300字范文 > 【冰上公主】急求《冰上公主》的英文影评.150字左右.


时间:2022-05-31 01:10:00




急求《冰上公主》的英文影评.150字左右. 英语


【答案】 Doing what you know you were meant to do in life can often be a very difficult thing to achieve, and there are a rare few people with the courage it takes to follow that call. That’s the message lying at the heart of Ice Princess, though the movie takes the long route getting to it. The film gets off to a rocky start, tracing absurd lines around the kind of plot one would expect from a silly made-for-Disney-Channel movie. Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg) is a junior in high school and something of a science genius. Thrown in for good measure is the simple joy she takes in ice skating on the pond in her rural backyard. Her mother Joan (Joas Cusack), a bitterly feminist woman, dreams of the day when her brilliant daughter will rise above her humble roots to study physics at Harvard. Since the prestigious school doesn’t come cheap, Casey jumps at the chance for a scholarship by completing a special physics project. She must find a research subject that has scientific merit but, of course, is also something she is passionate about. Despite that shaky beginning, the cinema zamboni pays Ice Princess a little visit less than half way through, glossing over the gaping plot holes and giving the actors smooth ice to sink their skates into. The result is a story that makes as much of a comeback as its title character, revealing a movie with a lot of genuine heart and depth. I’d be lying if I said there weren’t moments towards the end where I wanted to cheer out loud. With some adjustment to the beginning parts of the film, Ice Princess could easily have become the kind of G-rated gold that Disney struck with The Rookie. Sadly, its initial weaknesses leave it standing squarely on the silver medalist platform.
