300字范文 > Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world but with night

Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world but with night

时间:2022-09-02 22:36:46


Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world  but with night


Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world, but with night skies around 1,000 times brighter than globally accepted levels, it gains a bad reputation for its light pollution.

A study by Hong Kong University found that brightness levels in the southern Chinese citys popular shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui were 1,200 times greater than the international dark sky standard.

The crowded city of 7 million residents(居民), full or residential high-rises, towering office blocks and neon(霓虹灯) advertisements, has no laws to control outdoor lightning.

The result is that light pollution is thought to be much worse than in other large cities, including London, Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai.

“In Hong Kong , you can’t go anywhere outdoor in the evening without your eyes being blinded by this really disturbing outdoor lightning,” the light pollution survey’s head Jason Pum told AFP.

“The fact that we have all this light in the sky means energy is wasted,” he said, adding that too much artificial lightning also affects nightly wildlife.

Research has suggested that light pollution can cause a number of harmful health effects in humans, including sleeplessness and headaches and can also interrupt body clocks and hormones(荷尔蒙).

The university survey, the result of five million measurements taken from points across the city, was released just days before the start of the annual Earth Hour event, organized by the World Wildlife Fund.

People around the world will be encouraged to turn off the lights for an hour on Saturday night to raise awareness of climate change. Last year, a number of Hong Kong’s major buildings along Victoria Harbour went dark to mark Earth Hour.

“Anyway, we should do our best to reduce the amount of lightning and adjust it for the benefit of the environment.”

【小题1】If you walk out at night in Hong Kong, you can see all those things except .A.neon advertisementsB.residential buildings C.a dark sky with twinkling starsD.high office blocks【小题2】.which of the following statements about too much lightning is NOT true?A.Too much lightning means a waste of energy.B.It can make the sky and the city more beautiful.C.It may have a bad effect on nightly wildlife.D.It can lead to some health problems.【小题3】.We can know from the passage thatA.light pollution in Hong Kong is among world’s worst.B.light pollution is the biggest problem in Hong Kong.C.Earth Hour is simply organized to reduce pollution.D.light pollution is the primary causes of sleeplessness.【小题4】.what will the author probably discuss after the last paragraph?A.Bad effects of light pollutionB.Causes of light pollutionC.Worries about light pollutionD.Ways to reduce light pollutionC




【小题1】 C细节理解题。The crowded city of 7 million residents(居民), full or residential high-rises, towering office blocks and neon(霓虹灯) advertisements, has no laws to control outdoor lightning.句意为:这个七百万居民的拥护城市,到处都是高耸的办公大楼,霓虹灯广告,没有去控制外面闪烁的这些灯光的法律。故答案应为C。

【小题2】B细节判断题。The fact that we have all this light in the sky means energy is wasted在天空中存在的这些灯光是能源上的浪费,故A是正确的;adding that too much artificial lightning also affects nightly wildlife.另外补充到:太多的人靠光也会影响野生的动植物,故C是正确的;Research has suggested that light pollution can cause a number of harmful health effects in humans,研究显示, 光污染也导致了大量的对人体产生危害的因素,故D是正确的;所以答案应为B。

【小题3】 A细节理解题。Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated (人口密集的)cities in the world, but with night skies around 1,000 times brighter than globally accepted levels, it gains a bad reputation for its light pollution.意思为:香港是世界上人口最密集的城市之一,但是这个城市晚上的亮光是世界可接受水平的1000倍,它得到了一个光污染的坏名声。故答案为A。但文中并未说明光污染是这个城市的最大问题,故B是错误的;地球一小时很简单的就被人们所接受了,是为了节省能源。故C是错误的,光污染是人失眠的主因,文中并没有得出这样的结论,故D是错误的。

【小题4】D文意推论题。“Anyway, we should do our best to reduce the amount of lightning and adjust it for the benefit of the environment.”句意为:无论如何,我们都应尽我们最大的努力去减少光污染,使之有利于我们的环境。故下文应该告诉我们具体的方法是什么,所以答案应为D。

