300字范文 > 【穷爸爸富爸爸】《穷爸爸富爸爸》读后感我要英文的...


时间:2023-03-13 22:29:04




《穷爸爸富爸爸》读后感我要英文的... 英语


【答案】 中文的:富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书是一本十分畅销也十分“另类”的书,畅销书作家罗伯特·清崎用自己的亲身经历讲述了富人如何教育孩子有关金钱的问题,而这些看似常识的关于金钱的观念和知识却是穷人和中产阶级家庭所没有的.可以说作者在此书中一语道破了“富人的秘密”. 作者的亲生父亲在斯坦福大学、芝加哥大学、西北大学等美国著名学府均取得学位,受过全面的高等教育.然而,虽然他拥有体面的工作,收入颇丰,却终身面临财务困境.而他朋友的父亲中学就缀学了,却因为有正确面对金钱的观念和超人的理财技能和商业才干,成为了一个乐观的亿万富翁. 现实生活中的比尔·盖茨、富特、戴尔等成功人士均没有接受或未完成高等教育,而他们是现实社会的成功者.这类现实的确向包括美国这样不避讳金钱的国家的教育提出了挑战.到底人们在学校里学到了什么?为什么医生、律师等专业人士同样会面临财务窘境?为什么穷人越来越穷,富人越来越富?富人们理财的秘密是什么?他们是怎样发展起来的? 《富爸爸,穷爸爸》的作者第一次通俗地说明了富人的秘密,他通过自己亲身经历印证了走向财务自由的首要观念,在这一点上穷人和中产阶级与富人有天壤之别:穷人和中产阶级让自己为了钱工作;富人则让钱为自己工作.在这个观点的基础上,作者进一步阐明了资产与负债的定义和关系.作者认为只有能不断地为自己挣钱的财产才叫资产,而凡是让自己不断花钱的都叫负债,这种定义尽管看上去很简单,但实质上却充满了人生智慧.在如何处理负债和资产的关系方面,作者用财商的观念解释了每一个人在面对金钱游戏规则时都应该知道的理财技巧和知识. 罗伯特·清崎所揭示出的富人秘密的确让人大吃一惊,既然“现金流”早已是现代社会 “古老”的游戏规则,那么为什么像美国人这样的“现代人”仍然不能从容面对它呢?甚至许多人还对此羞涩、“难过”呢?其实,作者所说的财商是每一个人都具备的,只是许多人被一些传统的金钱观念桎梏着,逃不出“思维的牢笼”.另外,更多的人虽然可以拥有很高的教育水平,却缺乏一些最基本的理财知识.看了《富爸爸,穷爸爸》的人不禁要问自己:一个人可以花几十年的功夫用于知识的学习,为什么不能用几个月甚至几个星期学学理财呢? 还有很多人把财务的困惑或缺钱归纳为知识的不足,总是想办法去多学知识,取个什么学位或什么证书之类的,这又是另一种形式的误区,作者在他自如的叙述中轻松地打破了这种“财商的面纱”. 正因为用亲身经历为证据,作者打破了许多关于理财的错误观念,伴随着《富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书在全球的畅销,许多读者面对金钱时的软弱内心被摧毁可以说在全球形成了近十年来人们理财观念的最大冲击波,清崎的“富爸爸”系列产品在全世界已成燎原之势. 世界上到处都是有才华的穷人.在很多情况下,他们之所以贫穷或财务困难,或者只能挣到低于他们本来能够挣到的收入,不是因为他们已知的东西而是因为他们未知的东西.他们只将注意力集中在提高和完善做汉堡包的技能上,却不注意提高销售和发送汉堡包的技能.也许麦当劳不能做最好的汉堡包,但他们能够在做出一般水平的汉堡包的前提下,做最好的销售和发送工作. 我们看到如此之多渴望得到晋升和加薪的员工,那么晋升和加薪能够满足他们实现心中梦想的愿望吗?一般不会.如果在企业满足不了晋升和加薪的要求,或许有人会作出跳槽的举动,但跳槽后情况会依然如此.最终的结果往往是抱有此类心态的人员不会因为报酬的多少彼此之间产生什么本质的区别,相反,那些用思考代替贪婪,区分职业和事业(为自己工作还是为别人工作),明辨资产和负债(能够源源不断带来收入的叫资产,导致帐单发生的叫负债),果断把握机会的人,才能够实现为自己和社会创造财富的目标. 因此,职场的人员一定要放弃单纯依赖晋升和加薪来改善生活质量的想法,而应该在工作中勤于思考,不断增加自己的资产(各类投资,如证券、房地产、知识和技能).

英文:Rich dad and poor dad is a very popular book is also alternative book, the best-selling author Robert kiyosaki with own experience about how rich education children about money problems, but these seemingly common sense about money ideas and knowledge is the poor and middle class families do not have. The authors say their victims in the book rich mans secret. The authors biological father at Stanford university, university of Chicago, northwest university and other famous American universities are obtained the degree of higher education, an overall. However, although he owns a decent job, lucrative, but lifelong faced with financial difficulties. And his friends father school and compose learned, but because there are faced correctly money ideas and superman money management skills and business talents, became an optimistic billionaire. Real-life Bill Gates, novotel, dell successfully all did not accept or unfinished higher education, and they are realistic social success. This kind of reality does not afraid to including the United States that the countrys money education poses a challenge. What people in school learn? Why do doctors, lawyers and professionals will face the same kind of financial dilemma? Why the poor get poorer, the rich get richer? Rich people finance is the secret? How they developed? Rich dad and poor dad author first popularly illustrates the secret of the rich, he, through your own personal experience proves to the financial freedom primary ideas, at this point the poor and middle class and the rich difference: the poor and middle class let oneself work for the money, The rich are let money work for himself. In this view, on the basis of the authors further clarifies the definition of assets and liabilities and relationship. The authors think that only can unceasingly for the money I earned the propertys assets, and those that let oneself constantly spending all call liabilities, this definition although look very simple, but in essence is full of life wisdom. On how to deal with debt and assets relations, the authors use money business ideas explain each person in the face of money game rules should know the financial management skills and knowledge. Robert kiyosaki which were revealed in the rich secret indeed were surprising, since cash flow is already modern society old rules of the game, so why like americans such modern still cannot unhurried facing it? Even many people also this shy and sad? Actually, the authors say money business is that everyone have, but many people were some of the traditional concept of money shackles, there was no escape from the cage thinking. In addition, more people though it can have high education level, but lack the basic knowledge of conduct financial transactions. See rich dad and poor dad people can not help but ask yourself: a man can take decades of kung fu used in the knowledge learning, why can use a few months or even weeks to learn finance? There are many people off the financial confusion or lack of money for the knowledge of inductive insufficient, always try to learn more knowledge, to take what degree or what certificate and so on, this is another form of the error, the author in his free of narration in easily broken this wealth shang veil. Because of using experiences as the evidence, the author broke many wrong ideas about personal, along with rich dad and poor dad in the global best-selling book, many readers of weak heart when facing money can be destroyed in the global formation in recent years people the biggest shock, financial management concept of kiyosaki rich dad series of products in the world has already become the fervour of power. The world is full of talented poor. In many cases, they are poor or financial difficulties, or only earn less than they could have earned income, not because of their known things but because they unknown things. They only focus on improving and perfecting cooked hamburgers skills, but do not pay attention to improve sales and send hamburger skills. Maybe McDonalds best hamburgers can do, but they can make the average hamburger premise, do the best sales and send work. We see so many yearn for promotion and raise the employee, then promotion and salary can meet them to realize their dreams wish? General won . If the enterprise can satisfy the promotion and salary request, perhaps someone will do job-hopping act, but after job-hopping situation will still is. The final result is often have such mentality personnel won because of how much each other remuneration occurs between what substaintial distinction, instead, those who use thinking instead of greed, distinguished career and career (work for themselves or for another job), distinguish the assets and liabilities (continuously bring income bill called balance, leading to happen that liabilities), decisive grasp the opportunity, to realize social create wealth for themselves and the target. Therefore, professional personnel must give up relying solely on promotion and salary to improve the quality of life of thinking, and should in work diligent in thinking, increase their own assets (kinds of investment, such as stock, real estate, knowledge and skills).

