300字范文 > 20头母猪需要多少产床 20头母猪需要多少个产床

20头母猪需要多少产床 20头母猪需要多少个产床

时间:2020-11-23 13:38:35


20头母猪需要多少产床 20头母猪需要多少个产床

2. 然后计算产床数量。 对于20头母猪而言,可以选择比例方法,即每10头母猪需要1个产床。 因此,20头母猪需要2个产床。

3. 计算成本。 产床的成本因类型和尺寸而异。 固定产床的成本通常在200至400元之间,而可调节产床的成本则在500至800元之间。 如果选择固定产床,则需要400元×2个=800元。 如果选择可调节产床,则需要800元×2个=1600元。

4. 考虑其他因素。 除了产床数量和成本,还需要考虑其他因素,例如可持续性、易清洁性、防滑性和长期维护成本等。 还应考虑其他设备,例如饮水器和喂食器,以确保母猪在生长和繁殖期间得到足够的水和食物。

5. 结论。 对于20头母猪而言,需要2个产床。 若要选择固定产床,则成本约为800元; 如果选择可调节产床,则成本约为1600元。 在选购产床时,应考虑其他因素,例如可持续性、易清洁性、防滑性和长期维护成本等。

In pig farming, sow beds or farrowing crates are essential equipment for rearing pregnant and nursing sows. The farrowing crate is a tool for restricting the sow’s movements and provides safety and comfort during the birthing process. The number of farrowing crates required will depend on the number of sows in the herd, the gestation length, and the frequency of farrowing. In this article, we will discuss the number of farrowing crates required for 20 mother pigs.

2. Farrowing Crate Dimensions

Farrowing crates are metal or plastic pens designed for pregnant sows to give birth and take care of nursing piglets. The size of the crate should be wide enough for the sow to lie down and move around but narrow enough to prevent crushing the piglets. The size of the crate should be about 7 x 2.5 feet or 2.13 x 0.76 meters. The height of the crate should be adjustable depending on the size of the sow, with most crates ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet or 0.91 to 1.07 meters tall.

3. Number of Farrowing Crates Required

Determining the number of farrowing crates required for a pig farming operation needs careful consideration. The sows should be housed in farrowing crates a few days before giving birth and kept in the crate with their piglets for around 4-6 weeks. Twenty mother pigs will require a minimum of 20 farrowing crates if all the sows farrow at the same time. However, this is usually not the case.

3.1. Farrowing Frequency

Sows farrow every six months on average, with a gestation period of around 114 days or approximately 3.8 months. To ensure a steady supply of piglets, farmers usually stagger the farrowing cycle every three weeks. In this way, a pig farm can have piglets available for sale year-round.

3.2. Culling of Sows

Older and unproductive sows will be culled or removed from the herd. The number of sows that need farrowing crates is reduced, hence making the number of farrowing crates required lower.

3.3. Late and Early Farrows

Sows can sometimes farrow before or after the gestation period. These sows will need farrowing crates, but not on the same schedule as the rest of the herd. There should always be a few extra farrowing crates available for such situations.

3.4. Space and Budget

The number of farrowing crates should be considered based on the available space and budget. Additional crates can be stacked on top of each other or placed side by side to maximize space utilization.

4. Conclusion
