300字范文 > Do you think of your parents? Yes of course. You may answer ¨I buy a present for my moth

Do you think of your parents? Yes of course. You may answer ¨I buy a present for my moth

时间:2020-03-04 23:58:09


Do you think of your parents? Yes  of course. You may answer  ¨I buy a present for my moth


Do you think of your parents? Yes, of course. You may answer, ¨I buy a present for my mother on.And I give my father a present on Fathers Day, .” Then what about the other days of a year? Alwaysto think of your parents, not just on some important days.

I have a friend whoalone, because her parents live in another city. One day l went to see her. We had a nice chat. Then she wanted to make a.She dialed the number, but then she put the phone. After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again. Hi, Mum…”

Later I asked, Why did you dial the number?”she smiled, My parents are old. They can not get close to the telephone.I always do so when I call them. I just want to give themtime to answer the call.

My friend is a good girl. She is alwaysher parents. You also want to be a good child, right? So why not learn from her?

【小题1】A.Fathers DayB.Mothers Day C.Teachers DayD.Childrens Day【小题2】A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.yet【小题3】A.refuseB.forgetC.decideD.remember【小题4】A.livesB.staysC.playsD.works【小题5】A.faceB.cardC.callD.cake【小题6】A.upB.offC.downD.on【小题7】A.onceB.twiceC.several timesD.many times【小题8】A.lonelyB.slowlyC.quietlyD.quickly【小题9】A.fewB.littleC.enoughD.a lot【小题10】A.thinking about B.laughing atC.picking upD.looking forB




【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在母亲节的时候我给妈妈买礼物。由句意及下句话可知,给妈妈买礼物应是在母亲节,下句话提到在父亲节给父亲买礼物。C教师节;D 儿童节,不符合句意。故选B。

【小题2】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:在父亲节我也给父亲买礼物。根据上句话,母亲节给妈妈买礼物,当然父亲节也会给爸爸买礼物。故选A。also 应该放在句中;either 应该用于否定句;yet 还,已经;

【小题3】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:要记得总是想着你的父母,不要只是在一些重要的日子里。refuse 拒绝;forget 忘记;decide决定;remember 记得。这四个动词的后面都可以跟动词不定式,但只有remember 意思最合适,故选D。

【小题4】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我有一个独自居住的朋友,因为他的父母住在另外一个城市。live 居住;play 玩;stay呆,停留;work 工作。由它的下句话because her parents live in another city可知,作者的朋友一个人住。故选A。

【小题5】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:她想打一个电话。make a call, 打电话;A 做鬼脸;B 做卡片;D 做蛋糕。由下句话She dialed the number,她拨了号码,这句话可知,她是想打电话。故选C。

【小题6】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:她拨通了号码,但是随后又把它放下。本题考查put 和介词的搭配。put up 张贴,搭建;put off 推迟;put on 穿上,上演;put down 放下,镇压。根据下句话After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again,她又拨通了号码,可知这里是把电话放下了。故选C。


【小题8】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:我的父母都老了,他们不能很快地走近电话。由句意可知,父母都是老人,行动比较慢。A 孤独地;B 慢地;C 安静地;D 快地。因为这句话用了否定式,所以B不对。故选D。

【小题9】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我总是给他们充足的时间接电话。few 很少的,修饰可数名词,这里不符合句意;little 很少的,修饰不可数名词,同样不符合句意。a lot 很多的,修饰名词时后加of 。故选C。

【小题10】考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:我的朋友是一个好女孩,她总是想着她的父母。本句话照应前文Do you think of your parents,也是这篇文章的中心意思,要时刻想着自己的父母。laugh at 嘲笑;pick up 拾起,捡起;look for 寻找,都不符合句意。故选A。
