300字范文 > 【实验室英文】帮忙写一篇关于实验室的英语作文!要求:假如有美国朋友来你校实验...


时间:2022-07-02 20:43:23




帮忙写一篇关于实验室的英语作文!要求:假如有美国朋友来你校实验室参观,你用英语向他们介绍你们使用实验室的情况.80词.情况 应该如何做在实验室之前:为实验做准备.在实验室里:听从老师指示.未经允许不得去触摸任何东西.离开时:把仪器放回橱柜.打扫实验室关窗、关门提示词汇:仪器instrument;橱柜cupboard;锁lock.开头已给出,不计入总词汇.First welcome to our school lab.Im very happy to要初中水平写的! 英语


【答案】 Welcome to our school lab.Im very happy to introduce our schools lab to you.

Well.before doing any experiments,there are a few laboratory safety rules that we must remember.

First off,the most important thing is conduct ourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.As you see ,the students should follow teachersinstructions carefully. If we do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, we need to ask our teacher before proceeding with the activity.

Also,students should not touch any equipment, instruments, or other materials in the laboratory area until we are instructed to do so.

When leaving the labortory, students need to put back all the instruments back into the cupboard and keep the laboratory clean and tidily.

Lastly,we also need to close all the windows and lock the doors of the lab.

After my inrtroduction,i hope you understand a bit about the safety rules of the lab in our school.

