300字范文 > 双语:乔治小王子提前获得两岁生日的纪念币


时间:2019-03-30 03:55:51



Prince William and Kate Middletons son, who turns two years old next week on July 22, has been honored with a special limited edition commemorative coin produced by Englands Royal Mint. 威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿的儿子,下周7月22日就满两周岁了,他被授予一个由英国皇家制币厂制造的特殊的限量版纪念币。 The sterling silver £5 coin features an image of Christian martyr Saint George battling the mythical dragon and was reimagined by artist Christopher Le Brun. The other side features the current portrait of Georges great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II done by Jody Clark. 这个纯银的5英镑硬币内容是基督教殉教士Saint George与神话中的龙在战斗,由艺术家Christopher Le Brun构思设计。另一面的内容是Jody Clark所画的乔治伟大的祖母伊丽莎白女王最近的肖像。 "The choice of the St. George design to honor Prince Georges birthday is an apt one—the name George has long had links with the British monarchy and its coinage, there having been six kings of that name during the Royal Mints 1,000 year history," Shane Bissett, director of commemorative coin and bullion at the Royal Mint, said. "The choice of a silver GBP5 coin is significant too as the tradition of crossing the palm of a new born baby with silver is a way to wish them wealth and good health throughout their life." “选择St. George这个设计与乔治王子的生日非常贴切,乔治这个名字与英国的君主制和铸币制一直有关联,在皇家铸币厂1000年的历史上有六个国王是这个名字。”皇家铸币厂纪念币和金币部门的负责人Shane Bissett说,“选择5英镑银币也是有重大意义的,作为传统让新生儿把银制品放在手中是为了祝愿他们一生的财富和健康。” Georges new commemorative coin will cost buyers £80 ($125) and fans better act fast! The Royal Mint only made 7,500 of the limited edition collectors item. 乔治的新纪念币价值80英镑(125美元)并且粉丝们最好是快点行动起来!皇家铸币厂只制造了7500枚限量版本。
