300字范文 > 伯德图 bode diagram英语短句 例句大全

伯德图 bode diagram英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-21 13:09:29


伯德图 bode diagram英语短句 例句大全

伯德图,bode diagram

1)bode diagram伯德图

1.There are derivative equation,transfer function,block diagram,Bode diagram,Nyquist diagram and root-locus method as the specific analytical methods.具体的分析法有微分方程,传递函数,方框图,伯德图,奈奎斯特图和根轨迹等。

2.Though the presented expression is helpful for students to analyze and synthesize control systems by frequency characteristic method,the importance of drawingbode diagram should still be emphasized during the teaching process.伯德图由对数幅频特性和对数相频特性两条曲线构成。


1.log-magnitude and phase diagram响应幅相图,伯德图

2.An Analytical Method of Seeking Cutoff Frequency in Bode Diagram在伯德图上求截止频率的一种解析方法

3.The Bosonization Study of Ground State Phase Diagram of 1-D Hubbard Model;一维扩展赫伯德模型基态相图的玻色化研究

4.Alfred Berg of the University of Washington in Seattle led the study.西雅图华盛顿大学的阿尔佛雷德?伯格带领了这次研究。

5.Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich张伯伦在慕尼黑企图以牺牲苏台德地区来安抚希特勒

6.Mr Bernotat"s grand plan is facing strong resistance in Madrid.伯诺泰特的宏伟蓝图正面临马德里方面强有力的阻挠。

7.CHAOS- Sorceror who was trying to hunt down Haborym, but was killed by Denim and his battalion.CHAOS-试图追捕哈伯利姆的巫士,被德尼姆的部队拦杀。

8.a figural design; the figurative art of the humanistic tradition- Herbert Read.象征性的图案;人文主义传统象征艺术-何伯特·鲁德。

9.Borussia Dortmund have snapped up Juventus defender Robert Kovac.多特蒙德已经准备尽快够入尤文图斯后卫罗伯特·科瓦奇。

10.Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑企图牺牲苏台德地区来安抚希特勒。

11.Sherwood Robert E.罗伯特·E·舍伍德

12.Rubeus Hagrid: Dry up, Dersley, you great prune.鲁伯·格:少罗嗦,德思礼,你这个大苯伯。

13."Bonnie can marry Beau, Uncle Rhett.""邦妮可以跟小博结婚嘛,瑞德伯伯。"

14.Deeb tried to move to the cockpit, but security guards shot and killed him, said Mohammad Asfour, 33, a passenger who was also wounded.迪伯试图进入机长室,但是被乘警开枪击毙,33岁受伤的乘客摩哈默德.阿斯夫说。

15.the fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character"s eye(Nigel Andrews)云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动(奈杰尔 安德鲁斯)

16.the fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character"s eye(bNigel Andrews)云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动(b奈杰尔 安德鲁斯)

17.Giant Hydrocarbon Accumulation Zone of Wende Carbonate in Nepa-Botuaoba Anticline,Siberian Platform(translated by Li Guodu)西伯利亚地台涅帕-鲍图奥巴台背斜文德系碳酸盐岩巨型油气聚集带

18.Birdsong was baiting you, wasn"t he?伯德桑想引你上钩,是吧?


singular value Bode奇异值伯德图

3)The D urbervilles德伯

4)Bernard Barber伯纳德·巴伯

1.Bernard Barber holds that Marxist scientific sociology needs amendment and purification because Marx only recognizes “economic factor".伯纳德·巴伯认为,马克思只承认“经济因素”对科学进步产生作用,因而提出对马克思主义的科学社会学要进行“修正和纯化”。

5)Sudbury[英]["s?db?ri][美]["s?d,b?ri, -b?ri]萨德伯雷

1.From Moonscape to One of The Ten Best Canada Cities in Which to Live--Sudbury s Landscape Healing.;从月球般的荒凉到加拿大最适合人类居住的十大城市之一——加拿大萨德伯雷市的环境治理经验

6)Rydberg state里德伯态

1.The optical-optical double resonance multiphoton ionization (OODR-MPI) technique has been applied to the study of theRydberg states of nitrogen dioxide.谱线归属结果表明,所得OODR-MPI谱对应于NO2分子3pσu里德伯态的三光子共振吸收,获得了该态的对称伸缩振动频率ω1=(1442。


伯德,W.英国作曲家。1543年生于林肯郡,167月4日卒于埃塞克斯。1563年任林肯大教堂管风琴师。约后,为伦敦皇家小教堂成员,并与T.塔利斯一起任该小教堂管风琴师。1575年,伊丽莎白女王准予伯德和塔利斯在英国出版和销售乐谱的专利权。伯德长于宗教音乐的创作,是16世纪英国复调音乐的杰出代表人物之一。他写下了大量作品,以天主教弥撒曲(共 3首)和经文歌最为著名,其中两本《天主教经文歌集》分别于1605、1607年出版。此外,还写了不少英国教会音乐、复调歌曲、维吉纳琴曲和维奥尔琴曲等。
