300字范文 > (·高考辽宁卷)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she play in

(·高考辽宁卷)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she play in

时间:2023-01-20 03:41:10


(·高考辽宁卷)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she  play in


(·高考辽宁卷)A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she play in the small garden.She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill. she loved her parents and her family,she desired to live in such a house and all day about how wonderful and exciting must feel to live there.

At the age when she gained some skill and sensibility(识别力),she her mother for a bike ride the garden.Her mother finally allowed her to go, her keeping close to the house and not too far.The day was beautiful.The little girl knew where she was heading! the hill and across the valley,she rode to the of the golden house.

she got off her bike and put it against the gate post,she focused on the path to the house and then on the house itself.She was very disappointed when she that all the windows were and rather dirty.

So and heart­broken,she didn’t go any further.She ,and all of a sudden she saw an amazing .There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden.Looking at her little home,she that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care.Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!

【小题1】A.mightB.shouldC.wouldD.must【小题2】A.UnlessB.AlthoughC.SinceD.But【小题3】A.dreamedB.worriedC.askedD.shouted【小题4】A.thisB.that C.itD.which【小题5】A.differentB.scientificC.musicalD.basic【小题6】A.beggedB.blamedC.invitedD.paid【小题7】A.insideB.outsideC.throughD.along【小题8】A.insisting onB.relying onC.arguing aboutD.wondering about【小题9】A.travelingB.runningC.ridingD.walking【小题10】A.madlyB.rapidlyC.exactlyD.possibly【小题11】A.OverB.DownC.AroundD.Beside【小题12】A.windowsB.stepsC.centerD.gate【小题13】A.UntilB.AsC.WhileD.Because【小题14】A.gettingB.introducingC.leadingD.moving【小题15】A.feltB.learnedC.concludedD.found【小题16】A.transparentB.brightC.plainD.wide【小题17】A.anxiousB.angryC.seriousD.sad【小题18】A.turned aroundB.cheered upC.settled downD.dropped in【小题19】A.hillB.valleyC.backgroundD.sight【小题20】A.imaginedB.decidedC.realizedD.guessedC






【小题3】解析:选A。根据前面的desired可知答案。dream about意为“梦想”,与desire意思相当。worry about意为“担心”;ask about意为“询问;打听”;shout意为“喊叫”。

【小题4】解析:选C。分析句子结构可知此处需要用it作形式主语,不定式短语to live there为真正的主语。句意为“她整天都梦想着,住在那里是多么美妙和兴奋”。




【小题8】解析:选A。由空前的“她妈妈最终允许她去”可知,后面句意应为“但是坚持要求她要离家近一些,不要骑太远”。insist on意为“坚持”;rely on意为“依靠”;argue about意为“争论;争辩”;wonder about意为“对……好奇;想知道”。

【小题9】解析:选C。根据上文的a bike ride可知,她是要骑自行车出行,故此处填riding。


【小题11】解析:选B。根据上文可知,她家住在山上,因此要到另一座山上要先下山再穿过山谷,结合后面的across the valley可得知答案。

【小题12】解析:选D。根据下段中的put it against the gate post可知,她要骑到那所金色房子的大门处。


【小题14】解析:选C。此处作后置定语修饰the path,lead to可表示“通向……”,符合语境。get to意为“到达”;introduce 意为“介绍;引进”;move to意为“移到……”。

【小题15】解析:选D。结合前文“她来到了房子处”及空后的all the windows和rather dirty可知,此处应表示“发现(found)所有的窗户非常脏时,她感到非常失望”。feel意为“感觉”;learn意为“学习;得知”;conclude意为“推断出”;find意为“发现”。D项符合语境。



【小题18】解析:选A。根据上句中的she didn’t go any further以及下文提到她突然看到了自己的家,可以得知,她转过身来,准备回家。故A项正确。cheer up意为“高兴起来;振作起来”;settle down意为“定居”;drop in意为“拜访”。


