300字范文 > Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to a

Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to a

时间:2024-04-09 21:56:22


Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to a


Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to arrive home. She was home alone 1 a man started knocking on the front door, turning the handle and trying to 2 .

She’s 12 years old and she was 3 . So she dialed 9-1-1 and reached the operator Rachelle Berry. After a brief talk, Berry 4 what was happening. “OK, hang on, OK? Can you get in a 5 ?” Berry asked. Mackenzie told Berry that her phone --- it wasn’t cordless (无绳的) --- wouldn’t reach into the cupboard. “Will the phone reach under your bed?” Berry asked 6 . “No,” Mackenzie said.

“Can you hide under a 7 and pull your bedspread over you?” That’s 8 what Mackenzie did. She hid under her blanket, holding the phone and listening to Berry’s voice.

Berry talked quietly, which 9 Mackenzie. It helped, too, when Berry told her to think of something 10 . “Try not to cry,” Berry told Mackenzie during the call. “ I know it’s 11 . Do you have something you can hold onto?” Mackenzie struggled to 12 tears. She couldn’t 13 anything without showing her hiding spot. “ It’s OK,” Berry said. “You’ve got me here with you.”

“He’s in my room,” Mackenzie 14 . “Now be quiet, OK? Just don’t talk,” Berry said. For much of the call, Berry dropped her voice to a whisper, 15 the intruder (闯入者) might hear her voice over the phone. 16 , the man came into her room, then left.

Berry told Mackenzie that the 17 were on their way. Minutes later, they arrived and 18 one man in the backyard and another man in a getaway car.

On Thursday morning, the Emergency Communications Bureau gave Mackenzie its Hero Award for her 19 . Berry also received high praise. And then it was off to school for Mackenzie. But first Berry had something to 20 to the middle-schooler: a cordless phone.

【小题1】A.untilB.beforeC.becauseD.when【小题2】A.get inB.get awayC.get aroundD.get through【小题3】A.annoyedB.scaredC.curiousD.surprised【小题4】A.rememberedB.realizedC.reviewedD.recalled【小题5】A.bedroomB.kitchenC.cupboardD.bathroom【小题6】A.anxiously B.calmlyC.carefullyD.happily【小题7】A.sofaB.bedC.tableD.blanket【小题8】A.everB.neverC.justD.still【小题9】A.worriedB.helpedC.movedD.upset【小题10】A.interestingB.strangeC.wrongD.valuable【小题11】A.hardB.importantC.usefulD.possible【小题12】A.hold ontoB.hold downC.hold backD.hold up【小题13】A.discoverB.imagineC.reachD.invent【小题14】A.criedB.shoutedC.whisperedD.replied【小题15】A.assumingB.believingC.fearingD.confirming【小题16】A.ObviouslyB.FortunatelyC.ProbablyD.Certainly【小题17】A.parentsB.brothersC.policeD.neighbors【小题18】A.metB.killedC.arrestedD.found【小题19】A.contributionB.successC.kindnessD.bravery【小题20】A.lend B.present C.showD.mailD




【小题1】A. until直到 B. before之前 C. because因为 D. when当…的时候根据句意:当一个男人正在敲门的时候,她一个人在家里。故选D

【小题2】A. get in进来 B. get away离开 C. get around到处走走D. get through通过根据句意:转动把手,试图进来。故选A

【小题3】A. annoyed烦恼的 B. scared害怕的 C. curious好奇的 D. surprised惊奇的根据句意:她只有12岁,所以很害怕。故选B

【小题4】A. remembered记得 B. realized 意识到 C. reviewed复习 D. recalled回忆根据句意:一个简短的对话之后,贝利知道发生了什么事情。故选B

【小题5】A. bedroom卧室 B. kitchen厨房 C. cupboard 橱柜 D. bathroom浴室根据后文可知,贝利问她能不能进入一个橱柜里。 故选C

【小题6】A. anxiously焦虑地 B. calmly冷静地 C. carefully小心地 D. happily高兴地根据句意:贝利冷静地问,你的电话线能到床下吗?故选B

【小题7】A. sofa沙发 B. bed床 C. table桌子 D. blanket毛毯 根据后文可知,贝利问她能不能藏在毛毯下面。故选D

【小题8】A. ever曾经 B. never决不 C. just仅仅 D. still仍然根据句意:那就是麦肯齐所能做的。故选C

【小题9】A. worried 担心 B. helped帮助 C. moved移动 D. upset心烦的根据句意:贝利平静的说话,那对麦肯齐有帮助。 故选B

【小题10】A. interesting有趣的 B. strange奇怪的 C. wrong错误的 D. valuable有价值的根据句意:贝利告诉她去想一些有趣的事情。故选A

【小题11】A. hard困难的 B. important重要的 C. useful有用的 D. possible可能的根据句意:贝利说他知道那很难。 故选A

【小题12】A. hold onto仅仅抓住 B. hold down压制 C. hold back抑制 D. hold up举起根据句意:麦肯齐挣扎着抑制住眼泪。故选C

【小题13】A. discover发现 B. imagine想象 C. reach到达,够到 D. invent发明;从前文Do you have something you can hold onto并且根据句意:在不暴露隐藏点的情况下它不能够够的着任何东西。故选C

【小题14】A. cried哭 B. shouted大喊 C. whispered窃窃私语地 D. replied回答根据句意:麦肯齐窃窃私语地说故选C

【小题15】A. assuming傲慢的 B. believing相信 C. fearing害怕D. confirming确定根据句意:贝利压低了她的声音,害怕闯入者听到。 故选C

【小题16】A. Obviously明显地 B. Fortunately幸运地 C. Probably很可能 D. Certainly当然根据句意:幸运地是,闯入了来了她的房间,又离开了。故选B

【小题17】A. parents父母 B. brothers哥哥 C. police警察 D. neighbors邻居根据句意:贝利告诉麦肯齐警察正在来的路上了。故选C

【小题18】A. met遇见 B. killed杀 C. arrested逮捕 D. found发现根据句意:警察在后院逮捕了一个男人。 故选C

【小题19】A. contribution贡献 B. success成功 C. kindness友好的行为 D. bravery勇敢根据句意:应急通讯管理局因为麦肯齐的勇敢,给她颁布一个英雄荣誉。

【小题20】A. lend借给 B. present赠送 C. show展示 D. mail邮寄根据句意:但是贝利首先要有一些东西送给中学生:一个无线电话。故选B
