300字范文 > A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears the fo

A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears the fo

时间:2023-09-17 10:24:54


A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears  the fo


A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) “ home”. But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical of cash and location on achieving that idea.

Cash , in fact, often means that the only way of when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things financially. There are obvious of living at home—personal laundry is usually done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to . And there is the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.

On the other hand, depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family—do you like them? Are you prepared to be when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot strike a(n) , and that you finally have the money to leave, how do you finding somewhere else to live?

If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always . If you are going to work in a area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, these should be approached with . Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the of the first week’s rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you.

【小题1】A.idealB.perfectC.imaginativeD.satisfactory【小题2】A.demeritsB.weaknessesC.insufficienciesD.restrictions【小题3】A.cutB.shortC.lackingD.drain【小题4】A.getting withB.getting along withC.getting byD.getting back【小题5】A.improveB.proceedC.developD.enhance【小题6】A.concernsB.issuesC.problemsD.merits【小题7】A.stillB.alwaysC.habituallyD.consequently【小题8】A.call throughB.call overC.call onD.call out【小题9】A.scarcelyB.lessC.littleD.sometimes【小题10】A.littleB.muchC.adequateD.enough【小题11】A.neverthelessB.whileC.howeverD.or【小题12】A.moderateB.hostileC.indifferentD.lenient【小题13】A.agreementB.consensusC.compromiseD.deal【小题14】A.continueB.commenceC.commendD.confirm【小题15】A.seldomB.lessC.absolutelyD.likely【小题16】A.availableB.anaccessto informationC.valuableD.accessible【小题17】A.time-honoredB.similarC.humidD.conversant【小题18】A.thoughB.whileC.sinceD.as【小题19】A.passionB.prudenceC.carelessnessD.concern【小题20】A.sameB.equivalentC.equalD.similarityA




【小题1】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。文章说到,受性格的影响,每个人都有自己“……的家”,四个选项中,A项“理想的”,表示想象中完美的形象,符合题意。B项“完美无瑕的”,指的是对事物的评价;C项“想象的、虚构的”,与上文in mind意思重复了,不适合;D项“满意的”,是对结果的评价,也不符合上文in mind的说法。选A


【小题3】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。A. cut切断,B. short短缺C. lacking缺少,D. drain喝光,喝干,使(精力、金钱等)耗尽,从后面的句子:the only way of 39 when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things 40 financially.可知是缺钱,选C

【小题4】固定搭配题。“缺钱就意味着,毕业后暂住家里,才是……的唯一办法”, A. getting with着手,开始,B. getting along with相处,C.getting by“设法过下去”D. getting back拿回,选C



【小题7】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。住在家里,衣物习惯上和家里人的一起洗,在毕业后仍然如此, A. still 仍然,B项always与句中usually意思重复;C项“习惯性地”, D项“因此”,这个句子并没有因果关系。选C

【小题8】固定搭配题。C项“拜访”,符合文意。A. call through (呼叫)接通B. call over点(名),把…叫过来C. call on“拜访”D. call out唤起,召集,叫喊,选C

【小题9】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。年轻人住在家里,几乎不需要支付账单, A项“很少”,B项更少, C项little用法不当,不能在句中作状语;D项“有时”语法上虽然通,但无法与前面列举的好处并列。因此A项。

【小题10】固定搭配题。根据后面的提问,可以推知,年轻人住在家里在很大程度上取决于家庭成员相处得如何,A. little很少,B. much很多,C. adequate足够,D. enough足够,选B


【小题12】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。住家里,自由必定受到了限制,你可能会受不了, A. moderate温和的;稳健的;中等的B. hostile好客的,C. indifferent不以为然的,D. lenient宽大的,仁慈的,选D

【小题13】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。上文讲的是你和父母间可能存在分歧,可推知本句应当是说“如果不能达成协议, A. agreement协议,和make搭配,B. consensus一致,C. compromise 妥协,D. deal交易,strike a deal达成协议,选D。

【小题14】固定搭配题。“你如何……找地方住呢”,下文讲的是具体找住处的问题,四个备选项中, A. continue继续, B. commence开始,着手,获得学位C. commend命令,D. confirm证实,选B

【小题15】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。如果是待在本地,可能很容易获得各种房源信息, A. seldom很少, B. less更少,C. absolutely绝对,D. likely可能,选D

【小题16】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。你可以询问你的朋友和查阅当地的报纸,也就是说,当地报纸和你的朋友是信息的来源。A. available可获得的,B. an access to information 信息来源, C. valuable有价值的, D.accessible易接近的,选B

【小题17】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。本句与前文形成对比,前面说的是如果“你打算待在本地”,隐含意思是,你的工作地点离家比较近,而本句的意思是“如果你到一个……地方工作”,对照之下,这里应当说的是到一个熟悉的地方工作, A. time-honored因古老而受到尊重的,确立已久的B. similar相似的,C. humid .潮湿的,湿气重的D. conversant熟悉的,了解的,因此答案选择D项。

【小题18】考查关联词。根据上下文,上一句说报纸很可靠,而本句说到,你到一个陌生的地方工作,也可以寻求报纸及房屋中介的帮助,紧接着又说,需要谨慎对待。可以看出,上下文是让步的关系, A. though虽然,B. while然而,C. since自从,因为,D. as因为,因此答案选择A项。

【小题19】语义逻辑题,考查词义辨析。到一个陌生的地方,咨询住处时一定要谨慎, A. passion“热情”B. prudence谨慎,节俭,精明C. carelessness粗心,D. concern“焦虑”选B

