300字范文 > 【promis】Promisie有谁知道promise这首英文诗的意思?有谁知道promise这首...


时间:2022-03-07 16:30:34




Promisie有谁知道 promise 这首英文诗的意思?有谁知道 promise 这首英文诗的意思?标签:英文诗,promise,意思 PromisieBy jessica sillsAs you sit ni silence Wondering why Ill be your shoulder to cry on Until your tears run dry .When youve been hurt,And can believe what theyve done If you need someone to talk to Ill be the one.If a close friend hurts you ,And you don understand Remember lm here,Ill lend a helping hand .Burdens are lighter When carried by two ,And l just want you to konwlm here for you. 英语


【答案】 Promise 承诺

by Jessica Sills 杰西卡 西尔斯(著)

As you sit in silence,当你静静地坐着

Wondering why 苦思不解

I will be your shoulder to cry on 我将是你在哭泣时可以倚靠的肩膀

Until your tears run dry.直到你的眼泪流干

When you have been hurt,当你受伤

And can believe what theyve done 难以相信他们的所作所为

If you need someone to talk to 若你需要向某人倾诉

Ill be the one.我将会是那个倾听的人

If a close friend hurts you,若你最好的朋友伤害了你

And you don understand你无法理解

Remember Im here,请一定记住我就在这里

Ill lend a helping hand.我会向你伸出援助之手

Burdens are lighter 担负会减轻

when carried by two,当它由两人共同承担

And I just want you to know 我只想让你知道

Im here for you.我一直伴你左右.
