300字范文 > Smith was a landlord(地主). He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. Soo

Smith was a landlord(地主). He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. Soo

时间:2023-01-12 15:53:41


Smith was a landlord(地主). He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. Soo


Smith was a landlord(地主). He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. Soon he became rich. One day the weather was fine. There wasn a cloud in the sky and the sun was very warm. The landlord was walking along a river with his friends, when, all of a sudden, he slipped(滑倒) and fell into it. He cried, Help! Help! One of his friends held out his hand and said, Give me your hand and I will pull(拉) you out. The landlords head went under the water and then came up again, but he did not give his hand to his friends. Then another of his friends tried but the same thing happened. Just then a farmer came over and saw all this. He knew the landlord very well. He said to the others, Let me try. He held out his hand and said to the landlord, Take my hand and I will pull you out. Hearing this, the landlord took the farmers hand, and in a minute the farmer pulled the landlord out of the water. All the others got very surprised at this and asked the farmer, Why did he give his hand to you but not to us? The farmer said, “You don know your friend very well, When you say give to him, he does nothing, but when you say ake, he takes.

【小题1】Smith was a . A.doctorB.farmerC.landlord D.waiter【小题2】Smith became very rich, because he gave anything to anybody. A.alwaysB.neverC.often D.sometimes【小题3】One day Smith was walking along a with his friends. A.riverB.parkC.streetD.lake【小题4】The rich man held his hand when he heard Take my hand. A.inB.intoC.down D.out【小题5】Who knew the rich man very well? A.his friendsB.his wifeC.the farmerD.his childrenC




【小题1】细节题:从文章第一句话Smith was a landlord(地主)可知答案是C

【小题2】细节题:从文章第一段的句子:He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. Soon he became rich.可知他从不给别人东西所以很富,选 B

【小题3】细节题:从第一段的句子:The landlord was walking along a river with his friends,可知他和朋友在河边散步。选 A

【小题4】细节题:从第二段的句子: Take my hand and I will pull you out. Hearing this, the landlord took the farmers hand, 可知当听到抓住我的手的时候,他才伸出自己的手。选D

【小题5】推理题:从最后的句子:The farmer said, “You don know your friend very well, When you say give to him, he does nothing, but when you say ake, he takes.

