300字范文 > Mike has loved flying since he was small. When he was three years old his dad took him to

Mike has loved flying since he was small. When he was three years old his dad took him to

时间:2018-06-01 13:30:45


Mike has loved flying since he was small. When he was three years old  his dad took him to


Mike has loved flying since he was small. When he was three years old, his dad took him to an air show. Mike loved the sounds of the plane and he 31of becoming an airplane pilot(飞行员) some day. As Mike grew up, he learned as 32 as he could about flying. He wanted to go to flying school 33university. He kept on 34 his parents about it all the time. At that time, pilot training was very 35. Mike’s parents couldn’t afford it.

Later Mike became a salesman. He hoped to get lots of money for flying school. He traveled36America for his factory. He liked to travel, 37 by plane. To save money, he usually stayed in cheap hotels.

One morning, Mike 38 to Atlanta. On the plane, after breakfast, he went to 39. Some time later, he woke up. The two men beside him were talking in a 40voice. When Mike heard the word “hijack(劫持)”, he nearly 41out of his seat, but he pretended(假装) he was still 42. He listened when the two men talked. Mike quickly learned what was43. They planned to hijack the plane to Cuba. This made Mike very 44. He knew he had to stop them before they began their 45.

Mike pretended to use the washroom. On the way he met a hostess(空姐) and told her about the coming 46. A moment later, the passengers were told that there was something wrong with the plane. Soon the plane landed at the 47airport.

The two men received a 48 when they saw twenty police officers were 49them at the airport.

Later Mike was given free flying training as a reward. 50he became a pilot and flew happily ever since. Now his story is well known in the United States.

【小题1】A.spokeB.heardC.dreamedD.thought【小题2】A.littleB.muchC.easilyD.quickly【小题3】A.as well as B.such asC.because ofD.instead of【小题4】A.warningB.talkingC.askingD.complaining【小题5】A.expensiveB.cheapC.difficultD.enjoyable【小题6】A.alongB.towardsC.throughD.around【小题7】A.neverB.widelyC.exceptD.especially【小题8】A.flewB.cameC.movedD.drove【小题9】A.workB.sleepC.restD.bed【小题10】A.loudB.nervousC.lowD.serious【小题11】A.ranB.walkedC.jumpedD.dropped【小题12】A.awakeB.asleepC.quietD.careless【小题13】A.sayingB.changingC.discussingD.happening【小题14】A.sadB.angryC.painfulD.careful【小题15】A.planB.storyC.challengeD.accident【小题16】A.dangerB.troubleC.flyingD.training【小题17】A.safestB.biggestC.nearestD.farthest【小题18】A.surpriseB.welcomeC.messageD.present【小题19】A.looking forB.waiting forC.asking forD.talking about【小题20】A.SoB.SinceC.ThoughD.ThenC




【小题1】C 上下文串联。根据下文说明他非常渴望成为飞行员,故他梦想成为飞行员dream of正确。

【小题2】B 句意分析。他学习了尽可能多的关于飞行的知识。As much as he could尽他可能地。

【小题3】D 短语辨析。A和B例如C因为D而不是;他想去飞行学校而不是去读大学。

【小题4】C 动词辨析。A警告B谈论C请求D抱怨;指他一直向父母提出请求读飞行学校。

【小题5】A 上下文串联。根据下文的Mike’s parents couldn’t afford it.说明学习飞行很昂贵。

【小题6】D 介词辨析。A沿着B朝C穿过D围绕;指他为了销售产品周游美国。

【小题7】D 词义辨析。A从未B广泛C除…外D尤其;他喜欢旅游,尤其是坐飞机旅游。

【小题8】A 上下文串联。根据下句On the plane说明他是坐飞机去的。

【小题9】B 上下文串联。根据下句he woke up说明他吃完早饭睡着了。

【小题10】.C 考查常识。那两个人在讨论劫机,自然声音很低很小地说话。

【小题11】.C 动词辨析。A跑B步行C跳D脱落;听见他们说要劫机,他吓得要跳起来。

【小题12】B 上下文串联。由下文可知他假装睡着了,然后乘机把消息告诉空姐。

【小题13】.D 动词辨析。A说B改变C讨论D发生;他很快就明白了发生的事情。

【小题14】B 形容词辨析。A悲伤B生气C痛苦D小心;他们要把飞机劫持去古巴,这让他很生气。

【小题15】.A 名词辨析。A计划B故事C挑战D事故;他要在他们实施计划前阻止他们。

【小题16】A 名词辨析。A危险B麻烦C飞行D训练;他把接下来可能的危险告诉空姐。

【小题17】C 常识题。飞行人员知道有人要劫机,肯定是要到最近的机场降落。

【小题18】A 名词辨析。A惊讶B欢迎C消息D礼物;指那两个人很惊讶于警察在等着他们。

【小题19】B 短语辨析。A寻找B等待C请求D谈论;很多警察等着要抓捕他们。

【小题20】D 副词辨析。A所以B既然C尽管D然后,之后;后来他被奖励接受免费的训练,之后就成为了一名飞行员。
