300字范文 > It was a winter afternoon. Some friends and I were eating at a restaurant and talking. We

It was a winter afternoon. Some friends and I were eating at a restaurant and talking. We

时间:2021-12-06 22:35:59


It was a winter afternoon. Some friends and I were eating at a restaurant and talking. We


It was a winter afternoon. Some friends and I were eating at a restaurant and talking. We talked and talked and soon became the topic. Suddenly I hit upon an idea. “Wouldn’t it be fun to go ? Others go in winter, but why couldn’t we? , we could be healthier if we did. ” I told them about this, and they all said it was a good idea . Early the next morning, we four were standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands, for a bus to take us to the . The sky was clear; the sun was shining. But it was very cold all the same. our heavy overcoats were not enough to keep us warm. We all felt we should go back, but no one wanted to speak out.

We soon reached the sands. There was there, but we were not discouraged. Instead we were that we were the only ones that dared to challenge the weather. we changed our clothes quickly. But things were not going so . The freezing sea wind was blowing. We felt very cold and trembled all over. At we made up our minds to go into the water. We put our feet in first to take them back very quickly. The water was unbelievably cold. Then I suggested we all jump in . We all went back ten steps. I gave the , and we all rushed forward and jumped in. I shall never forget the moment I was in the water. I was up and rushed again to the shore. it was with my friends. We put on our clothes as quickly as possible.

On the way back home, we talked about this unforgettable . The four of us did not school for the following three days. We all suffered a lot a very bad cold. But we thought it was all worth it.

【小题1】A.filmB.musicC.sportsD.play【小题2】A.swimmingB.skatingC.skiingD.camping【小题3】A.SpeciallyB.BesidesC.ReallyD.Clearly【小题4】A.indeedB.fullyC.certainlyD.truly【小题5】A.lookingB.searchingC.waitingD.asking【小题6】A.riverB.lakeC.poolD.sands【小题7】A.EvenB.YetC.ButD.Just【小题8】A.somebodyB.nobodyC.everybodyD.anybody【小题9】A.excitedB.happyC.proudD.lonely【小题10】A.SoB.ButC.StillD.Yet【小题11】A.wrongB.rightC.badD.smooth【小题12】A.firstB.allC.lastD.once【小题13】A.justB.thenC.only D.but【小题14】A.one by oneB.one after anotherC.separatelyD.at the same time【小题15】A.messageB.orderC.markD.information【小题16】A.slowlyB.nervouslyC.lateD.immediately【小题17】A.NorB.AndC.SoD.Or【小题18】A.ideaB.experimentC.chanceD.experience【小题19】A.attendB.reachC.enterD.go【小题20】A.byB.withC.fromD.ofC







【小题4】 A朋友们都说这真是一个好主意。indeed真正地, (加强语气)确实; fully充分地;完全地;certainly无疑地,确定地;当然地;truly真正;精确地,正确地;词义符合的是A、D两项,但indeed一般放在句尾(放在句首用逗号隔开),而truly一般放在它修饰的动词前。因此,选A。

【小题5】C上文中提到四个人站在公共汽车站旁,手中拿着包,因此是在等公交车。其他三项不符合。look for 寻找; search for 搜寻;寻找; ask for请求; 要求


【小题7】A此处写天冷,甚至是厚外套也不足以保暖。even 甚至,表示递进。yet然而,但是,表转折;just刚才;仅仅。


【小题9】C联系上文,我们没有感到沮丧。相反地,对于只有我们敢挑战这种天气(游泳),我们感到很自豪。excited 感到兴奋的;lonely 孤独的

【小题10】A联系上文,我们很自豪,所以迅速脱了衣服下水。so因此;所以,表因果关系,符合句意。 but和yet 然而,但是,表转折;still 仍然,还是;然而,这三项均不符合。


【小题12】C最后,我们终于下定决心要下水了。根据句意,选C。at last 最后;终于; at first最初;起先; at all完全; 根本;at once 立刻;马上。

【小题13】C我们刚把脚放进去,(结果)却立刻拿了出来。only to do...作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果。

【小题14】D从下文的“we all rushed...”可以看出,我建议大家同时跳进去。因此,选D。one by one一个接一个地; 依次地;one after another一个接一个地;separately分别地;各自地;at the same time同时

【小题15】B我们退后十步,我发出命令,然后大家一起跳。根据句意,选B。give the order 发出命令; mark记号;痕迹;分数。

【小题16】D因为天冷,我刚一入水,就马上起来,冲回到岸上。immediately立刻;马上;nervously 紧张地

【小题17】C据下文可知,朋友们和我一样(马上起来,冲回到岸上)。表示另一主语和……一样,当前面既有肯定又有否定或有两个谓语时,用so it is/was with sb. 或so it is/was the same with sb. 因此,选C。

【小题18】D我们在回家的路上讨论这次难忘的经历。experience 经历;经验;idea主意;想法;experiment试验;实验;chance 机会;可能性。

【小题19】A此处指我们四个人都三天没能上学。attend school 上学;reach 到达;enter 进入。

【小题20】C我们都患了严重的感冒。suffer from患(某种病),遭受(某种病痛)折磨。suffer不与介词by、with、of搭配。
