300字范文 > My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were a bit _ about what was

My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were a bit _ about what was

时间:2022-05-16 02:31:15


My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were a bit _ about what was


My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were a bit _ about what was waiting for us. However, when we _ at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were _ made easy for us by this kind man. He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in showing us to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother. Twice, we the match in a coffee shop.

During the first get-together, he us that we are lucky--- my husband and I are_ _ in this foreign land. He said he has been for eight years now because he hardly sees his family, they are in his home country.

During the second get-together , he told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will us because he has been given a _of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which__ _a great effect on my life:“ You changed my life…”That night deep in our hearts we were _by our friend’s words. We texted him upon reaching home, _him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him__ that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he__ ,“You are my family here.” On the first week of October, we’re going to_ _him back from his vacation. We ’ll watch the football match again in that__ shop that holds dear memories.

【小题1】A.seriousB. crazyC.certainD.worried【小题2】A.checkedB.droppedC.landedD.settled【小题3】A.thereforeB.insteadC.alsoD.otherwise【小题4】A.expectedB.troubledC.comfortedD.accompanied【小题5】A.whenB.whereC.whyD.whether【小题6】A.wonB.metC.watchedD.played【小题7】A.advisedB.warnedC.blamedD.convinced【小题8】A.togetherB.nearbyC.aroundD.apart【小题9】A.sickB.lonelyC.cheerfulD.afraid【小题10】A.onceB.unlessC.asD.although【小题11】A.secretlyB.jokinglyC.proudlyD.sincerely【小题12】A.hateB.missC.forgetD.respect【小题13】A.delayB.rightC.vacationD.date【小题14】A.hadB.designedC.solvedD.received【小题15】A.puzzledB.movedC.astonishedD.bothered【小题16】A.thankingB.forgivingC.repayingD.punishing【小题17】A.after allB.as wellC.in returnD.in advance【小题18】A.agreedB.objectedC.addedD.replied【小题19】A.seeB.informC.callD.force【小题20】A.bookB.groceryC.coffeeD.sportsD




【小题1】D形容词辨析。A. 严肃的; B. 疯狂的;C. 肯定的 ;D. 担忧的。由情理可知当人们初到异国他乡,在举目无亲的情况下,面对陌生的环境心里会忐忑不安,所以答案选D。

【小题2】C动词辨析。 A.检查; B. 滴落 ;C. 着陆; D. 定居。根据at the airport可知他们是乘飞机去的,所以用land“着陆,降落”,答案选C。

【小题3】A副词辨析。A. 因此 ;B. 代替; C. 也;D. 否则。从下文可知因为有了这个和善的 “大哥哥”的帮助,他们在这个新地方的生活变得很容易,所以此处表示因果关系,选A。

【小题4】D动词辨析。A. 期望; B. 麻烦;C. 舒服; D. 陪伴。根据下文going to the bank, in buying our groceries,可以判断作者和她丈夫是在他的陪同下购物,办理一切手续等,答案选D。

【小题5】B副词辨析。A. 何时;B. 何地; C. 为什么;D.是否。根据语境in showing us to buy almost everything.判断他指给我们去哪里买东西,此处指买东西的地方,故答案选B。

【小题6】C动词辨析。 A.赢;B. 遇见;C. 观看 ;D. 玩。根据搭配可知看比赛,电视等注意力集中的事情要用动词watch,答案选C。

【小题7】D动词辨析。 A.建议; B. 警告; C.责备;D. 使人信服。从下文的讲述可知这位好心的“大哥哥”独自在国外八年,通过这种对比可知因为有着丈夫的陪伴,作者深信自己是幸运的,答案选D。

【小题8】A副词辨析。A.一起; B. 几乎; C. 在周围 ;D. 在一边。根据上下文可以判断此处侧重与那位好心人孤身一人在国外居住的对比,所以答案选A。

【小题9】B形容词辨析。 A. 生病的; B. 孤独的;C. 欢呼的;D. 害怕的。根据下文he hardly sees his family… they are in his home country.判断他是独自一人居住在国外,所以用lonely“孤独的”,选B。

【小题10】C连词辨析。A.曾经;B. 除非; C.由于;D. 虽然。从he hardly sees his family,和they are in his home country判断前后句是因果关系,答案选C。

【小题11】D副词辨析。A. 秘密地;B. 开玩笑地;C. 骄傲地;D. 真诚地。由情理可知当他说He said that he loves us….的时候应该是发自内心、真诚地说,故答案选D。

【小题12】B动词辨析。A. 憎恨 ;B. 想念; C .忘记;D. 尊敬 。根据后句because he has been given a _of 45 days to go back to his home country可知他要回国,由情理可知在此他表示在此期间他会想念作者和他丈夫。答案选B。

【小题13】C名词辨析。 A. 耽误; B. 权利 ;C. 假期;D. 日期。根据下文……from his vacation可以判断他获得了一个45天的假期,选C。

【小题14】A动词辨析。 A. 有;B. 设计 ;C. 解决; D. 收到。固定短语:have an effect on“对……有影响”,答案选A。句意:那天晚上,他说了这些对我生活产生重大影响的话。

【小题15】B动词辨析。A. 迷惑; B. 感动; C. 震惊;D. 打扰。由上文He said that he loves us等可知这位热心人的坦诚让作者非常感动,答案选B。

【小题16】A动词辨析。A. 感谢;B. 原谅;C. 报答; D. 惩罚。在上文中作者提到这位热心人给予他们无私的帮助,由此推断作者在此是表示对他的感激, thank sb for sth/doing sth,“因……而感激”,选A。

【小题17】B短语辨析。A.虽然 ;B. 也;C. 回报 ; D. 预先。上文作者发短信表示对这位好人的感激,所以此处再提到其他内容时可以用as well,意思是“也”,答案选B,其他选项不合语境。

【小题18】D动词辨析。A. 同意; B. 反对; C. 加 ; D. 回复。根据下文“You are my family here.”可知这是“大哥哥”所回短信的内容,reply to “对……做出回复、回答”,故答案选D。

【小题19】A动词辨析。 A. 看; B. 告诉;C. 打电话;D. 强迫。从下文We ’ll watch the football match again可知作者是去见刚刚探亲回来的这位朋友,故答案选A。

【小题20】C名词辨析。A. 书;B. 杂货; C. 咖啡; D. 运动。根据上文the match in a coffee shop.可以推断他们会再次去那家有着美好回忆的咖啡店去看球赛,答案选C。
