300字范文 > My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 36job

My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 36job

时间:2020-10-25 02:06:46


My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 36job


My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 36job, so I had a very cynical (愤世嫉俗的) view of life and the world around me. I saw no point in trying to 37my life or the lives of the people around me.

Two years ago my wife 38me to return to school and work toward a career where I would find satisfaction. So I entered Long Beach City College to pursue a 39in history. Last term I took a political science class. The 40Dr. Rock had such a great effect on me. He 41in the Air Force, worked in the U.S. nuclear program and served in the White House. When I asked another instructor 42someone who was so overqualified(资历过高的)worked at a small community college, she 43told me because he wanted to.

This 44me, so I asked Dr. Rock himself why he did not pursue a better role in his career. What he told me has changed my 45forever. He told me that by working at the college he would be able to 46the kinds of students he believed would make a 47in the world. He said that 48the right motivation and support, the students he taught could become the future leaders of our country. He said that he preferred the inner city 49because the students there showed the 50promise and cared deeply for their education.

Dr. Rock paid attention to the needs of the community. He taught me how to care and 51us to take part in our community in any way we 52.

I thought that I was the 53one that was affected by his lessons, but at the end of the term I found that the entire class had felt the same 54that came over me. Dr. Rock taught us how to55our country, our community and ourselves.

【小题1】A.unfamiliarB.impatientC.unsatisfyingD.Irregular【小题2】A.betterB.feelC.respectD.Taste【小题3】A.informedB.suggestedC.orderedD.Convinced【小题4】A.rewardB.degreeC.successD.Career【小题5】A.headmasterB.instructorC.officerD.Classmate【小题6】A.servedB.playedC.assistedD.Succeeded【小题7】A.whereB.howC.whyD.Whether【小题8】A.angrilyB.hurriedlyC.simplyD.Nervously【小题9】A.frightenedB.interestedC.worriedD.Troubled【小题10】A.feelingB.spiritC.familyD.Life【小题11】A.rememberB.calmC.watchD.Reach【小题12】A.differenceB.decisionC.promiseD.Choice【小题13】A.beyondB.throughC.withD.For【小题14】A.collegeB.environmentC.educationD.Background【小题15】A.strongestB.usualC.deepestD.Most【小题16】A.forcedB.encouragedC.warnedD.Invited【小题17】A.hadB.didC.shouldD.Could【小题18】A.fewB.justC.onlyD.First【小题19】A.timeB.pressureC.changeD.Reaction【小题20】A.care aboutB.make forC.turn toD.appeal toC




【小题1】3C 形容词词义的辨析A. unfamiliar不熟悉的,陌生的 B. impatient没有耐心的,急躁的C. unsatisfying不满意的D. Irregular没有规律的上下文可知,作者做着不满意的工作

【小题2】.A动词词义辨析,对一词多义的考察A. better改善,提高 B. feel触摸,感觉 C. respect尊重,敬佩 D. Taste味道鉴赏力可知:作者不想改善自己的生活

【小题3】D动词词义和固定搭配A. informed 通知---- B. suggested 暗示,建议后跟ing C. ordered命令 D. Convinced使---确信,说服---- A,C,D可接动词不定式可知:是妻子说服作者重返学校

【小题4】B A. reward报酬,报答 B. degree度数,学位 C. success成功,成就 D. Career就业,职业 pursue a degree in history 在历史学方面取得学位

【小题5】B名词词义辨析A. headmaster校长 B. instructor指导者,教师 C. officer军官 D. Classmate同学显然,Dr. Rock是作者的导师,指导者

【小题6】A名词词义辨析A. served为—服务,任---职 B. played 扮演,演出 C. assisted协助,促进 D. Succeeded成功,完成 serve in the air force在空军服役

【小题7】C副词词义的考察A. where 在哪里B. how如何 C. why为什么D. Whether是否可知:作者问另一位导师为什么这么一位资历高的人会在一个不大的社区大学工作呢

【小题8】C副词词义辨析A. angrily生气地 B. hurriedly匆忙地 C. simply简单地 D. Nervously紧张地原句:他简单地(只是)告诉我

【小题9】B动词词义辨析A. frightened惊吓 B. interested使---感兴趣 C. worried对---感到担忧 D. Troubled担忧的,受困扰的原句:这让作者非常的感兴趣,一探究竟

【小题10】D名词词义辨析A. feeling感觉,感触 B. spirit精神,心灵 C. family 家庭,家族D. Life生命,生活原句:指导老师的一番话让作者改变了今后的生活态度

【小题11】D动词词义辨析A. remember记起 B. calm使镇定 C. watch观D. Reach到达,可引申为接触到原句:导师说在大学工作可能会让他接触到在各领域有所作为的学生们

【小题12】A名词词义和固定搭配A. difference差别,纷争 B. decision决定 C. promise承诺 D. Choice选择原句:make a difference 有所作为

【小题13】C 介词词义辨析A. beyond超然---之上B. through经历着,度过C. with带有---D. For为了---原句:带着这份冲劲

【小题14】A名词词义辨析A. college大学 B. environment环境C. education教育D. Background背景原句:他更偏爱内地的城市大学

【小题15】D形容词词义辨析A. strongest最强的 B. usual平常的C. deepest最深的D. Most最多的,最大的原句:那儿的学生最有前途

【小题16】B动词词义辨析A. forced强迫B. encouraged鼓励 C. warned警告 D. Invited邀请



原句:可相当于as could as we can 尽可能去参加

【小题18】C形容词词义和固定搭配 A. few不多的,少数的 B. just正好,恰恰 C. only唯一的,才D. First第一的,首先地原句:我是唯一一个被他上的课深深影响的人

【小题19】C 名词词义辨析A. time时间B. pressure压力 C. change改变,变化 D. Reaction反应,回应原句:期末,全班都感受到了我身上发生的变化

【小题20】A动词短语词义辨析A. care about 关心,在乎 B. make for弥补 C. turn to求助于,把—变成 D. appeal to向—呼吁,向---请求,对—有吸引力原句:指导师教会作者去热爱自己的国家,去关心自己的团体,爱惜我们自己。
