300字范文 > Jane doesnt intend to hunt work in no time because she supposes that if she a job she pr

Jane doesnt intend to hunt work in no time because she supposes that if she a job she pr

时间:2019-04-24 10:38:11


Jane doesnt intend to hunt work in no time because she supposes that if she  a job she pr


Jane doesn intend to hunt work in no time because she supposes that if she a job she probably wouldn be able to care for her sick parents as often as possible.

A. has to get

B. had got

C. were to get

D. could have got


A. has to get

B. had got

(答案→)C. were to get

D. could have got

解析:本句的意思是:“珍不打算马上寻找工作,她认为要是找了工作,就不能经常照顾她的生病的父母了”。这说明,珍目前没有工作。句中假设的情况在近期内并不会存在。该条件句应当用表示将来情况的虚拟语气。条件从句的谓语用should或were to引出。因此C. were to get 是本题答案。选项A. has to get是陈述语气的现在时,不能用于虚拟条件句中。选项B. had got是虚拟语气的过去时,不能表示将来时间。选项D. could have got不能用于虚拟语气的条件从句中。
