300字范文 > 常见动物英文介绍:世界真奇妙之海豚(双语)


时间:2021-06-27 11:02:17



·I live in all the oceans of the world but am found most often in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. ·Im best known for living in the salt-water oceans. But I have been known to live in some fresh-water rivers, especially the Amazon in South America. ·I make my home in water but have to come to the surface to breathe. ·I have a slender body and a long, rounded nose. There is a hole on the top of my head that I use for breathing. My mouth is full of sharp, cone-shaped teeth. · Im often shown on TV as blue, but Im actually more of a gray color with a white belly. If I live in the Pacific Ocean, I can be gray with black spots. ·I can be quite small, about 4 feet (1.2 meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to tail! ·I can be many different weights, from almost 150 pounds (about 65 kilograms) to almost 1,500 pounds (about 650 kilograms)! ·I eat a lot of fish and squid each day, up to one-third of my body weight! ·Im a very fast and powerful swimmer and can out swim almost all of my enemies. ·I communicate and find my way around in the water using clicking sounds and whistles. 海豚——地图上涂蓝色的地方是我的家 有趣的常识:科学家认为海豚是非常聪明的动物。它善于交流,能很快很容易地学会一些技巧。有时人们也会把“dolphin”称作“porpoise”(海豚)。但是“dolphin”有长圆形的鼻子和锥形的牙齿,而“porpoise” 的鼻子却是扁平形,牙齿是凿形的。 ·我生活在世界的各大洋中,但人们常见我在大西洋和太平洋中。 ·众所周知,我生活在盐水洋,但是我也生活在一些淡水河,尤其是南美的亚马逊河。 ·我把家安在水中,但不得不游到水面进行呼吸。 ·我身体细长,鼻子长圆形。我的头顶上有一个洞用来呼吸。我的口中满是尖尖的锥形牙齿。 ·电视上的我通常是蓝色的,但实际上的我更多的是灰色,腹部发白。如果我生活在太平洋,我的颜色很可能是带有黑点的灰色。 ·我可能十分小,从鼻到尾约4英尺(1.2米)长或者十分大,达到30英尺(约9米)长! ·我的体重也可能多种多样,从近150英镑(约65千克)到近1500英镑(约650千克)。 ·我每天吃许多鱼和鱿鱼,能达到我体重的三分之一! ·我游泳快速且强有力,能击败几乎所有的敌人。 ·在水中,我使用滴答声和口哨声进行交流和寻找周围的路线。 编辑推荐(编辑:何莹莹)
