300字范文 > George had stolen some money and had been caught by the police. Now his 1 was about to be

George had stolen some money and had been caught by the police. Now his 1 was about to be

时间:2024-09-02 09:43:20


George had stolen some money  and had been caught by the police. Now his 1 was about to be


George had stolen some money, and had been caught by the police. Now his 1 was about to begin. He felt 2 that he would be sent to prison for a long time. Then he 3 that his friend Jim was one of the members of the jury(陪审团). He succeeded in seeing him 4. He said to him, “Jim, I know that the jury will find me guilty of having stolen the money. I can’t hope to be found 5 of taking it. But I should be grateful 6 you if you could 7 the other members of the jury to 8 some strong 9 for me to their statement that they consider me seriously guilty.”

“Well, George,” answered Jim, “I shall 10 try to do what I can for you as an old friend, 11 I cannot promise you will be highly 12 with the result. The other eleven members of the jury are not 13 good terms with me.” Of course, George was very 14, but he did not have a 15 to see Jim for some time after the trial. At last, 16, Jim visited him in prison. George 17 him very much for what he had done.

“Well, George,” Jim told him, “18 I thought, those eleven men were very 19 to persuade, but I managed it in the end 20 tiring them out. You know, those fools had all wanted to find you not guilty!”

1. A. punishment B. trial C. sentence D. arrest

2. A. doubtful B. firm C. sure D. uncertain

3. A. wondered B. imagined C. explained D. discovered

4. A. secretly B. rarely C. often D. openly

5. A. guilty B. moral C. not moral D. not guilty

6. A. for B. with C. to D. of

7. A. please B. try C. persuade D. advise

8. A. add B. add up C. increase D. increase up

9. A. feeling B. mercy C. care D. excuse

10. A. difficulty B. easily C. certainly D. uncertainly

11. A. so B. but C. thus D. then

12. A. surprised B. supposed C. satisfied D. separated

13. A. in B. by C. on D. of

14. A. lucky B. unlucky C. pleased D. disappointed

15. A. time B. hope C. chance D. reason

16. A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. thus

17. A. complained B. criticized C. thanked D. envy

18. A. as B. like C. if D. though

19. A. foolish B. easy C. clever D. difficult

20. A. in B. by C. with D. after1-5BCDAD 6-10CCABC 11-15BCCCC 16-20BCADB


(答案→)1-5BCDAD 6-10CCABC 11-15BCCCC 16-20BCADB



1. B。根据上文“偷钱被警察抓住了”可判断是“审判”就要开始了。

2. C。根据前面的“偷钱”和“审判”得出答案,他认为“肯定”会被判入狱好长时间。

3. D。根据下文得出答案“他‘发现’他的朋友吉姆是陪审团的成员之一”。

4. A。因为他是犯人,所以是“秘密地”见他朋友。

5. D。根据上文,想找吉姆,其目的是希望不被“治罪”。

6. C。be grateful to sb(对某人感激)是固定用法。

7. C。表示希望吉姆“说服”其他陪审团的成员。

8. A。add 表示“增加、补充”,add up表示“把几个数加起来”,increase在此处不适合。

9. B。根据上文,找吉姆说服其他成员为他解脱罪责,是希望他们对他有些“怜悯”。

10. C。根据下文,“因为是老朋友”得出答案吉姆“一定会”为他尽力。

11. B。根据上下文可知是表示转折关系。

12. C。因为已为事实,只能是尽力,所以吉姆说“不能保证使你非常‘满意’”。

13. C。on term with sb.意为“和某人相处”是固定短语。

14. C。因为他朋友吉姆在陪审团,他又愿意为他尽力,所以他感到很“高兴”。

15. C。因为审判后有一段时间没“机会”见到吉姆了。

16. B。根据上下文推断是转折关系,其余选项不符句子的逻辑关系。

17. C。从后文“对他所做的”而表示“感谢”。

18. A。根据上下文可知句意是“像我所想的那样,那些人很难说服”。

19. D。根据后面的“managed”一词可判断答案。

20. B。表示通过某种“手段”用介词by。
