈妈端着烤好的煎饼问候我们。

【小题3】C 上下文串联。根据下文28空前的cookies说明C正确。

【小题4】D 形容词辨析。A厌倦的B害怕的;C舒服的;D兴奋的;妈妈听我讲述让人兴奋的学习。

【小题5】D 短语辨析。A开始;B建立;C化妆;D处理;指她也有自己的事情要处理。

【小题6】C 名词辨析。A权力;B工作;C精力;D力气。指她几乎没有额外的时间和精力。

【小题7】A 固定词组。On the occasion在那中情况之下。

【小题8】B 名词辨析。A方法;B结果;C努力;D方法;结果是她烤出的饼有时候不是很好。

【小题9】C 动词辨析。A放;B堆;C黏连;D系扣;指有一些饼黏连到一起了。

【小题10】B 副词辨析。即使妈妈做的煎饼不太好,可是家里的每个人都很喜欢妈妈的煎饼。

【小题11】B 短语辨析。A放弃;B关心;C查明;D砍到;我们关心的是要吞下晚饭的食物。

【小题12】A 短语辨析。A等待;B寻找;C期待;D朝…过去;指我们等待着妈妈做的煎饼。

【小题13】D 动词辨析。A预测;B承认;C评论;D理解;我能理解妈妈为什么没有事情做家务。

【小题14】A 句意分析。指我们做事需要的时间比白天的时间更长。意味着我们的时间不够。

【小题15】C 短语辨析。A收拾,整理,储蓄;B呈现;C出现;D形成,发生;指我把煎饼端出去。

【小题16】A 名词辨析。A食欲;B动机;C机会;D指导,说明;指我的煎饼能引起家人的食欲。

【小题17】B 形容词辨析。A焦虑;B意识到;C急切地;D疯狂的;我认为他们意识到我在想着他们。

【小题18】D 动词辨析。Mix…with…把…与…在一起;指我把红糖和奶油混在一起。

【小题19】C 动词辨析。A陈述;B给…压力;C想象;D抱怨;我抱怨他们知道我的情绪。

【小题20】D 副词辨析。A大部分;B可能;C真地;D完全一样的;指我和我的妈妈有完全一样的感觉。
