300字范文 > 难忘的国庆节假期英语作文精编


时间:2019-05-22 06:09:08






Several days of effort, finally in today to show you! At a crucial moment can do these small doudou?

More than 11 o 'clock in the morning, I will let the children put on new clothes - our naval uniform. Well, very nice! One by one spirit. Wear good clothes, our parents are also keen to help, prepared to give them a makeup, but it was too hot, just draw good makeup is sweat to flush out for a while. A ponytail on girls, and I also want to take Shanghai service cap, but because of too hot, have to the thermal pain give up what one favours.

12 noon 30 points, we have everything ready, the radio has also called for a password. The children sitting on the seat, waiting for the command issued. Really have little soldier. "Check the sitting position - 3 minutes" radio gave the instruction, we children do would immediately, also dare not move. 3 minutes is not a short time, a test for them.

Set - "1-2-3-4-5 -" five seconds later, the team went, four-way team straight out. "1-2-1" shouted password, strut their children through the steps. Come to the playground, sports teacher let us wait, other students of grade one approach, the tidy team to see our children praised straight.

Finally turn to broadcast gymnastics competition, "the team to tidy, hand to straight." The teachers are in almost every class, but we understand where the small doudou, can look at the front of the teacher finished already good!

Next is our military training thear. But from the sixth grade one turn, so big of the sun, it's not a little difficult.

You see, in less than three minutes, small doug have no patience to watch. Squat down down, pulling the weeds, talk the talk, the most were Shouting to drink water. This help a little haywire, teachers how to coax, again how to cheat to no avail.

Finally give them onto the grass can sit down to watch, only slightly better.

"To show us a class 1 below." "March, 121, 121..." Shout password, four founder began to move. "The 1234 - day light light blue, light light blue, the sea anchor, Yang sail, the little play, dreams are set sail." Children shouted, waving the red flag, in their own way to congratulate the birthday of the motherland.

Although, we haven't senior team so neat, although we have not senior so loud and clear voice, but the children's heart and senior big brother big sister, love his motherland mother! '





十多分钟后,我们来到了爷爷出生的地方 玉林市城北区高山村,远远的便看到爷爷和很多老家的亲戚都站在门口迎接我们。我赶紧下车,一头扑进爷爷的怀里,看到这么多亲戚围着我问长问短的,我满足极了。





