300字范文 > Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class? Something must be done to s

Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class? Something must be done to s

时间:2022-12-28 22:47:21


Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class? Something must be done to s


Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this.Now in New York City, USA,a rule is carried out in schools.Students can’t even bring cellphones to schoo1.Is it a good thing or not?

Anxious parents say that cellphones are an important tool in holding New York city’s families together.

“I worry about it,” said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. It’s necessary in our everyday life.We have a washing machine. We have running water, and We have cellphones.”

Many American parents think cellphones connect them to their children on buses,getting out from subways, walking through unknown places.

“I have her call me when she gets out of school,”said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirl’s mother. “No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cellphone”

What about the cellphone owners, the students? Most of the students said cellphones were essential and the cellphone was like all extra(额外的)hand or foot for them.

“I feel so empty,”said May Chom,1 4.There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone.It will be a really, really boring trip.”

【小题1】You can use a cellphone.A.to enjoy listening to musicB.to work as running waterC.to work as a washing machineD.to send children to school【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Many American parents don’t think cellphones are necessary for the students.B.Cellphones only bring troubles to the school life.C. Cellphones connect children with their families when they are outside.D. All the school children agreed not to use cellphones at school.【小题3】What does the underlined word “essential” mean in Chinese?A.时髦的.B.必要的.C.昂贵的. D.浪费的【小题4】The article is about the in carrying out the rule not to use a cellphone in schoo1.A.happinessB.interestC.problemD.satisfactionD) ACBC


(答案→)D) ACBC


【小题1】A 推理题。根据文章最后一段There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone.说明人们可以使用手机来听音乐,故A正确。

【小题2】C 推理题。根据第4段Many American parents think cellphones connect them to their children on buses,getting out from subways, walking through unknown places说明父母使用手机来和在外面的孩子保持联系。故C正确。

【小题3】B 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段What about the cellphone owners, the students? Most of the students said cellphones were essential and the cellphone was like all extra(额外的)hand or foot for them.说明对孩子来说手机就像另外的手或者食物一样的重要,故该词是指必要的。故B正确。

【小题4】C 主旨大意题。本文讲述的是关于学生使用手机的问题,学校禁止使用手机引起了父母的担忧。故C正确。
