300字范文 > 【那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人】英语翻译那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人啊that'stheonei...


时间:2022-07-11 17:38:26




英语翻译那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人啊thats the one i have been missing days and nights,the one I deeply loved 到底我该如何表达,她会接受我吗How the heck can I express it?Will she accept me?也许永远都不会跟她说出那句话Maybe Ill never say those words to her.注定我要浪迹天涯,怎么能有牵挂I was bound to wander around the world ,being free from care.梦想总是遥不可及,是不是应该放弃Dreams are always unreachable .Should I give it up?花开花落又是一季,春天啊,你在哪里.Flowers blossomed and flowers drooped.Oh,Spring,where are you?青春如同奔流的江河,一去不回来不及道别Youth is like a turbulent river .Once gone,never back.只剩下麻木的我没有了当年的热血Only leaving a numb me without the passion I had.看那漫天飘零的花朵Seeing the flowers that are dancing in the sky在最美丽的时刻凋谢drooping at their most beautiful有谁会记得这世界它来过Who remembers that they have been to this world?转眼过去,多年世间,多少离合悲欢Time flew,people got together and farewelled曾经志在四方少年羡慕南飞的雁There were teenagers who have great dreams and they admired the wild gooses.各自奔前程的身影匆匆渐行渐远Travelling for their dreams,they gradually broke apart未来在哪里平凡,.谁给我答案In the future,where will we be ordinary?AH!Who can give me the answer?那时陪伴我的人哪,你们如今在何方Those who accompanied me at that time,where are you now?我曾经爱过的人啊,现在是什么模样The one I loved ,what,s your appearance now?当初的愿望实现了吗,事到如今只好祭奠吗Have you accomplished your dreams 任岁月风干理想再也找不回真的我Ages killed my dreams ,andI can find the real me back抬头仰望这漫天星河那时候陪伴我的那颗Look upon the stars in the sky.Look the star which accompanied me then这里的故事你是否还记得.Do you still remember the stories here?生活像一把无情刻刀,改变了我们模样.Life is like a NON-MERCY knife,changed our outlook未曾绽放就要枯萎吗,我有过梦想Droop before blossom?I had dreams .我是一个高中生,希望能学好英语.希望大家指出我的错误,让我不要再同一个坑摔两次.老男孩翻译英文 英语


【答案】 那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人啊thats the one i have been missing days and nights,the one I deeply loved

That is my day and night miss deep love man that s the one I have been missing days and nights, the one I deeply loved

到底我该如何表达,她会接受我吗How the heck can I express it?Will she accept me?

Exactly How do I express, she will accept me? How the heck can I express it? Will she accept me?

也许永远都不会跟她说出那句话Maybe Ill never say those words to her.

Maybe never say to her that sentence Maybe I l l never say those words to her.

注定我要浪迹天涯,怎么能有牵挂I was bound to wander around the world ,being free from care.

I want to roaming, how can have cared about I was bound to wander around the world, being free from care.

梦想总是遥不可及,是不是应该放弃Dreams are always unreachable .Should I give it up?

Dreams are unreachable, Should give up Dreams are always unreachable. Should I give it up?


Blossom is one season, spring ah, where you are.

Flowers blossomed and flowers drooped.Oh,Spring,where are you?

Flowers blossomed and Flowers drooped. Oh, Spring, where are you?

青春如同奔流的江河,一去不回来不及道别Youth is like a turbulent river .Once gone,never back.

The Youth like running the rivers, never say goodbye to back less than Youth is like a turbulent river. Once gone, never back.

只剩下麻木的我没有了当年的热血Only leaving a numb me without the passion I had.

I have not Only numb that reached the blood Only leaving a numb me without the passion I had.

看那漫天飘零的花朵Seeing the flowers that are dancing in the sky

Look at the sky the fallen flowers Seeing the flowers that are dancing in happiest


In the most beautiful moment wither

drooping at their most beautiful

Drooping at their most beautiful

有谁会记得这世界它来过Who remembers that they have been to this world?

Who will remember this world it to Who remembers that they have been to this world?

转眼过去,多年世间,多少离合悲欢Time flew,people got together and farewelled

A moment in the past, many years the world, and how much on-off Time flew, people got together and farewelled

曾经志在四方少年羡慕南飞的雁There were teenagers who have great dreams and they admired the wild gooses.

Once at the four winds young envy the geese fly south There were teenagers who have great dreams and they admired the wild gooses.

各自奔前程的身影匆匆渐行渐远Travelling for their dreams,they gradually broke apart

Their future figure in a hurry rush habbit is Travelling for their dreams, they gradually broke apart

未来在哪里平凡,啊..谁给我答案In the future,where will we be ordinary?AH! Who can give me the answer?

In the future where ordinary, ah... Who gave me the answer In the future, where will we be ordinary? AH! Who can give me the answer?

那时陪伴我的人哪,你们如今在何方Those who accompanied me at that time,where are you now?

At that time to accompany my man, where you are now in Those who accompanied me at that time, where are you now?

我曾经爱过的人啊,现在是什么模样The one I loved ,what,s your appearance now?

I have loved man, now what shape is The one I loved, what, s your appearance now?

当初的愿望实现了吗,事到如今只好祭奠吗Have you accomplished your dreams ?

At the beginning the wishes realization of it by now had to memorial? Have you accomplished your dreams?

任岁月风干理想再也找不回真的我Ages killed my dreams ,andI can find the real me back

Air drying ideal for years will no longer find back to really me Ages killed my dreams, andI can find the real me back

抬头仰望这漫天星河那时候陪伴我的那颗Look upon the stars in the sky.Look the star which accompanied me then

The sky looked up at the Milky Way is that time to accompany my that bright Look upon the stars in happiest, Look the star which accompanied me then


Here story if you remember.

Do you still remember the stories here?

Do you still remember the stories here?

生活像一把无情刻刀,改变了我们模样.Life is like a NON-MERCY knife,changed our outlook

Life is like a ruthless kedao, changed our appearance. Life is like a as MERCY knife, changed our outlook

未曾绽放就要枯萎吗,我有过梦想Droop before blossom? I had dreams .

Not bloom will wither? I have a dream Droop before blossom? I had dreams 追问:你狗莫? 追答:什么?
